Question regarding jubba

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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Nigga you getting rapped in Sool, losing ground to a bunch of xaar stain Idoors.

God damn you are a loser

Losing ground where? In sool the army is controlled by canbashe whos Dhulbhante, buhoodle is next to burco yet the entire isaac cant set foot in buhoodle Nimanka waa ninman culus boowe waa darwish oo somalia Gaaloda ka xorayey


Losing ground where? In sool the army is controlled by canbashe whos Dhulbhante, buhoodle is next to burco yet the entire isaac cant set foot in buhoodle

Yet Hartis are ruled by Isaaq and becoming minority in their own region and establishing a military base near Garowe? How low have you fallen? Stop talking about Isaaq abaha wass and don't claim Jubbaland.

@Sheikh @nine @MeetMeInLuuq are Harti even relevent in Jubbaland? :pachah1:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yet Hartis are ruled by Isaaq and becoming minority in their own region and establishing a military base near Garowe? How low have you fallen? Stop talking about Isaaq abaha wass and don't claim Jubbaland.

@Sheikh @nine @MeetMeInLuuq are Harti even relevent in Jubbaland? :pachah1:
Naga amuus guun yahee guunta dhashay waxuus foqol waxuush xabad ba nagaa dhexeeyso hadal managa dhexeeyo
Horta how did they get the tradition of drinking xoolo blood? Was it from breeding with Boni pagans? Maybe some nilotic ethnicity because that xoolonimo is not native to Somali dhaqan:francis:

Sacad fight cumar maxamud not even the whole of maxamud saleeban forget about mj ma garatey tankale mj iyo wixi madax madow ba siman

Loool most of the sacad left mudug.... You only fighting reer hilowle and still crying for darood help ... Stop lying.... Loooooool mj claiming kismaayo... Only time you niggas claim harti is for help or in kismaayo.... Mj claiming kismaayo while the oromos about to take over garowe and bosaso lmfaoooooooooo


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Loool most of the sacad left mudug.... You only fighting reer hilowle and still crying for darood help ... Stop lying.... Loooooool mj claiming kismaayo... Only time you niggas claim harti is for help or in kismaayo.... Mj claiming kismaayo while the oromos about to take over garowe and bosaso lmfaoooooooooo
Boowe i am a direct desendant of boqor kenadiid if you were to tell me your abtiris i can tell you if you are descendant of one of the habar gidir slaves that my great grandfathers use to own during the sultante of hobyo.
Boowe i am a direct desendant of boqor if you were to tell me your abtiris i can tell you if you are descendant of one of the habar gidir slaves that my great grandfathers use to own during the sultante of hobyo.

Lool at HG slaves... That's what your mom tell you... kenadiid the same nigga who pimped his daughter to Italian to get help against sacad...kenadiid the guy who used the Italian against other mj.... Lmfaoooo.... The same guy who spied against Mohammed Abdullah Hassan


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
There's no Kab iyo Lax. We sent you s packing. Keep dickriding Cagdheers. They won't save you nor give you anything. If Kab iyo Lax was a thing, why was Faroole deporting Cagdheer Mexicans back to Ethiopia



Personally i support DDSI abdi iley if i was the president of puntland and i found og against abdi iley government i would arrest them and send them to president abdi iley


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Lool at HG slaves... That's what your mom tell you... kenadiid the same nigga who pimped his daughter to Italian to get help against sacad...kenadiid the guy who used the Italian against other mj.... Lmfaoooo.... The same guy who spied against Mohammed Abdullah Hassan
I heard this one african american guy telling me that african americans are isralites cause the bible prophesied that the israelites will be in bondage for over 200 years, personally i beg to differ i think the real israelites are habar gidir who were in bondage for over 200 years

Listen to this hawiye xawadle brother telling the history of habar gidir enslavement by Majeerteen
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