Sir Mohamed Farah is running soon

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I think Mo Farah, Abdi Bile, Ayanleh etc should team up and do a reconnaissance back home, and use their networks to get the locals some world class training with expenses all covered by the government, we are clearly talented people and I think tonight has shown what potential we have. There are literally hundreds of Mo Farahs back home
Abdi Bile already trains Somalis in Hargeisa. Hopefully Mo Farah will start an academy back home too when he retires.



We star in movies NASA pay to watch


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
tfw you smoked a little too much let your imagination run wild and unironically got a little emotional

Wallahi, Mo Farah made me very proud tonight. I was literally jumping and shouting on the last lap.

Mashallah, he makes all Somalis and Brits proud. Mo Farah. Legend.:banderas::salute:
Bro , many Somalis from the ages of 20-32 came home with mo mo
Watch them blame Mo Farah for doping

They already have . Farah is coached by salzar , who has been accused of doping athletes. Farah Also has links to Jamaac Aden Karahin , the Somali coach who was recently arrested in Spain . The media even attacked mo because he confessed to chewing khat when it was legal .lol .
In today's paper :


Daily Mail’s blood pressure ‘dangerously high’ as black Muslim immigrant wins Team GB gold

The Daily Mail is going to have to see a doctor after black Muslim immigrant Mo Farah won gold for Team GB.

Symptoms including blood pressure of 190 over 90 and a tightening of the chest began at about 1:30 this morning as the final of the Olympic 10,000 metres began in Rio.

Relief was temporarily felt as Farah fell during the race putting him towards the back of the field, but the palpitations were soon back in full force.

A spokesperson for the paper told us, “There was hope everything would be alright as Mo was overtaken on the last lap, but it was a brief respite.

“At the point Mo crossed the line in first place while doing the Mo-bot the paper was on its knees with a mouth full of bile.

“It rolled into the foetal position and kept repeating to itself, ‘Oh God, we’re going to have to be nice to him, oh Jesus, please don’t make us say nice things about him, not him, please’.

“When presented with the amended front page showing a victorious Mo with a Union Jack and his gold medal, oxygen was required, and an ambulance was called.”

However, reports are emerging that doctors expect the paper will make a full recovery after it was treated with a second-hand story about a Muslim woman caught shoplifting after hiding food under her burka in an Asda somewhere in Birmingham



We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Daily Mail’s blood pressure ‘dangerously high’ as black Muslim immigrant wins Team GB gold

The Daily Mail is going to have to see a doctor after black Muslim immigrant Mo Farah won gold for Team GB.

Symptoms including blood pressure of 190 over 90 and a tightening of the chest began at about 1:30 this morning as the final of the Olympic 10,000 metres began in Rio.

Relief was temporarily felt as Farah fell during the race putting him towards the back of the field, but the palpitations were soon back in full force.

A spokesperson for the paper told us, “There was hope everything would be alright as Mo was overtaken on the last lap, but it was a brief respite.

“At the point Mo crossed the line in first place while doing the Mo-bot the paper was on its knees with a mouth full of bile.

“It rolled into the foetal position and kept repeating to itself, ‘Oh God, we’re going to have to be nice to him, oh Jesus, please don’t make us say nice things about him, not him, please’.

“When presented with the amended front page showing a victorious Mo with a Union Jack and his gold medal, oxygen was required, and an ambulance was called.”

However, reports are emerging that doctors expect the paper will make a full recovery after it was treated with a second-hand story about a Muslim woman caught shoplifting after hiding food under her burka in an Asda somewhere in Birmingham



I dedicate this track to Halyeey Mo

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