Somali ex muslims are growing.

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I hope to see the likes of @supz @AbdiJew @VixR in hell so I can mock them and remind of the days we were on sspot and they used to reject Allah.
That's some boring ass fantasy tbh
Because they're mostly LIKELY smarter and not rebellious. The SOME of chicks want to leave home and start doing their shit, instead keeping it low-key, work on school or something and then come out when you're financial stable.
An ex-Muslim guy has less to rebel against, point blank.

Sometimes, I don't believe ex-Muslim Somali men are legit, I wouldn't if I hadn't legit known a real one. Most of them are fake. They saunter back into the faith bc it favors them. If a Somali guy tells me he's ex-Muslim irl, I will take it with a grain of salt.


As i live and breathe
Sometimes, I don't believe ex-Muslim Somali men are legit, I wouldn't if I hadn't legit known a real one. Most of them are fake. They saunter back into the faith bc it favors them. If a Somali guy tells me he's ex-Muslim irl, I will take it with a grain of salt.

Interesting notion. No proof to back it up though, just your own unfounded opinion. You can't fake disbelief in a religion. And i couldn't return to Islam even if i tried to, the faith simply isn't there.


Not your typical Farah
That's some boring ass fantasy tbh

An ex-Muslim guy has less to rebel against, point blank.

Sometimes, I don't believe ex-Muslim Somali men are legit, I wouldn't if I hadn't legit known a real one. Most of them are fake. They saunter back into the faith bc it favors them. If a Somali guy tells me he's ex-Muslim irl, I will take it with a grain of salt.
What? :what1:

How did we go from me talking about my subjective experience with SOME Somali ex-Muslim chicks making stupid decisions to you saying most Somali ex-mussie guys are fake????? What's their goal? To bring them back to Islam? To get some xalwad? Are drunk or something :mjlol:


Interesting notion. No proof to back it up though, just your own unfounded opinion. You can't fake disbelief in a religion. And i couldn't return to Islam even if i tried to, the faith simply isn't there.
Somali men that question the faith typically saunter right back into it from what I've seen. Afterall, everything is tailored to you. They're indistinguishable from the typical irreligious Muslim-by-name Somali guy turned pious with a family.

On the other hand, if a girl made the effort to question it and go through that blow back, she has truly left.


Not your typical Farah
Interesting notion. No proof to back it up though, just your own unfounded opinion. You can't fake disbelief in a religion. And i couldn't return to Islam even if i tried to, the faith simply isn't there.

Right, this is not the @VixR we knew. Something went wrong I guess, maybe she fell into the feminism trap, lmao. #MenAintShit


As i live and breathe
Somali men that question the faith typically saunter right back into it from what I've seen. Afterall, everything is tailored to you. They're indistinguishable from the typical irreligious Muslim-by-name Somali guy turned pious with a family.

On the other hand, if a girl made the effort to question it and go through that blow back, she has truly left.

And how many times have you seen that? Once, twice? You can't possibly believe that your own limited experience somehow justifies a statement like "most of them are fake"

Secondly, you seem to be under the impression that an out of the closet ex Muslim guy would face little to no backlash. Oh how very wrong you're.


Not your typical Farah
I find it hilarious, that's a label you'd stick to me, out of all people on here. Interesting stuff. You must be projecting?

Look, I'm mostly joking. I have nothing to project, lol. But it's crazy for you to believe that most Somali ex-Muslim dudes are lying or not fully there yet.


Not your typical Farah
And how many times have you seen that? Once, twice? You can't possibly believe that your own limited experience somehow justifies a statement like "most of them are fake"

Secondly, you seem to be under the impression that an out of the closet ex Muslim guy would face little to no backlash. Oh how very wrong you're.

True, you will mostly likely get disowned and ended up homeless. Somalis would rather keep a thug at home than a gaal.


And how many times have you seen that? Once, twice? You can't possibly believe that your own limited experience somehow justifies a statement like "most of them are fake"

Secondly, you seem to be under the impression that an out of the closet ex Muslim guy would face little to no backlash. Oh how very wrong you're.
Enough times to consider it a theme.

