"Should we leave Somalia and join Ethiopia, if we are treated like this, are we not Somalis?" - Emotional speech by reer SWS young woman.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
This idea that if you are treated badly, you should become your own country must die. How can a people think like this subhanAllah?

Somalis are unique people ngl. uniquely stupid


Reewin. Lixda Gobol ee Maayland unii leh!
This idea that if you are treated badly, you should become your own country must die. How can a people think like this subhanAllah?

Somalis are unique people ngl. uniquely stupid
I've even changed my ptr. No more blue flag.

From now on I'm a Maaylander not a Somalian.


"For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Why can't Somalis leave the infighting for Ethiopia. Oh wait. We've been doing this shit for millennia.
What happened was wrong, but it was just ciyaal suuqs who need to be reprimanded for it and arrested. Its a crime but crimes happen once in a while the perpetrators should be taken care of.

Do you know the levels of crimes that takes place in most other countries let alone Ethiopia? They casually wipe out each others villages mass-murder and mass-rape, open prostitution even of children, epidemics of thievery and scamming.

Somalis are so interconnected that one crime outrages them and makes headlines, which is actually a good sign as it is not normal for us. But these types of things and worse are constantly happening in most other countries and are so common they dont get reported nor do we care to hear about it.

Look into the types of crimes and the rates that it happens in most other countries and you would be astonished and appreciate Somalis.

What kind of Muslim thinks going under a kafir state that is hostile to Muslims is better?

Again, OP is suspect. I doubt he is Somali.
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We all speak Soo MAAL tongue or communication but we different ancestors. Thru the shared tongue it allowed for us to communicate and exchange genetics, diet, traditions to bridge barriers of ancestoral loyalty but this doesn't mean we don't have our own separate histories and it's even worse when one demands to eliminate another person or group loyalties for some made up colonial ethnic or religious shuuci crap, that's rat culture not a lion culture.

No Somali group will accept eliminating any historical inheritances just like the west didn't when going to the new world taking their greek and Latin inheritance and European culture and exporting it for all to accept thru assimilation but now realised that's impossible and adopted multi cultural.

Our culture isn't just religion or diet or shared tongue on top of that is ancestoral knowledge and storing of names which the European or mongolians don't practise and their names r linked to occupation or some religious figure in Suri tradition hence they have surnames or Suri names of the Jewish variant and hence beasts of burden to them for eternity. We count our ancestoral names first name after first name as a indepenedent chain to the heavens as each name is a free man from bondage or occupation to the Suri Semites culture of Jewish extraction. Each name storage follows in biblical convenant of how their prophets even abtirsi why would I want to lose such thing their own prophets do yet they can't remember their ancestoral name after two generations and constantly in bondage to Suri ppl of shaam. Memories and history is all we have in this changing world, no memories or history means U r no different to a rock who has no personal names.


We live in a silly world of imperfections and marks. Today's marks are tribal over ancestoral loyalties or shared looks and shared tongue loyalty. Some even go tribal over diet laws like halal, kosher, veganism. Humans are petty thinking their some perfect thing out there yet they know perfect is non existent and is just an idea not observed in this chaotic and natural world.

We are imperfect beings and once we accept that life may become easier to manage not chasing some state that is just purely impossible. Now it's mah god better then ur god with religions all over the world yet the true god of all religions is the same source as nothing can escape or exist without his will whether good or evil. Some even argue their may not be any good which is strong argument considering how fucked up life and world is as it looks like he has stepped away and left us to the mercy of natural laws.

I'll tell U something everyone at personal, gender, nation, tribe. Religion is carrying some positive and some negative, blessing and curses side by side. U can also apply this to nature and all animals. Noone is superior as were all fallen and imperfect and we shall be born and shall die that's not perfection lol that's faulty but that's is natural law and we are under all this law no matter if U believe in god or don't noone escapes the laws, or go and try and fly out a building tel me when the laws of gravity change. So don't think it ever better then anyone if I were U as ur fooling yourself into your own delusions. They think they know what's to come after death yet they can't tell U what's coming tommorow, so don't listen to religious ppl as their imperfect also. Don't listen to atheists either as they can't show U what's coming tommorow either. Your faith or lack of faith isn't evidence for jack shir
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The lack of patriotism and national identity crisis we suffer is crazy if you slap one Maryooley he will run straight to the enemies of Somalia just to become lapdog have some pride nacas


The lack of patriotism and national identity crisis we suffer is crazy if you slap one Maryooley he will run straight to the enemies of Somalia just to become lapdog have some pride nacas

It started with abdulaahi yusuf in 1978. Then snm in 80s and usc in late 80s.
The lack of patriotism and national identity crisis we suffer is crazy if you slap one Maryooley he will run straight to the enemies of Somalia just to become lapdog have some pride nacas
what all these lowqers spew is "muh qabil" you dont really have space for patriotism


Someone buy that girl a ticket to Ethiopia and see how they treat Somalis, heck ignore that and see how they treat each other, majority of the 100 million are living in extreme poverty hell on earth. This dumb girl doesn't know what she has until she loses it.