Reports of Airstrikes, Gunfire, Intense Bombardment, and Possible Gaza Ground Invasion

These niggas are wild gahhhhhdamn

This is so wrong on many levels, what's the purpose of chasing Jews/Israelis in Russia? If they don't want Israelis to enter their region, then should go about it in a different manner.

I dislike how everytime the Israeli-Palestinian conflict reignites, you hear about incidents where people go after Jews, or their religious sites, outside Israel.

This does only feed into their misinformation campaign of the outsiders support of the Palestinian cause being rooted in 'antisemitism' and subsequently use these incidents as propaganda tools. Look how viral it went and took media attention from the atrocities going on in Gaza.

Some of these pro-Palestinians, ironically most of them are non-Palestinians, need to go and think again as to why they support this rightful cause, instead of intentionally/unintentionally derailing it.
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