Somali dudes. Serious question. No trolling

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It's all so tiresome
Masha Allah she seems like a people's person who gets along with everyone don't concern yourself with how many men she's been with cause the siil is like elastic, I say if you have a connection with her then tie the knot and man up and raise them kids as your own don.
Here's the thing, if she had gone and married men of other ethnicities without shit talking Somali men i would have had no issues with her. But of course she had to be one of those ''Ashy abdis ain't shit, yaas queen'' types. So no, i'm not going to be someones last resort after two failed marriages. Also, the kids would be an issue for me as well.

Can you imagine getting pulled over by police they look inside your car and they see Tyrone junior and mini Abu falafel.

Police: Sir step out of your vehicle
You: W What did i do ?
Police: who are these two different kids in your vehicle ?
You: they are my kids
Police: Squints his eyes looks at Tyrone jr timoo adheeg yow Mini Abu Falafel looking like younger version of Aladin
Police: That's it you going to jail abahaa wasee
You: b b but but but
Police: No buts your going to Jail
You: Mother fucker
There is this Somali girl. She was previously married twice. Once to a Jamaican man, she had a child and then got divorced, then she got married to another man who was Arab or something, had a kid and then he divorced her too. She used to be one of those girls who used to look down on Somali guys and complain about how they aint s""t. Excuse my language.

She has since repented from her ways and now would love to re-integrate herself back to the Somali community. But no Somali guy even looks at her twice. She knows why.

Would any of you guys give someone like her a chance or even a consideration

No trolling please. Serious question. :nvjpqts:

There's a saying here where I live "you make your bed, you lie in it."

In this case, she made 2 beds.:manny:
There is this Somali girl. She was previously married twice. Once to a Jamaican man, she had a child and then got divorced, then she got married to another man who was Arab or something, had a kid and then he divorced her too. She used to be one of those girls who used to look down on Somali guys and complain about how they aint s""t. Excuse my language.

She has since repented from her ways and now would love to re-integrate herself back to the Somali community. But no Somali guy even looks at her twice. She knows why.

Would any of you guys give someone like her a chance or even a consideration

No trolling please. Serious question. :nvjpqts:

No, even if held by a gun point.
Sorry but cant, wont raise another mans kids nor will i marry the said creature you've just described.

She can always find a new revert so she should stick with them imo. I dont think she is suitable for me nor any other self respecting somali guy. Reverts aren't always bad so she should seek another one and stop diluting herself by thinking she will be considered for marriage. I pray she finds a good revert this time, amiin.

Have you noticed if a Caucasian chick converted to Islam and she is Ok looking with a rap sheet of sleeping around worse than Pamela Anderson, Muslim men will que for her to marry even the imam will propose to her as it happened to a well known Somali imam here in Australia and in Canada, but if it is a Somali lady who "genuinely repented" she will still be seen as damaged goods forever. If guys do it, the maashallah of both genders could be heard by astronauts in space. Hypocrites.
What people fail to understand is that every women regardless of race whom goes out of the race

Have this natural great tendency to treat that foreign male with far greater respect and forbearance then they would do for their own.

However when that women hates her own on top of all this, all of the above is quadrupled and they go to even greater length to make it work even as far as sticking with infidel white supremacist like cheese & xalwo whom curses the prophet

The fact that with all of this she not only managed to get herself divorced once but twice and driven to such despair that she now loves what she hated

Tells me your dealing with a shipwreck you need to steer far away from, even if I gone through 10 divorces in my 60's wouldn't even look at her much less consider her

Those two man likely divorced her while she begged them not to but the Somali one she will boot out herself and ruin his life, self hate has no cure which is 90% why these things happen in the first place


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
No Somali man needs that burden but I'm sure she could find herself a chuck to take care of her and her 2 kids.
There is this Somali girl. She was previously married twice. Once to a Jamaican man, she had a child and then got divorced, then she got married to another man who was Arab or something, had a kid and then he divorced her too. She used to be one of those girls who used to look down on Somali guys and complain about how they aint s""t. Excuse my language.

She has since repented from her ways and now would love to re-integrate herself back to the Somali community. But no Somali guy even looks at her twice. She knows why.

Would any of you guys give someone like her a chance or even a consideration

No trolling please. Serious question. :nvjpqts:

Are you Asking the question for yourself ?
What people fail to understand is that every women regardless of race whom goes out of the race

Have this natural great tendency to treat that foreign male with far greater respect and forbearance then they would do for their own.

However when that women hates her own on top of all this, all of the above is quadrupled and they go to even greater length to make it work even as far as sticking with infidel white supremacist like cheese & xalwo whom curses the prophet

The fact that with all of this she not only managed to get herself divorced once but twice and driven to such despair that she now loves what she hated

Tells me your dealing with a shipwreck you need to steer far away from, even if I gone through 10 divorces in my 60's wouldn't even look at her much less consider her

Those two man likely divorced her while she begged them not to but the Somali one she will boot out herself and ruin his life, self hate has no cure which is 90% why these things happen in the first place

I saw a sad case of beautiful Somali girl (20s) married to 45 ugly black guy(not Muslim) with blue collar job. She lived in government house and her husband drives old car. Like at least if you are going to marry foreigner, choose educated guy.


1) She has nothing to 'repent' from, and so the premise is faulty and naive to begin with.

2) A twice divorced individual with children from multiple marriages will generally have a hard time remarrying period, w/o having anythign to do with the ethnic background of said children. All this, ze children are black and arab hence why she is ineligible is fancy posturing, although highly amusing.


I am the Toby Flenderson of this forum
1) She has nothing to 'repent' from, and so the premise is faulty and naive to begin with.

2) A twice divorced individual with children from multiple marriages will generally have a hard time remarrying period, w/o having anythign to do with the ethnic background of said children. All this, ze children are black and arab hence why she is ineligible is posturing, although highly amusing.

This is true but the Somali community is very judgemental she will be seen as "Used goods"


cismaan maxamuud
Naah fam I'm dipping,I'll only consider it if she wishes to be the last of my 4 wives.Deal or no deal,even if she wants to be my third I'm still dipping,she better know that theirs a hierarchy in this ting.:nahgirl:
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