Reer UK what's going on

Seen this tweet today.
British men are damn ugly i will never understand the group of women who froth over them
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Coping through the 1st world
The guy is 6’3 in height and has good charisma and is extremely wealthy.
But is he the best looker? Not to an extent. He used to have hair when he was young.

The most handsome Englishmen that I know (that are rated by women) Is Henry Cavil.
English people are really hideous, the men and the women

you must be crazy just look at all the English Hollywood actors like Kate beckinsale, chris bale, Tom hiddleston, Jude Law, Emma Watson, Emily blunt, all the cast from game of thrones like emilia Clark , the main actor of the walking dead, Girl from stranger things, etc

literally every TV show that you Americans are obsessed with has a leading actor or actress that’s British. Every show and they’re all good looking.


Coping through the 1st world
you must be crazy just look at all the English Hollywood actors like Kate beckinsale, chris bale, Tom hiddleston, Jude Law, Emma Watson, Emily blunt, all the cast from game of thrones like emilia Clark , the main actor of the walking dead, Girl from stranger things, etc

literally every TV show that you Americans are obsessed with has a leading actor or actress that’s British. Every show and they’re all good looking.

Hollywood selecting looks =/= average looks on certain demographics
Not all British people look attractive (referring to the Anglo-Saxons). Some of them are good looking but not all of them.

But this goes to all races of people they’re ugly ones and attractive ones.
Hollywood and the entertainment industries just loves to make looks appear superficial.