In my community, there's no lack of non-practicing young people. That's pretty common. But then you have guys who doubt and disbelieve, and saunter in and out, and then stay. And you have girls that actually took the steps and left (two).

There's no mystery to it. The fact is, you gain more in pretending to stay as men. And alternately, a legitimately disbelieving woman gains more in leaving.

Hence, I personally take the typical exMuslim Somali guy with a grain of salt.


As i live and breathe
Enough times to consider it a theme.

In my community, there's no lack of non-practicing young people. That's pretty common. But then you have guys who doubt and disbelieve, and saunter in and out, and then stay. And you have girls that actually took the steps and left (two).

There's no mystery to it. The fact is, you gain more in pretending to stay as men. And alternately, a legitimately disbelieving woman gains more in leaving.

You claimed most are fake, i doubt you've seen enough to justify that statement. There are girls that doubt on and off as well, but i'm not going to make any claims about supposed over arching themes. Too little data, most exmuslims women or man stay closeted.

Oh and btw, non practicing and an outright disbeliever are two different things. I'm talking about the latter.


You claimed most are fake, i doubt you've seen enough to justify that statement. There are girls that doubt on and off as well, but i'm not going to make any claims of over arching themes. Too little data, most exmuslims women or man stay closeted.

Oh and btw, non practicing and an outright disbeliever are two different things. I'm talking about the latter.
I'm not talking about the doubt process of being sure and then unsure. That's par for course with any set of beliefs for anyone.

I'm talking about an outright disbeliever who's indistinguishable from nonpracticing Muslims. Most of them are fake, in that they disbelieve, but then they're content to saunter into the religion as believers. They appear to the common person as a Muslim-by-name. That's why I call them fake. There's a profound difference between this and a closeted exMuslim.


As i live and breathe
I'm not talking about the doubt process of being sure and then unsure. That's par for course with any set of beliefs for anyone.

I'm talking about an outright disbeliever who's indistinguishable from nonpracticing Muslims. Most of them are fake, in that they disbelieve, but then they're content to saunter into the religion as believers. They appear to the common person as a Muslim-by-name. That's why I call them fake. There's a profound difference between this and a closeted exMuslim.

My point is you don't know the numbers. You don't know who's content to stay and who's staying closeted in fear of being disowned, or worse. You're just assuming that most are fake, with little data to backup that belief.
@VixR, it isn't fantasy.
if you don't come back, you'll see it yourself. I just hope to see it too, assuming I don't make it to hell and meet u there myself.:mjcry:


My point is you don't know the numbers. You don't know who's content to stay and who's staying closeted in fear of being disowned, or worse. You're just assuming that most are fake, with little data to backup that belief.
I don't claim to know the numbers. I'm saying Ive seen it enough as a theme to doubt the intentions of the typical so-called exMuslim Somali guy from the outset.

Leaving doubters and soft-core thinkers aside, leaving closeted exMuslims aside, legitimately exMuslim, disbelieving girls often tend to leave Islam, whilst the men are often content to stay behind as Munafiqs.


A simple cost-benefit analysis.

They gain more from staying and pretending-to-stay.

Altermately, the exact opposite is true for exMuslim women.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:mjlol: We never had Somali Atheists, until we came to the west. They love to put everyone and everything into some taxonomic filing system of sorts. Why must you label 'not believing'. And what's with s, you disagree with them and they hiss the Scarlett letter A at you, or it seems like it. If religiosity is a spectrum I'd still be Muslim, with Imaan in flux and flow.

I think we seem to forget, Somalis of today know more about their faith than back in the day. Many practiced folk Isam and some didn't even have a chance to attend dugsi. My paternal grandparents sent my father to school specifically to be a man of the cloth, he became an Engineer instead, in Awdal being a religious teacher wasn't quite celebrated in those day, it was the least paid (among teachers). Probably because of the British system of education (social engineering). This was pre-1960.
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