Return of refugees to deeply alter Jubaland demographics

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You do realize Marehan didn't even think about settling in kismayo before MSB right?:trumpsmirk:
and now you guys talk like the city is your house or something. :gucciwhat:

Not talking about clans, more about adding half of your population overnight without any sort of planning.
Where did this myth that ogaden were settled there and were non existent there before barre come from?
They were the first somalis to live there, like some 70 years before barre was born.

The majority were settled there by Barre or arrived recently. I didn't say all of them.
You do realize Marehan didn't even think about settling in kismayo before MSB right?:trumpsmirk:
and now you guys talk like the city is your house or something. :gucciwhat:

Of course there were Marehan in Kismaayo before Barre, Marehan settle all around the Jubba river.

Btw Kismaayo is a shit hole, I've been there and would not go.back 8f you paid me. Xamar is much nicer.


Of course there were Marehan in Kismaayo before Barre, Marehan settle all around the Jubba river.

Btw Kismaayo is a shit hole, I've been there and would not go.back 8f you paid me. Xamar is much nicer.
I'd choose Kismayo over Xamar any day. I don't care if it has better buildings or looks a bit fancier because it's the capital after all and most of what Siad Barre built but I want to be safer at least.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
So before that they were minority? You sound stupid and uninformed.

These people make no sense. Jubaland was not even Somali territory before the Ogaden showed up. Everything from the Juba river to the Tana river was Oromo, with Bajuun settling the coast.

We don’t correct enough when people claim our lands. You have eelay claiming Afmadow of all places, and Sheekhaal claiming Hoosingow.

These people make no sense. Jubaland was not even Somali territory before the Ogaden showed up. Everything from the Juba river to the Tana river was Oromo, with Bajuun settling the coast.

We don’t correct enough when people claim our lands. You have eelay claiming Afmadow of all places, and Sheekhaal claiming Hoosingow.

The earliest tribes who have settled there after the galla were removed were ogaden and harti, with hartis being 'sea dwellers' and administrative workers as the British put it and ogadens being nomads. No mention of any other clan and all the sudden some myth is being perpetuated here about us having being settled there like we are recent arrivers. :jaynerd:


Anyone that tries to say that, Ogadens are new to the Jubbas, or that 'Abo Siyad' helped them to settle their, is grossly wrong, and to be frank........full of xaar.

Ogaden were the first Somalis to not only arrive in what is present day Jubbaland, but to also drive out the 'Gallo madow' and pagan Oromos from those lands, thus making it a Somali, Islamic land. And its due to the kindness of Ogaden, that they invited Bari MJs to the Jubbas 150 years ago.
It's you who needs to be educated. Ogden were nowhere near these numbers in the Jubbas before Barre saved your asses.
"As a result of this manifest weakening of the Wardei they were attacked on
all frqnts and it is no surprise that they could not defend themselves but had to tlee for their
lives. According to Turnbull , 'the main contlict was in the east; and the actions fought at
Afmadu, on the Deshek Wama, and at EI Lein are still- speken of by the tribe' .12 Tbe
Ogaden were at this point led by the grand old man of the Abd Wak, Abdi Ibrahi.P1 , the
Sultan, while there were a number of ' invasion commandersd 3 under him: Abd(Ibrahim
was noted for his bravery and skill in war strategy which eventually led to the Ogaden
dominance in the Jubaland. His remarkable leadership qualities are still remembered to this
day by the Ogaden. Notable among his commanders were Magan Yussuf, the Sultan of the
Mohamed Zubeirl Ogaden, and Hassan Be~jan of the Abdalla/Ogaden

Having displaced the Wardei from the Juha region the Ogaden were no( co ntent to settle
down but continued their southward expansion since the loot from the Wardei was an
appetizing reason to continue their raids.

The Ogaden migration towards the Tana in the 1 860s and 1870s, was one of struggle to wrest
control of the land from the Wardei ~ The Ogaden were firml y estahlished along the hanks
of the Tana River by the 1870' s, having virtually conquered and suhordinated the..Galla to
Somali domination. According to Turnhull
the attack lof 1865 hy the Somali when the Wardei were weakened hy plague I
was so unexpected and so violent that the Wardei were utterly broken hy it.
Scattered thOlrgh the fighting was, hundreds ~ere killed; those who survived
either tled to neighhouring trihes or hecame serfs to the Mohamed Zuheir, the
Telemuggeh, or the Magahul. Many were sold as slaves in the markets of
Lamu, and Zanzihar. It is said that at the end of the century the Wardei as a

It must he noted that Kismayu at this time was a small village frequented by Ogaden Somalis"

Does that help?

