Reer UK who are you voting for?

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Dhay Geel

"Aar kow Dheh"
Not voting this year.
Both Tories and Labour want to keep EU migrants in the country.
No 1 is thinking about the British people especially those who voted leave
Labour, 100% voting Labour is essential for the Somali community, everything else is treachery and your Somali identity will be revoked.

I love democracy. :)
I barely made it then:ohhhdamn:

I'm not going to vote this time. I'm not that aware of politics. Maybe next time.:umad:
Haha no wonder the Tory f over the young its people like you who are too lazy to vote is the reason why you have to pay 9000 a year to go uni :)
I'm gonna, to be honest, and say I didn't care or bother about politics when I was 18 and I didn't vote but I am 23 years old now and I live in the real world I am therefore interested in politics because it affects my life


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I can't vote :browtf:

If you're gonna throw ur vote away sis then vote Libdem, they wanna keep us in the single market
Lol why can't you vote sis? I will either vote conservatives or labour. I really want to vote labour but Jeremy Corbyn doesn't want to reduce immigration and get rid of Euro trash (no offence :pachah1: ) he also doesn't say how he will reduce terrorism as it is having a huge effect on us British Muslims so he will not get my vote.


Al-Wala' Wal-Bara' |Kufr Bit Taghut| Imaan Billah
The Ulama are unanimous that voting for a Kafir or a "Muslim" to become a legislator when they will rule by other than the Shariah of Allah is Shirk Akbar (Great Shirk). It takes the one who did so out of the fold of Islam for they setup rivals with Allah (unless there was compulsion like they were forced to do it at gun point) and there is no excuse of ignorance on this matter.


Lol why can't you vote sis? I will either vote conservatives or labour. I really want to vote labour but Jeremy Corbyn doesn't want to reduce immigration and get rid of Euro trash (no offence :pachah1: ) he also doesn't say how he will reduce terrorism as it is having a huge effect on us British Muslims so he will not get my vote.

She is not a British citizen but holds a Danish passport. Euro trash can't vote in the general elections. :pachah1:
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