Religious Xalimos come in

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I didn't even hug on dates even though my current partner hugged me I didn't hug back and told him to cool it. It's just to find out what personality they have and what they expect from a wife. Most dates are like interviews for me to see if it's worth exploring a relationship or not. A lot of guys for example told me on the 4th or 5th date that they'd expect me to quit work or start wearing niqab and I'd tell them I didn't think it was worth pursuing. Imagine if we kissed and found out later we were incompatible?
That seems so.......... boring, but hey different strokes for different folks.
That seems so.......... boring, but hey different strokes for different folks.

It shouldn't be fun. It's a serious l7fe decision to marry someone and it shouldn't be taken lightly. Might I add that we throw in an arsenal of jokes to make it more fun.


"You are your best thing"
You don't have to get intimate to get to know someone, if you can't control your urges maybe you shouldn't be dating.
Disclaimer: I’m 18, so when y’all talking about dating you start talking about marriage. I’m not trying to get married anytime soon so I date for fun, keep that in mind.:damedamn:


Loooool no, I had to defend my honour before these faraaxs rushed to the conclusion that my holiday fling broke my hymen :chrisfreshhah:
These loopholes:mjlol:. I mean, it's def. tamer than what the Arab girls are rumored to do I guess >.< #BackdoorIzNotUp4Negotiation
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