Shi'ism is the TRUTH

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Care to explain why people where creating a few fake hadiths every once in a while during the first 300 years of Islam after the prophet died
LOL! That's what ilm ul Rijaal is made for. It's made to identify those who are fabricating hadith. Saaxib wallah I can tell you haven't even started studying basic fiqh yet, I don't want to use harsh language but don't speak without knowledge brother.
LOL! That's what ilm ul Rijaal is made for. It's made to identify those who are fabricating hadith. Saaxib wallah I can tell you haven't even started studying basic fiqh yet, I don't want to use harsh language but don't speak without knowledge brother.

You're missing the point. All I am doing is pointing flaws in non salafi methodology while you can not point any flaws in salafism since it's basic Quran/Sunnah/first generation.


Bro, don't feed the troll. He has no idea what he's talking about. Who refers to a scholar as "his royal highness?"

Besides, one day this guy is an atheist, now he's saying he's Salafi. One day, he's claiming to be a man, then a women and now a man again. He's just trying to troll. Leave him akh.
Nah sxb he seems like a genuine Muslim but we all know majority of the brothers who start practicing again try to get into debates without even having studied the basics like Ajrumiyyah in Nahw Saffinatu Salah & Najah or equivalent, hukumaat, Binaa af'aal in sarf, Nukhbatul fikr in ulum Hadith, etc. these are just basics as well. Even I'm not well rooted in knowledge myself, I have a very long way to go. I'll focus on it full time after Uni in Sha Allah.

Many brothers after they start practicing again, watch a few videos on YouTube and start debating with others, thus almost everything they propagate is error!
What divide is there? Since Shias are not Muslims they can stay in their corner.

These Shias have been exposed on mass scale since the internet became accessible to everyone. They might of been able to hide their funny business a few decades ago but these Shias are known to everyone now.

Type of things your Shia friends get up to with out you even knowing

The Sunnis are divided among themselves


You're missing the point. All I am doing is pointing flaws in non salafi methodology while you can not point any flaws in salafism since it's basic Quran/Sunnah/first generation.
Wallah you're ignorant my friend look. Do you know what ijtihaad means? No one on earth is a completely independent mujtahid today, Allahu A'lam.

This is how I know you having even started studying basic fiqh yet! Salafis are required to interpret directly from the Quran and Sunnah which is VERY difficult or even impossible for 99% of the Scholars today!

The 4 Madhabs are based on the Qur'an and Sunnah saaxib! What else did you think they were based on? The scholars just had differences of opinion in trivial matters because the Sahaabah (RA) had differences of opinion, they sometimes have different methods of interpreting Qur'an and Sunnah (Hadith) which you will learn in Usul Al-Fiqh.

If I bring you the Qur'an and all the Kitabs of sunnah will you be able to deduce rulings and interpret them? The answer is no, you wouldn't, even if you study for 20+ years. Scholars can very rarely do that today nowadays, I'm talking 99% of them. So if you follow the interpretation and reasoning of a Scholar, that means you follow a madhab!

Madhab basically means methodology. Saaxib I would advice you to seek knowledge, start with tajweed and hifd of the Qur'an, basic fiqh and Arabic. Don't talk about matters that are beyond your level such as the Ijmaa of the Ulamaa.

If you do seek knowledge persistently and patiently in sha Allah one day you will understand the foolishness of what you're saying!
What are you talking about? Salafis kill other Muslims for disagreeing with their interpretation of the religion.

Now you've opened a whole can of worms since what you've just said relates to politics and the war on terror.

Your average salafi has a beard/lives a boring restricted life and produces sons and daughters as a hobby with his wife as if it's a sport. The greatest crime your average salafi will do is catch a fine for speeding so we should not relate global terrorism with a growing sect of Islam like salafism.
Saaxib you are not knowledgeable enough to debate on matters of methodology lmao. I'm not myself. Seek knowledge akhi.

I don't even know why you think it takes 20+ years to be knowledgeable when there's guys walking around with Uni degrees on Islamic jurisprudence. Under 5 years is enough for most arabic speakers I know and like I said a while back to you my colleague is jazrawi. the guy offered to get me into medina university but I refused.
Wow... what a powerful poem indeed, I bet Shiites wouldn't able to come up with a rebuttal. Though I wonder how @AbdiJohnson AKA Ayatollah Johnson would respond, if he understood Arabic though! lol


I don't even know why you think it takes 20+ years to be knowledgeable when there's guys walking around with Uni degrees on Islamic jurisprudence. Under 5 years is enough for most arabic speakers I know and like I said a while back to you my colleague is jazrawi the guy offered to get me into medina university but I refused.
LOOOL! Saaxib even if you get PhD it doesn't mean you're a scholar. Wallah 99% of these people with degrees that you see are not scholars but you and 99% of the Muslims are too ignorant to know that. Sadly this is the state we are in.

Also there's different ranks of Ulamaa. The highest being Mujtahid mutlaq (e.g. Imam Bukhari RH), following by mujtahid fi Madhab (e.g. imam Nawawi RH).

You thought the speakers that you watch on YouTube are scholars? Lmao. I have a friend who is a student at Uni in the faculty of Sharia and I've grasped concepts of Arabic that he did not!

Having a university degree means nothing saaxib. True scholars are like Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Salim Ad-Doud, his nephew Shaykh Dedew, etc.


Trust me, many highly intelligent and prodigious scholars have been studying for 40 years + and we still haven't had a mujtahid Mutlaq (one who could deduce and interpret laws directly) since the time of Imam Suyuti (RH) 500 years + ago.


@AbdiJohnson it seems almost as though you wish us Muslims were divided, we have nothing against each other. If I was trying to clear a brothers misconceptions does that mean we are divided?

You then use the brutal khawaariji as an anecdote of Sunnis killing each other. I don't know if I can take you serious.
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