Saudi Arabia Hands Somalia Over to Iran

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Welcome to puppetville - I'm ashamed of anyone who still claims hairy swine blood.

By Shireen Roa –, DC- In the last few days, the Somali social media have exploded with the news that Saudi Arabia is bringing 15000 Somali domestic female workers to Riyadh. This was prompted, after Ethiopia, and Kenya cancelled the work visas for 50,000 house maids destined to Saudi Arabia due to labor and human rights violations.

The Iranian charities in Somalia have not lost a moment to use this as case to drum up and use against Saudi Arabia. The Iranians argue that Saudi Arabia is not a Somali friend but a nation that wants to humiliate the Somali people and their proud heritage by using money forced their domestic agenda; a very unpopular agreement in Somalia through the Somali president’s weak negotiating position.

Somali religious scholars are suspicious, Sheikh Ahmed a prominent Mogadishu preacher says “the individuals that sold this idea to Saudi Arabia may have been Iranian paid agents because the timing of the agreement and the Iranian campaign are so closely linked”

The Iranian aggressive strategic policy in Somalia in establishing naval bases, cultural centers, mosques and giving thousands of Somali students scholarships to Tehran was already a worrying sign for deeply Sunni traditional Somalis but this polarizing social issue -taking female house workers en-masse to Saudi Arabia has rallied the majority of Somalis against Saudi Arabia. This is “another tool of the arsenals that the Persians Shia empire is using to drum up more support within the Somali population and portray Saudi Arabia as selfish and heartless opportunistic nation” says Sheikh Ahmed.

“The Somali maid fiasco is another strategic political blunder that Saudi Arabia has empowered their archenemy Iran” Said Western NGO head based in Mogadishu who requested to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the issue.

A member of the Somali parliament said “It shows the strategic weakness of Saudi Arabia as Somalia has been a bedrock Sunni nation where Iran until recently had few influences”.

Somalia a member of the Arab league has been in civil war and stateless for almost two decades. A Pro-Iranian Somali said “The Gulf Arabs and Egypt our historic allies just forgot us when we needed and now see us a supplier of cheap labor and of charcoal to be exploited.

Thanks to Saudi Arabia, Iran has built support structure in Somalia and soon naval bases and strategic defense assets to create more havoc in the Middle East.


Another article demonizing iran:camby:
I personally think we should cut all ties with useless arabs except iraq, syria, Egypt:camby:
We should work with iran more:diddyass:


It was such a stupid article - I couldn't make sense of what she was arguing. But seriously those Iranians are thieves - I don't see Saudi ships stealing all our fish stocks - Iran has done this countless times. They also believe in temporary marriages - prostitution by another name. I like our dhaqan.


It was such a stupid article - I couldn't make sense of what she was arguing. But seriously those Iranians are thieves - I don't see Saudi ships stealing all our fish stocks - Iran has done this countless times. They also believe in temporary marriages - prostitution by another name. I like our dhaqan.
If you knew politics you would agree with me of course your right about them stealing from our sea but arabs in general are useless cancers:damsel:
Why do we need Saudi Arabia or Iran? We don't need either of them.

Somalia can stand independent of them and we can form our own foreign policy independent from the Saudis, Iranians, Turks, Pakistanis, or anyone else. If Somalia gets its act together, we can easily overpower Saudi Arabia (a puppet state in need of American protection).


If you knew politics you would agree with me of course your right about them stealing from our sea but arabs in general are useless cancers:damsel:

They are useless cancers - they can't evn clean their own houses. Whats up with Arab women? Why they so fucking lazy - they can't work and their husbands prefer little boys and black 'slaves' (kept in the family from the early days of slavery in that country), why can't they clean their homes? I really don't want Somali women there. I think its a bad environment for women.

Iran - we don't know what new face they'll put on now. We don't know what kind of Iran is emerging from this lift of sanctions.


They are useless cancers - they can't evn clean their own houses. Whats up with Arab women? Why they so fucking lazy - they can't work and their husbands prefer little boys and black 'slaves' (kept in the family from the early days of slavery in that country), why can't they clean their homes? I really don't want Somali women there. I think its a bad environment for women.

