Somali culture,ethics and history is added to Minnesota schools curriculum officially as a class


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Although I support this move And the fact that MN education board added this important class to their curriculum, this class should be exculsive to Somali kids alone.

Foreigners and Americans shouldn't be allowed to take this class, we don't want Ajnabis to know more about us than our lost Somali-american khasaaro generation and use this information to our disadvantage, who agrees with me?:2tjlv3e::farmajoyaab:



Sidii roon Raba og
You worry about ajnabis getting to know more about our culture😂 I worry about the torture some parents will face when those kids come home with million question about Somalia and Somali culture.

Parents that use to get away with comment like: "Somalia faa'iido malaha, Soomaalidu wey dhaqan xunyihiin iyo uff Af-Soomaali yaa u baahan", will now have a lot to explain to their kids😂
This is a win. Learning Somali Dhaqan for the youth will help them have a stronger identity and will hopefully turn kids away from the street life.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Wow they do this after I already graduated??
I needed to flex on the cadaans that Somalis were the first africans to kabaash a white superpower.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
You can't karbash yourself since you're classified as white in the U.S. If you go far back enough, you will eventually stumble upon a cadaan Ancestor (AYRAABS).
Are you tryna get #1 troll title on sspot?
You’ve been here for less than a week and all you’ve done is cause mayhem.


Staff Member
Every Somali took Somali class in high school in Ontario. It was a level 4M class, meaning you can use it for university/college elective admission to boost your entrance average hehe. Somali kids went wild at the opportunity. They use it as one of their 6 courses determined for admission. I didn't bother travelling to one of the few high schools that offered it during summer school. I heard all they did was listen to Somali songs and learned about Somalia pre-war and the Somali habo or the guy who knew everyone's dad would give everyone got 95-100. Of course the government has probably not even flagged it because they would be accused of racism. I have no idea why such a course exists.

@Hot Ballah did you take this 4M class? It looks like something you would take.

Good for Latino boy Lorenzo Hernandez Rosario from Puerto Rico for taking advantage, or as the Somali translator says, "Laranso Holadaras Lasanyo oo ka hoor jeedo Boorta Riiko". They'll probably give him 100% too just because he's cadaan and they'll bootyclap for him.
Lawd the far-right whites who live in Minnesota are gonna be fuming we are now in the news for a Farah being investigated for embezzlement every time some Somali gets a high government position as this Farah did with public housing they steal money.
I’m going to be honest but that’s a bad Idea. Somali history is based on the Clan and Religion. Qabilist Cadaan and Somali students picking on other Somalis is not a good sight.:damn:


Minister of Propaganda
I’m gonna feel sorry for the token 0.5 kid in each class.

The violations that will be coming their way.

Every Somali took Somali class in high school in Ontario. It was a level 4M class, meaning you can use it for university/college elective admission to boost your entrance average hehe. Somali kids went wild at the opportunity. They use it as one of their 6 courses determined for admission. I didn't bother travelling to one of the few high schools that offered it during summer school. I heard all they did was listen to Somali songs and learned about Somalia pre-war and the Somali habo or the guy who knew everyone's dad would give everyone got 95-100. Of course the government has probably not even flagged it because they would be accused of racism. I have no idea why such a course exists.

@Hot Ballah did you take this 4M class? It looks like something you would take.

Good for Latino boy Lorenzo Hernandez Rosario from Puerto Rico for taking advantage, or as the Somali translator says, "Laranso Holadaras Lasanyo oo ka hoor jeedo Boorta Riiko". They'll probably give him 100% too just because he's cadaan and they'll bootyclap for him.
I never had a somali class in my highschool. so unfair.
I’m going to be honest but that’s a bad Idea. Somali history is based on the Clan and Religion. Qabilist Cadaan and Somali students picking on other Somalis is not a good sight.:damn:

No worries. We thrive on being the subject of news in Minnesota all the time. Come election season and we are on TV being used as the Bad Guys in Minnesota by Right wing nut jobs seeking office. Trump last time mentioned us by name and promised Minnesotans that he would get rid of us if he was re-elected.

