Question to atheists!!

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No sxb I don’t pray or fast. I’m a Somali and therefore identify as Muslim. But I am in effect an atheist.

thats your problem doe. you are somali but not necesarily muslim. you may grow up in a somali muslim household, brought up witht heir ideals but if you dont believe in it that doesnt make you a you know what the word 'believe' even means?


Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
thats your problem doe. you are somali but not necesarily muslim. you may grow up in a somali muslim household, brought up witht heir ideals but if you dont believe in it that doesnt make you a you know what the word 'believe' even means?

A significant percentage of diaspora Somalis identify as Muslim but don’t pray or fast. They just don’t want to say they’re atheists because of the negative connotation.
A significant percentage of diaspora Somalis identify as Muslim but don’t pray or fast. They just don’t want to say they’re atheists because of the negative connotation.

thats a problem with them doe. and weirdly why do you feel that they have to be a reason as to why you dont have to fulfill obligations to your lord?
you already show signs that you are not a very responsible individual by pointing fingers at other people. just sayin

Etacovda S'lived

תחיה מדינת ישראל
thats a problem with them doe. and weirdly why do you feel that they have to be a reason as to why you dont have to fulfill obligations to your lord?
you already show signs that you are not a very responsible individual by pointing fingers at other people. just sayin
Warya did you even make an intro thread before mouthing off at someone three times your senior?
:drakewtf: :pacspit:


Death Awaits You
No sxb I don’t pray or fast. I’m a Somali and therefore identify as Muslim. But I am in effect an atheist.
Enough with the bullcrab bidaar.
It sucks that you won't be talking about Islam and secularism anymore and the fact that Islam needs a reformation.
I guess the conservatives in sspot have won
actually correction. ethiopias actually 35% christian but the ones in power are christian. a helluva lot of them are muslim, heck ill even go as far as to say near 60% its why i cant bring myself to hate ethiopians completely since i pray alongside them, the ones in power even fucking terrorise their own people and subject them under their thumb. its almost like a tyranny.
when i said ethiopian i was referring to the habeshas who are generally Christians


When someone has a gun to their head, lets see how long they become believers. Most people disbelieve for emotional reasons like why do arabs get to explain god to us or why do all the prophets come from one area. Those type of atheists are just lashing out, a gun to the head and knowing they about to die, oh wow how conveniently do we find god now. Then there is other type of atheists who try to say well I don't see evidence for god therefore he can't exist. That flawed thinking is like me saying I don't see your dreams so it must not have happened.

There is many things that can't be proven yet we tend to accept it. I will be damned if I can accept that 100 billion galaxies just formed on it's own, not even one mistake in the shape of the stars, planets, gravity, etc, there is only slightly different cosmic elements depending on which neighborhood you are in. I mean these guys will say hell is a fairy tale but then look at planet that is boiling to death, I forgot the planet Neptune I think it is.

The main reason why I believe there is a god is simple, Why do people recall past lives like past life regression, why do I get deja vu like i've been here before, why do we enter different existences thru our dream and then refuse to say our real life might be just another dream itself. I think a-lot of atheists are just childish but at the end of the day, I wouldn't die finding out there is a god, cause I got nothing to lose if there isn't a god, I enter a coma.

Atheism, I simply found flawed thinking processes. Like who created god? their using a damn logic sequence, the cause n effect argument but forget that god isn't physical therefore those logical steps are irrelevant. Only something physical has a cause and effect or what came before it.
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