Somalia Economic Hotel Vision


I call this is the hotel vision of Somali economics school, it's truly the lowest form of economics and even lower then @Farjano-Walad rasuli philosophy as he even understands what true wealth is and it' not how beautiful or shiny your city is with new hotel designs, this is just seen as 'cover' by people who have low production value and therefore low wealth and they assume by hiding behind a hotel will change this.

Everyone loves their city to look great don't get me wrong even I do, but it doesn't mean you are 'rich' nor 'wealthy' if your people are not producing something becase production ama wax soo saar is the only way money is exchanged and wealth generated. Nothing is given for free in this world, it's always in exchange for something and the only time it's given free is when it's charity and that is usually for people who lack a skill, product, goods, service basically, those people will always depend on charity no matter what and charity isn't guaranteed nor is it sustainable for long period of time and it's demeaning that someone else has to feed and cloth you because charity has that extent only 'food, water, clothes' so you don't starve but you will not be rich either nor independent untill you learn the art of production if what leads to real wealth. When you have something and exchange it for money is the best way.

Somalis I notice love to look at their face, hair, make their home clean and shiny, wear shiny ass clothes even in Somalia and Diaspora but your looking at all the wrong areas to impress people, as this is the only final say about you no matter what measures you try to take to not face it. This pot of gold tonne by national product/goods/service you provided is measured, it's done in gold or usd, you can take your pick. Right now your final national wealth is $7 billion in USD which is 155 tonnes of gold a year, that's literally your national wealth nation wide every year, so that is the 'measure' money or gold is the measure and I urge you guys to start adopting and teaching my thinking style to the nation to have people on the same platform to increase their product/services/good and target high value chains and products with good returns and generating as many jobs as possible directly or indirectly so the wealth pool spreads and people's time is an industry that has bigger return margin then a few billions.

It's unacceptable America has 18 trillion wax soo saar a year in their market place, that's 400,000 tonnes of gold yet you only have 150 tonnes of gold. If we divided that up for america by $7 billion chunks, it literally will take only a 'village of 2500' to accumulate the same wax soo saar as your whole nation either in gold value or dollar value. That's a village ka waran wuxu uu dhigma dalkina oo dhan iyo wax soo saarkooda, hadad damiir lee dahay, isbadela sxb, this is embarassing shit. Your a population of 15 million and should aim for GDP of $750 billion national earning to be at the same rate as America per 15 million population. Every 15 million Americans have a total financial output of 750 billion a year, so this should be your baseline and your final GDP goals.

We need more then 150 tonnes of this. We need a minimum for our population size of 15 million we need our economy and wax soo saar inu uu dhigmo at least 16000 tonnes of gold or $750 billion dollars not this measly as shit of $150 tonne which is produced by only 2500 people in America, this is unacceptable and you should be ashamed of your nation not promoting their failures as this is inexcusable. For the clowns who think producing gold will make you rich, it won't gold is 'measure' just like 'currency' is and it's your products and goods and services or knowledge that is measured based on it and currently you are only worth 2500 people in Americaa production value as 15 million people.

The white man is like a god, that nigga has 400,000 thousands tonne of gold at a price of $45 million per tonne

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