"As a result of this manifest weakening of the Wardei they were attacked on
all frqnts and it is no surprise that they could not defend themselves but had to tlee for their
lives. According to Turnbull , 'the main contlict was in the east; and the actions fought at
Afmadu, on the Deshek Wama, and at EI Lein are still- speken of by the tribe' .12 Tbe
Ogaden were at this point led by the grand old man of the Abd Wak, Abdi Ibrahi.P1 , the
Sultan, while there were a number of ' invasion commandersd 3 under him: Abd(Ibrahim
was noted for his bravery and skill in war strategy which eventually led to the Ogaden
dominance in the Jubaland. His remarkable leadership qualities are still remembered to this
day by the Ogaden. Notable among his commanders were Magan Yussuf, the Sultan of the
Mohamed Zubeirl Ogaden, and Hassan Be~jan of the Abdalla/Ogaden

Having displaced the Wardei from the Juha region the Ogaden were no( co ntent to settle
down but continued their southward expansion since the loot from the Wardei was an
appetizing reason to continue their raids.

The Ogaden migration towards the Tana in the 1 860s and 1870s, was one of struggle to wrest
control of the land from the Wardei ~ The Ogaden were firml y estahlished along the hanks
of the Tana River by the 1870' s, having virtually conquered and suhordinated the..Galla to
Somali domination. According to Turnhull
the attack lof 1865 hy the Somali when the Wardei were weakened hy plague I
was so unexpected and so violent that the Wardei were utterly broken hy it.
Scattered thOlrgh the fighting was, hundreds ~ere killed; those who survived
either tled to neighhouring trihes or hecame serfs to the Mohamed Zuheir, the
Telemuggeh, or the Magahul. Many were sold as slaves in the markets of
Lamu, and Zanzihar. It is said that at the end of the century the Wardei as a

It must he noted that Kismayu at this time was a small village frequented by Ogaden Somalis"

Does that help?
Frequented by....did I deny that Ogaden lived in Kismaayo at all?
Frequented by....did I deny that Ogaden lived in Kismaayo at all?

:gucciwhat: who fucking conquered the place, if we go by somalis and how they claim lands, we own the place meaning any of our own can come there. kinda like isaaqs move between the hawd and sland.

and if our numbers were small, how the hell did we remove the mighty English from there?


These people make no sense. Jubaland was not even Somali territory before the Ogaden showed up. Everything from the Juba river to the Tana river was Oromo, with Bajuun settling the coast.

We don’t correct enough when people claim our lands. You have eelay claiming Afmadow of all places, and Sheekhaal claiming Hoosingow.


Bro, let them claim whatever, they're going to claim: it doesn't make it a reality. I can claim to be the 'King of France' for all I care, it doesn't mean I actually am the King of those frog munching s.
So before that they were minority? You sound stupid and uninformed.

They are bunch of idiots who regurgitate the lies their clannistic parents told them about Ogaden. The reason why these shameless Somalis constantly attack us, is we havent done to them what these savages have done to each other. They actually have respect for other Somali clans who are violent towards them, than they ever would an Ogaden who has never touched a single strand of hair on their head, they are actually think this makes us stupid and weak. They are a backwards clans and it is because of their backwardness that they are still at war with each other after 30 years. They are barbarians, who will only respect a person who puts a bullet to their head and until Ogaden understand this, they will continue to bully us and fabricate lies about us no matter how welcoming and kind we have been to them.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It is undeniable that no Somalis inhabited west of the Jubba river before the Darood tbqh
They are bunch of idiots who regurgitate the lies their clannistic parents told them about Ogaden. The reason why these shameless Somalis constantly attack us, is we havent done to them what these savages have done to each other. They actually have respect for other Somali clans who are violent towards them, than they ever would an Ogaden who has never touched a single strand of hair on their head, they are actually think this makes us stupid and weak. They are a backwards clans and it is because of their backwardness that they are still at war with each other after 30 years. They are barbarians, who will only respect a person who puts a bullet to their head and until Ogaden understand this, they will continue to bully us and fabricate lies about us no matter how welcoming and kind we have been to them.
I couldn't agree more. Hopefully ogadens understand this sooner rather than later.
we are responsible for expanding somali territories, and most arrive after us only to claim they own the place.
What ogadens need to do is precisely what you said, and all out war on anyone who tries to cause trouble in the two jubbas. It wouldn't be hard since they live in and all around kisamyo. What happened to the ogadens who used to fight the british?:gucciwhat: The ones today are almost entirely useless.
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