DEVELOPING NEWS somali liyuu capture afar bases


as usual, when it comes to fighting foreigners in galbeed, it's ogaden doing the fighting, whether liyuu or onlf. but in times of peace, every mfking qabiil says we live here, this is our land, we wanna get representation here blah blah.

90% of the 1000+ who have perished on the somali side in this conflict the past 3 years are non ogaden/liyu. The afar forces were evicted from the region 10+ times by the shacab but worked their way back in with the help of the ENDF. This time won't be any different. Credit the locals and stop with the unnecessary bragging. :kodaksmiley:
90% of the 1000+ who have perished on the somali side in this conflict the past 3 years are non ogaden/liyu. The afar forces were evicted from the region 10+ times by the shacab but worked their way back in with the help of the ENDF. This time won't be any different. Credit the locals and stop with the unnecessary bragging. :kodaksmiley:
really? u got any prove?
i can share pictures of the dead ogadens just this week and those captured.

the only dead ciise are the civilians who got attacked.

it's not unnecessary bragging. it's the truth.
when it comes to defending the borders it's ogaden. when it comes to claiming land and begging for representation every mf crawls back from the hellholes.


really? u got any prove?
i can share pictures of the dead ogadens just this week and those captured.

the only dead ciise are the civilians who got attacked.

it's not unnecessary bragging. it's the truth.
when it comes to defending the borders it's ogaden. when it comes to claiming land and begging for representation every mf crawls back from the hellholes.

Dude afars have been crying since 2018 well before the liyu even showed up, iska aamus you have no idea whats going on, you only pay attention when your clan is involved. The locals have handed ass whoopings of epic proportions. We don't "beg" for anything, we get representation on demand ;)
Dude afars have been crying since 2018 well before the liyu even showed up, iska aamus you have no idea whats going on, you only pay attention when your clan is involved. The locals have handed ass whoopings of epic proportions. We don't "beg" for anything, we get representation on demand ;)
so why did you even need ogaden to get involved? afars took a lot of land those three years, and it took ogaden one day to karbaash the canfars back to their hellhole, something your ciise liyuus couldn't do in 3 years according to you.

doqon. :farmajoyaab:


so why did you even need ogaden to get involved? afars took a lot of land those three years, and it took ogaden one day to karbaash the canfars back to their hellhole, something your ciise liyuus couldn't do in 3 years according to you.

doqon. :farmajoyaab:

Afars took nothing, idiot. It was your uncle who gave it away for free several years ago. These ppl are in this mess because of you and you'll spill your blood to retrieve it.

You did not send anyone back anywhere, they'll be back with the help of the ENDF just like they got back after the locals evicted them countless times before, this isn't some new achievement. You would know this had you been paying attention. Stick to Jubbaland affairs and STFU
Afars took nothing, idiot. It was your uncle who gave it away for free several years ago. These ppl are in this mess because of you and you'll spill your blood to retrieve it.

You did not send anyone back anywhere, they'll be back with the help of the ENDF just like they got back after the locals evicted them out countless times before, this isn't some new achievement. You would know this had you been paying attention. Stick to Jubbaland affairs and STFU
wtf u talking about? afars have been attacking well into sitti zone, outside of the areas the bastard ilay signed.

we already got it back in one day and you was struggling for 3 years. afars got routed out of 6 bases they created in your lands, don't worry, we'll be there this to make sure you don't lose again.


wtf u talking about? afars have been attacking well into sitti zone, outside of the areas the bastard ilay signed.

we already got it back in one day and you was struggling for 3 years. afars got routed out of 6 bases they created in your lands, don't worry, we'll be there this to make sure you don't lose again.

Do you speak English you fucking dumbass? :ftw9nwa: This has already been done by the shacab, just because its being widely reported now does not mean its new.

Would you look at that, I just opened Facebook and looks like I was right, federal troops already took over and the somali liyu no longer have control. Stop bragging about these short term victories and let's find a long term solution

Do you speak English you fucking dumbass? :ftw9nwa: This has already been done by the shacab, just because its being widely reported now does not mean its new.