Iran - we don't know what new face they'll put on now. We don't know what kind of Iran is emerging from this lift of sanctions.
People fear what they don't understand and hate what they can't conquer.
You fear the unknown which is understandable But can Somalia get any worse at this point?
We already seen how useless arabs are so why stick around?
Iran isn't as bad as media tries to make it out to be there disliked for being independent we should also strive to be independent country:axvmm9o:
This is how the regime of Mohamed Siad Barre survived for 21 years during the Cold War Era. From being a Marxist regime aligned with the Soviet Union and switching to a NATO friendly nation and an American client state. From Salafism to Shiasm. Will the Iranians sponsor and televise the Istunka Afgooye labelling it as the Somali Ashura festival? This only means the Saudis will violently oppose the Iranian influence and may fund Alshabab and other hardcore Salafi groups to attack Iranian centres and mosques like in Pakistan.
Fucking President of Somalia needs to resign immediate for the shit he pulled through selling our fishing waters and resources left to right.
You fear the unknown which is understandable But can Somalia get any worse at this point?
We already seen how useless arabs are so why stick around?
Iran isn't as bad as media tries to make it out to be there disliked for being independent we should also strive to be independent country:axvmm9o:

Exactly. Somalia should be an independent country that is free from Saudi or Iranian influence, similar to Turkey.

Somalia has the natural resources, the farmland, the coastline, and the location to actually be a solid regional power in 50 years....but only if we get our act together now. Our small measly population of only 8 million people could easily increase to 50 million in a couple of decades----dwarfing Saudi Arabia's population of about 28 million. If we have a strong economy based on agriculture, manufacturing, and natural resource extraction....then our need for Saudi assistance would vanish almost overnight.

But that can only occur if we have the right leaders in place.


Exactly. Somalia should be an independent country that is free from Saudi or Iranian influence, similar to Turkey.

Somalia has the natural resources, the farmland, the coastline, and the location to actually be a solid regional power in 50 years....but only if we get our act together now. Our small measly population of only 8 million people could easily increase to 50 million in a couple of decades----dwarfing Saudi Arabia's population of about 28 million. If we have a strong economy based on agriculture, manufacturing, and natural resource extraction....then our need for Saudi assistance would vanish almost overnight.

But that can only occur if we have the right leaders in place.

Sxb, Somalis are above 25 million. Not 8 million lol
Sxb, Somalis are above 25 million. Not 8 million lol

I don't believe our worldwide population exceeds 15 million saaxib. If you add up all the Somalis in Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, the Arab World, and the West, our entire global population probably numbers about 15 million or so.

No more than that.
Somalia is let down by Lamagoodleys who support, encourage and are the backbone of the qawiil politics and the qawiil based regional administrations. Region X would rather share their resources with Martians instead of that qawiil because they see them as their enemy numerous uno. Beenta dhaafa, only when we cross that wave of qawiilism, could we think of nation-building. Till then, support the rape the Somali environment and cut all the trees for charcoal exports because it benefits your tribal cousin warlord. It will never happen. The other thing is the Somali culture that rewards looting, wars and laziness. Who will work in the farms, factories and build the infrastructure when the Lamagoodleey considers any job than herding camels as a laangaab profession? Macbuudkoo, dadkaan maxaa lawa wajiile ka dhige?
Exactly. Somalia should be an independent country that is free from Saudi or Iranian influence, similar to Turkey.

Somalia has the natural resources, the farmland, the coastline, and the location to actually be a solid regional power in 50 years....but only if we get our act together now. Our small measly population of only 8 million people could easily increase to 50 million in a couple of decades----dwarfing Saudi Arabia's population of about 28 million. If we have a strong economy based on agriculture, manufacturing, and natural resource extraction....then our need for Saudi assistance would vanish almost overnight.

But that can only occur if we have the right leaders in place.

You can have the worlds biggest coastline but you need buyers, foreign relations.

Are we trying to be like North Korea?
Why do we need Saudi Arabia or Iran? We don't need either of them.

Somalia can stand independent of them and we can form our own foreign policy independent from the Saudis, Iranians, Turks, Pakistanis, or anyone else. If Somalia gets its act together, we can easily overpower Saudi Arabia (a puppet state in need of American protection).

Very true, Oppurtunistic somali leaders dont know how to exploit peoples interests like siad bare did.

Right now Somalia has all the Resources a country needs and Strategic location and we have mutual enemy with eritrea,egypt and sudan.

Countries should dance to our tunes and not exploit us like we are some weak prostitutes.


We don't need neither.
Send Iran home, send the Saudis home.
Send all the Arabs home. Let's start working with decent people.
f*ck the Arabs, f*ck their black flags, f*ck their terror. Anaa waso/
You can have the worlds biggest coastline but you need buyers, foreign relations.

Are we trying to be like North Korea?

When did I state that Somalia should isolate itself?

All I'm saying is that we don't need the damn Saudis or the Iranians to do anything on our behalf. I don't trust the Saudis and I think it's stupid for Somalis to align themselves with Saudi Arabia


When did I state that Somalia should isolate itself?

All I'm saying is that we don't need the damn Saudis or the Iranians to do anything on our behalf. I don't trust the Saudis and I think it's stupid for Somalia to ally ourselves with them.
We will see success in Somalia, the moment we cut relations with the Arabs.
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