Republicans and Democrats both love us for their own gain.
I know it maybe hard to accept it, but it's true. I don't like it anymore than you do. A yemeni guy arrived in modern day Somalia and bagged a couple of Cushitic women( Not somalis). He birthed our qabilic like structure that we still use to this day. I will do my best to get you out of "WE WUZ HERE BEFORE THE KINGZ AND SHITE" mindset.

And to answer your question, maybe.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
You worry about ajnabis getting to know more about our culture😂 I worry about the torture some parents will face when those kids come home with million question about Somalia and Somali culture.

Parents that use to get away with comment like: "Somalia faa'iido malaha, Soomaalidu wey dhaqan xunyihiin iyo uff Af-Soomaali yaa u baahan", will now have a lot to explain to their kids😂
The irony is that these same parents tend to regret their choices later in life. A dear maternal aunt of mine raised her kids with this sort of mentality yet as they began to get older (late teens) I noticed how she kept lamenting that I grew somewhat apart from them as I was their closest Somali friend and indeed one of their closest friends in general growing up. She also started to feel pretty bad about how atrocious their Af-Soomaali became. They did too. Both boys are very religious and one has already married a rather religious young woman who is Somali and he seems to want to preserve his culture and identity whilst having moved to the west. Hard to do beyond the diin when you don't really even speak proper Somali.


Sidii roon Raba og
The irony is that these same parents tend to regret their choices later in life. A dear maternal aunt of mine raised her kids with this sort of mentality yet as they began to get older (late teens) I noticed how she kept lamenting that I grew somewhat apart from them as I was their closest Somali friend and indeed one of their closest friends in general growing up. She also started to feel pretty bad about how atrocious their Af-Soomaali became. They did too. Both boys are very religious and one has already married a rather religious young woman who is Somali and he seems to want to preserve his culture and identity whilst having moved to the west. Hard to do beyond the diin when you don't really even speak proper Somali.
I absolutely believe that it's a sole responsibility of every parents to teach their kids about their language, culture and heritage.

Its so sad to see Somali kids who cannot speak their language, while their parents speak fluent Somali. Wait parents can speak fluent but the child cannot🙊 I really don't understand why some parents wanna miss this golden opportunity. An opportunity to bond with their kids by sharing their culture at home, by teaching them how to speak, how to read, and how to write their own language.

Kudos to your cousin who's still interested, and excited about his culture. And yes you right a lot of parents regret their choices later in life, because they realize that they rob their own children's identity, and made them Culturally Bankrupt.
This is actually a good thing. There is research that show how Somali kids who have a good grasp of their mother language do better at school. I think they have already introduced Somali language programs and courses at some schools in Canada and the UK.

It is widely known that native-language fluency can raise attainment in students.

First language is critical to a childs identity. Maintaining this language helps the child value his or her culture and heritage, which contributes to a positive self-concept.

Research also shows that kids who are not yet fluent in English but switch to ''English Only'' have interrupted intellectual development . They are less intellectually mature than the ones that continue developing their native language skills while learning and adopting English.

Aside from all of this , learning Somali language will help break down communication/cultural barriers between kids born and raised in the west and their parents who largely speak in their native tounge. This can result in better more improved home/social life and as well as grant them important links to family and other community members that would be lost, prepare them to interract with their native language community both in the United States and Overseas. Perhaps even access economic oppurtunities that way.
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There is a difference between a heritage language and a native/first language. Almost no Somalis born and raised in the West are solid native speakers of Af-Somali, they are second language speakers of the language. Linguists use the term heritage speaker for such people. The term mother tongue and native language are a bit misleading, giving it an ethnic baggage. In linguistics they use terms like L1, L2 etc.