Remember that video of american Somali girls beating up that hooyo? was cause she was the 2nd wife!

lol the girls in this thread fleshing out backgrounds to this altercation, and then proceeding to speak on it like they have the facts

This is all the deadbeat father's fault.

He should have divorced the first wife and married this woman but instead he wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

The second wife probably knew he had a whole ass family but she still married him. She made her bed now she needs to lay on it (figuratively and literally) lmfao.

Secondly those daughters and their mother should also beat the saqajaan father of theirs.
Totally agree with you. Why do Somali men even try to marry second wives? It’s not our culture and is another disgusting way to cause the breakdown of families. It happened to my uncles’ family; once happy and secure, he had to go off and marry another woman which made his sons and daughters angry and disown him and his wife go mad with jealousy.
Every homewrecker deserves to have the living shit beaten out of her. I feel no sympathy for this wench.

The parents are both to blame as well. The mother looked for a second wife for her husband, who behaves like this in a first world/civilised country?? Worst still, she didn’t consult her children till the last minute. Talk about misplaced priorities.

Children born in the West have been taught to accept and live within a MONOGAMOUS relationship, and anything else is illegal and totally unjust. The civilised West know that family life must be simple and uncomplicated, so as to create an environment that the children feel loved in. Something backwards cultures don’t seem to understand.

Those girls simply let the anger get the better of them, but I don’t blame them at all. I’ve seen it happen many times and their anger is just. Imagine waking up one day to find your loving family home to be utterly destroyed? They are just a representation of what happens when parents wrongly expect their Western born and Western raised kids to understand disgusting traditions like this. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Guys btw the girls didn't fight the step mum because she's just the step mum apparently she's been talking smack to their mum and they flew in from or in to seattle just to talk with the step mum and resolve it but it went south.
I don't blame the girls they were just defending their mother and I'd do the same too wallahi this is mainly the father fault and the two mum's. They should have acted like adults and talked it between themselves and leave the girls out of it.
Now the dad has a unborn child that might be hurt. His second wife is probably gonna need the hospital from that mashed up face and his daughters might be going jail since they're at court waiting.
All because he married another women without informing his first. Qasaaro somali men are wallahi.
The more I see these things the less I even want to marry one the only thing that stops me is that I want to live in Somalia and have somali kids.:mjcry:

Thanks for the update.

I hope the girls go to jail because there’s no way you should be beating a pregnant woman who can have a miscarriage due to trauma.

The dad should have seen this coming. You can’t stick two families together and hope they get on when it can spur sibling rivalry or arguments between the wives, which it clearly has.


Ilaahay Gargaaryeey Gabiley Qurux Badanaa
There needs to be a Somali version of Maury for these degenerate people to air their grievances against each other. It would make great entertainment ngl.:mjlol:
Guys btw the girls didn't fight the step mum because she's just the step mum apparently she's been talking smack to their mum and they flew in from or in to seattle just to talk with the step mum and resolve it but it went south.
I don't blame the girls they were just defending their mother and I'd do the same too wallahi this is mainly the father fault and the two mum's. They should have acted like adults and talked it between themselves and leave the girls out of it.
Now the dad has a unborn child that might be hurt. His second wife is probably gonna need the hospital from that mashed up face and his daughters might be going jail since they're at court waiting.
All because he married another women without informing his first. Qasaaro somali men are wallahi.
The more I see these things the less I even want to marry one the only thing that stops me is that I want to live in Somalia and have somali kids.:mjcry:
If someone is caught beating up a pregnant woman....they are gonna say she was talking shit. So you would beat up a pregnant woman as well? You are not the first girl who said this normal with xalimos? Beating up pregnant women. Im shocked wallahi


Ashy Abdi Representative
There needs to be a Somali version of Maury for these degenerate people to air their grievances against each other. It would make great entertainment ngl.:mjlol:
Lool no way I don't want our business out there and neither do somalis show their business :browtf::damedamn:


Ashy Abdi Representative
If someone is caught beating up a pregnant woman....they are gonna say she was talking shit. So you would beat up a pregnant woman as well? You are not the first girl who said this normal with xalimos? Beating up pregnant women. Im shocked wallahi
:kodaksmiley: fam if you're pregnant don't talk shit if you care for your baby and control your anger.
I wouldn't beat a pregnant lady or a habaryar period since thats not in our culture, but if I do that's the mothers fault.:manny:
:kodaksmiley: fam if you're pregnant don't talk shit if you care for your baby and control your anger.
I wouldn't beat a pregnant lady or a habaryar period since thats not in our culture, but if I do that's the mothers fault.:manny:
Hmm makes sense. I assume because she made you do it and you have selfcontrol.
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Not your typical Farah
Feminism and black culture is definitely changing how Somali girls behave these days. I doubt something like this would've happened 10-15 years ago.
Feminism and black culture is definitely changing how Somali girls behave these days. I doubt something like this would've happened 10-15 years ago.

This is low class Somali behaviour, you can't blame others for everything.
This same scene could play out anywhere in Somalia and even 15 years ago except no one would be recording.


Not your typical Farah
This is low class Somali behaviour, you can't blame others for everything.
This same scene could play out anywhere in Somalia and even 15 years ago except no one would be recording.

Well I am specifically talking about American Somali girls and recent trends. SOME Somali girls are showing some hyper masculine characteristics like SOME black American girls. Aggression towards men, those with different political views, white people etc. Well speaking subjectively, I never seen a young Somali woman ever thinking about putting their hands on an older Somali woman unless that Somali chick was hanging with ghetto madows. However, with recent trends of radical female empowerment and pro-blacknees, SOME Somali women are getting brainwashed through social media and on college campuses. This kind of behavior will continue to happen. Violence is never the answer unless in self defense, but I doubt anyone can convince these beasties of that.