ANALYSIS Somalia is becoming worse than ever, no improvement in sight.

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I think any future Somali government needs to come to some sort of EU like deal with Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Our food will be grown in the Highlands of Ethiopia and Oromia. In exchange Somalia becomes the manufacturing and energy hub of the horn. Our climate is too unpredictable and our land too infertile and drought-ridden to rely on it to sustain us.


Somalia is screwed how many people tried to get rid of that curse that is qabil let's just join our fellow ethiopian brothers:friendhug:
I think any future Somali government needs to come to some sort of EU like deal with Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Our food will be grown in the Highlands of Ethiopia and Oromia. In exchange Somalia becomes the manufacturing and energy hub of the horn. Our climate is too unpredictable and our land too infertile and drought-ridden to rely on it to sustain us.
I agree, an EU style org is the way forward whilst we still maintain our own respective nations. It's a very practical solution to the problems we face as Somalis.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I think any future Somali government needs to come to some sort of EU like deal with Ethiopia, Djibouti and Eritrea. Our food will be grown in the Highlands of Ethiopia and Oromia. In exchange Somalia becomes the manufacturing and energy hub of the horn. Our climate is too unpredictable and our land too infertile and drought-ridden to rely on it to sustain us.
It is not lack of physical resources that plague us but lack of human resources.

Low IQ Somalis back home massively cutting down trees and exporting charcoal to the UAE ao Arabs can smoke shiisha at our expense. They can only see the vital trees as a short term cash crop and arent reseeding

This is accelerating our desertification at a massive pace and climate change isnt helping.

I once tried to explain this and all I received as a response from locals was that was "sheekada gaalada":z1banet::francis::jcoleno:
The new WB release on its grant support to the FGS supports my understanding of what is going on in Somalia.

1- Population growth is about~3 according to the WB, I would estimate it closer to 4%.
2- WB is projecting 3.5% - 4.5% economic growth from now to 2022. This means that the most important thing, gdp per capita, will grow only 0.5% to 1.5% yearly in the best case. This is basically stagnation.

3- Food production in Somalia has declined by 40% in the past 12 years. Production in Southern Somalia is getting lower every year, and Somaliland has fallen out of the picture. Keep in mind that the Gu 2018 was the best Gu in over 20 years. Yet crop production in Southern Somalia went up only 17%, and it fell by 58% in Somaliland.
Even though more rain fell in 2018 than in any other year since 1998, crop production is basically stagnant in the short term and falling in the medium to long term. You are starting to see the effects of land degradation. Degraded land is not capable of providing much room for increased production even when rainfall is more than adequate.
2002 and 2010, both years with significantly less rainfall than 2018, had much larger crops than 2018.




Somalia is basically exporting livestock to pay for its grain. It will soon start importing more grain than it is exporting livestock, relying on aid and remittances to fund this trade deficit. This is one of the more dangerous dynamics at play in Somalia, because global grain prices fluctuate wildly. The next famine may come about as a result of a sharp increase in global grain prices.

A summary of all this is that Somalia is getting worse and worse every year and is falling further and further behind its neighbors.

The crazy thing is and the only glimmer of hope that Somalia has is that even though a substantial part of the country is under the control of al shabaab and we have a broken political system with multiple presidents and multiple foreign actors within our country.

In terms of development and poverty , Somalia is average in terms of sub Saharan African countries , even though these countries have stable political system , access to international financial markets and so on and so forth. Somalia even with this important things absent is right in the middle in terms of development and poverty.


I did some further research on Somalia pre civil war economy and in terms of standard of living and poverty in terms of other sub Saharan African countries our poverty rate and standard of living and found out that Somalia poverty rate was substantially lower than other African countries and standard of living also. This is bare in mind with an economy completely reliant on livestock exports agriculture and remittances and development only focused on xamar with a corrupt dictatorship and a weird socialist economy . ( I plan to make a huge thread about this soon)

The future is in the hands of Somalis, if they choose to keep this broken political system we have with our corrupt leaders , useless federal government and regional governments then Somalia will continue being an average poor African country. If they choose to let their qabyaalad aside and seek reconciliation and support a non corrupt government then Somalia will leap frog other African countries in terms of poverty and development.
Everytime a Somali president says the same shit of improving the country I yawn. We all know it won't happen it's annoying that they literally don't do shit. We are too comfortable with leaders lying to the people about how somalia will become great again but they don't deliver.

What's the point??? There's honestly none. Somebody will rise and just go Hitler mode very soon. The time is going to come. Just wait patiently.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Somalis need to go back and build up their country.

1. Ban qabilism.

2. Acquire foreign investments by giving investors taxfree for 10 years.

3. Start huge infrastructure projects to cut unemployment.

Some measures.


When it's considered normal for a poor family to have 10 children this is the consequences and good luck trying to get people to reduce the amount of children they have as you'll be considered a gaal for saying that Allah will not provide for them


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
When it's considered normal for a poor family to have 10 children this is the consequences and good luck trying to get people to reduce the amount of children they have as you'll be considered a gaal for saying that Allah will not provide for them

There’s nothing wrong with having lots of children. It means there will more man power and more soldiers. Also it lessens the chances of getting invaded by oromos and Bantus.

Minimum children a woman should have is 10 and minimum a man should have is 40, but if he gets married young then 80 should be his aim.
He can go through two sets of wives.


There’s nothing wrong with having lots of children. It means there will more man power and more soldiers. Also it lessens the chances of getting invaded by oromos and Bantus.

Minimum children a woman should have is 10 and minimum a man should have is 40, but if he gets married young then 80 should be his aim.
He can go through two sets of wives.


Were you raised in the West? :jaynerd:


Born and raised in Tottenham.

You realise Somalia is going in and out of a famine, there’s a high chance it will happen again this summer and you want Somalis to have 10 kids. There are no resources to sustain the current population and you think the solution is to increase the population? Why would it be good to introduce children in to a life of poverty of starvation?


Somaliweyn haa nolaato
You realise Somalia is going in and out of a famine, there’s a high chance it will happen again this summer and you want Somalis to have 10 kids. There are no resources to sustain the current population and you think the solution is to increase the population? Why would it be good to introduce children in to a life of poverty of starvation?

Rather than stopping people from reproducing we should be working on making the land more fertile, simultaneously. Don’t stop one or the other. Go study agriculture and go back home, if you seriously care.

Btw Somalis should go back to eating a sensible portion of hilib and drinking caano geel. We don’t need any other means of nutrients other than that.


Rather than stopping people from reproducing we should be working on making the land more fertile, simultaneously. Don’t stop one or the other. Go study agriculture and go back home, if you seriously care.

Btw Somalis should go back to eating a sensible portion of hilib and drinking caano geel. We don’t need any other means of nutrients other than that.

How wonderful must the world be when you’re 16. Do you think I have the hubris to indulge the idea that I could solve the famine in Somalia?

Somalia sits on the equator, during the summer the sun warms the earth, dries up the lakes and there is little chance of rain. Therefore food can’t be grown and as we don’t have many roads and an al shabbab problem it’s impossible to import food.

It’s better that Somalis don’t have children if they can’t look after them. One million people died in the last famine, most of them were children. Young girl do yourself a favour and start reading. Unlike your sisters in Somalia you have been given an education so you don’t have an excuse to spout such ignorance.
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