Somali women are OVER

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I don’t rate Somali men who don’t protect Somali women even randoms if I see one out having a hard time I always come over :kanyeshrug: especially Hooyo’s and ayeeyos here in the west we are all we got :friendhug: the only Somali girls I don’t rate are the buckets Ileen they’re for everybody so no harm no foul iga leexo qumayo


Ashy Abdi Representative
I'm so confused was that all in English

This whole thread confusing me like you're speaking a different lingo


Freedom of Speech

I’m nobody’s ting. As my fellow Somali brother you should help me anyways when a dumb ass farax is attacking me verbally.
Come on atleast get to know me before you make decisions I will protect you regardless but im just saying your a cutie
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