Would you look at that, I just opened Facebook and looks like I was right, federal troops already took over and the somali liyu no longer have control. Stop bragging about these short term victories and let's find a long term solution

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i already reported that. scroll up xooloow.
the only friend you got is ogaden. be grateful sxb because ain't nobody else coming to your rescue.


i already reported that. scroll up xooloow.
the only friend you got is ogaden. be grateful sxb because ain't nobody else coming to your rescue.

You're not very bright so I'll let you think yall made ground breaking moves to soothe your cagdheer ego
You're not very bright so I'll let you think yall made ground breaking moves to soothe your cagdheer ego
we got your land back but because your unlucky ciise futo madoobe, the feds have intervened and are telling us to leave and everyone knows what will happen to you if we leave.
cagdheer are the ones saving you now.


we got your land back but because your unlucky ciise futo madoobe, the feds have intervened and are telling us to leave and everyone knows what will happen to you if we leave.
cagdheer are the ones saving you now.

Did you forget the part where you gave the land away to shisheeye? It was an cagdheer who said "itoobiyan baan ahay, ittobiyanimada waan ku faana" :russ:

The liyu is diverse and does not belong to your little clan, get that through your thick head lil nigga. Imagine bragging about a group armed by Addis ababba :camby:
Did you forget the part where you gave the land away to shisheeye? It was an cagdheer who said "itoobiyan baan ahay, ittobiyanimada waan ku faana" :russ:

The liyu is diverse and does not belong to your little clan, get that through your thick head lil nigga. Imagine bragging about a group armed by Addis ababba :camby:
You're all over the place now. the entire region is under adis ababa, but on top of that, you have to worry about laangaab canfar karbaashing you. Ogaden lands never get attacked for a reason.


dude on the right is reer cabdulle OG, the one on the left is Makaahiil OG.


this guy is cabdalla OG.

these are the guys killed in the attack on the first day AUN.

and today these 4 died and all 4 were colonels. all OG AUN

show me ciise futo madoobe dying? can't even die defending your deegaan and you wanna talk back aabahaa isha ka was.

where are your soldiers? why does ogaden who don't live in sitti zone gotta come to defend you?
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You're all over the place now. the entire region is under adis ababa, but on top of that, you have to worry about laangaab canfar karbaashing you. Ogaden lands never get attacked for a reason.


dude on the right is reer cabdulle OG, the one on the left is Makaahiil OG.


this guy is cabdalla OG.

these are the guys killed in the attack on the first day.

show me ciise futo madoobe dying? can't even die defending your deegaan and you wanna talk back aabahaa isha ka was.

where are your soldiers? why does ogaden who don't live in sitti zone gotta come to defend you?

Nigga FOH, my point is the liyu haven't done anything the locals haven't done in the past. There are hundreds of ppl who died and you show me a handful of guys posted by your family on facebook? Kkk

The federal forces are in charge as we speak tonight so what did the liyu achieve exactly? Waxba

If these guys you posted didn't wanna die, they should not have joined the state forces. Dying is part of the job description

Where are you soldiers kulaha. My soldiers been doing this for 3 years now. Not my fault you weren't paying attention

Call me when the enemy is writing songs and articles about you daily. The canfaris think of us maalin iyo habeen kkk

Nigga FOH, my point is the liyu haven't done anything the locals haven't done in the past. There are hundreds of ppl who died and you show me a handful of guys posted by your family on facebook? Kkk

The federal forces are in charge as we speak tonight so what did the liyu achieve exactly? Waxba

If these guys you posted didn't wanna die, they should not have joined the state forces. Dying is part of the job description

Where are you soldiers kulaha. My soldiers been doing this for 3 years now. Not my fault you weren't paying attention

Call me when the enemy is writing songs and articles about you daily. The canfaris think of us maalin iyo habeen kkk

got prove nigga or u gonna keep repeating yourself like a parrot?
lol nigga if you were fighting for 3 years why couldn't you push the canfars back?
cagdheer did it in a day.

levels. ciise futo gasleh awoogaa lagub ungrateful garacoow:mjkkk:
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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
I am with Canfarta the more dead cagdheer the better guul Canfar. Same Liyuu bastards attacking my tribe in Cilaanle f*ck them.


AUN to all the dead, I hope we realize that war is never going to solve these kind of problems. I hope that canfar and somalis learn to get along because war only brings further destruction and hostilities