Report this account

I’ve tried reporting their tweets in the past but it never changed anything. Do you report their tweets or the actual account?
Don’t waste your time twitter is owned by Elon you can say anything on that app
Yes I’ve realized there’s nothing we can do on that app. Plus our trolls use Somali slurs and cultural references so I doubt twitter would understand why those accounts are being reported anyways
If it is a non somali behind that account I blame the trolls for making enemies with literally everybody. That particular account has always been in the forefront insulting and slandering xalimos whenever good things is said about us. If you scroll through this persons account and see how he or she types you would believe it is either a khanis or a woman writing, it is feminine in nature.

We can now see that this person has slipped up and exposed itself to be an ajanabi, because why would you go out of your way to attach somalis to the messed up things that you’re writing unless you want us to take the fall. I wonder how many this person has written to and how somalis are now seen by these people, probably not in a good light, its either that or he/she is severly mentally ill. We know that mosthated is somali but nothing about this disgusting person, and mostattentionseekingperson is always putting his own community in a bad light.

