Somali Bantus, Peaceful Miskeens?

Btw Nothern Somalis have no right to voice their opinions about somali bantus period
No absolute right. I have every right to speak on Somali Bantus since my mother and her parents are Southerners who knew plenty Somali Bantus, lived around them, etc. My dad lived in the South too but idk what he thinks about Somali Bantu.
The truth would say otherwise. I just find it soo odd a lot of people, believe in this myth that Somali Bantus are just peace loving, miskeen folks, who have never done a damn thing wrong. Oh my, it couldn't be more further from the truth.

These people are not what they seem they are. They are our amongst our enemies, and the sad thing, they're right under our noses.

Its a well known fact, that a significant amount of the fighters in Al Shabab are of this community. At least a third of Al Shabab membership are Madows. Even way up north in the Galgala mountains of Puntland, the amount of captured Madow Al Shabab fighters is sky high.

Here are a few photos of such fighters:

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Now the question is, why would they leave the southern regions of the country, travel hundreds of kilometres by land, and sometimes by sea - see the 2016 coast of Mudug AS attack, to the northern most parts of Puntland, and commit attacks after attacks on the civilian population? And that is because they hate Somalis. Simple as.

And for those of you, who are still defending these people, and dislike what I'm saying, and think that I'm reaching, with the whole Madow - Al Shabab links, then how about this:

Somali Bantus currently reside and farm in the best and most fertile part of Somalia. In the past decade alone, Somalia, North and South, has experienced severe droughts In the North and devastating famines in the South. Hundreds of thousands, if not MILLIONS, of Somalis have perished in the extreme weather conditions.

All the while, these people are enjoying the crops and living comfortably. They don't even send a single cargo of the foodstuffs they grow, to the starving people, just miles away.

I'm not hating on these people, nor am I inciting hatred for them. I'm just simply stating the TRUTH. They have to go. The farms and land, they've grown strong on, needs to be taken from them. At the end of the day, this is not their native land.

Can we get Rahanweine chushitic tell us what you guys think of this dilemma. we need to hear from tho horse's mouth modafuker
No absolute right. I have every right to speak on Somali Bantus since my mother and her parents are Southerners who knew plenty Somali Bantus, lived around them, etc. My dad lived in the South too but idk what he thinks about Somali Bantu.
What’s your moms qabiil?


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
Btw Nothern Somalis have no right to voice their opinions about somali bantus period
We have every right to speak on Madow since hundreds of thousands of them are coming to Puntland as IDPs, and pose a demographic threat to our land with their high birthrate, and it's a known fact the many al-shabab militants travelling to terrorize Puntland are Madow.


Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
You guys know what they did to our half bantu brothers Tutsi, imagine if they got their hands on fully cushitic people
The curse of the Somali minorities is why Somalia will never recover, it’s time to apologise to them and seek forgiveness from them, then only will that curse be lifted and a genuine reconciliation reached. Cry for Palestine, Burmese and Chinese Muslims while you treat your own Muslims with contempt and hatred. Either you are stupid or the religion you follow.
You guys know what they did to our half bantu brothers Tutsi, imagine if they got their hands on fully cushitic people
I've read countless comments from South Africans and Kenyans about their real views of Somalis. They hate our success in their Bantu nations and hate the fact we don't intermarry with them. I've seen everything from them calling to burn down our businesses and commit genocide against us. They're practically salivating at the idea of butchering us with machetes. We need to act by the end of this century and remove them from all our lands in Somalia and Kenya. I've never seen this mentality by even the average Ethiopian, who we consider our mortal enemies.
May Allah SWT protect our Somali Bantu Muslim brothers from these psychotic ethno-nationalists. Ameen.

how do you go from this to that in few months

"its scary that they still remember which clan specifically enslaved them. The parents are passing down hatred so that when they are finally big enough they can enact revenge. These people will pass it down to their kids.

Its too dangerous to keep them around."

kobe, Jul 18, 2018

We have every right to speak on Madow since hundreds of thousands of them are coming to Puntland as IDPs, and pose a demographic threat to our land with their high birthrate, and it's a known fact the many al-shabab militants travelling to terrorize Puntland are Madow.
Nonsense al Shabaab has no qabil.only few went to puntland to escape the drought dont hundreds and thousands.
The only thing worse than these Madows are these Madows sympatizers. I don't hate them too, but they aren't native to Somalia, so it's best for them to go back where they came from. Somalia for Somalis.

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