Puntland VP To Tour Las Anod After 16 Years



Axmed Karaash oo tagaya magaalada Laascaanood​



Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash ayaa todobaadkan booqasho ku tagaya magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobalka Sool, kaddib markii ciidamada maamulka Somaliland lagu jabiyay jimcihii dagaalo culus oo muddo 8 bilood ah ka soconayay Laascaanood.

Axmed Karaash ayaa noqonaya musuulkii ugu sareeyay ee Laascaanood taga 16 sano ee u dambeeyay, maadama magaalada ay qabsadeen 2007dii ciidamada Somaliland oo garabsanayay maleeshiyo deegaanka ah.

Hoggaanka SSC iyo Isimadda dhaqanka ayuu Madaxweyne Karaash la kulmi doonaa, isagoo kormeeri doona goobaha caafimaadka iyo gudaha magaalada oo burbur xooggan kasoo gaaray duqeymihii maleeshiyaadka Somaliland ka geysanayeen magaalada.



Deni should take this opportunity and hold PL elections on Jan 8 2024 in Las anod. Plus this will give good international publicity to SSC government, which the SFG will be forced to accept.
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@Gadhwayne my boys are at OOG, they see the town lights


I am not satisfied untill their in Burco though and create a BASE. We must adopt ka hor tag defense strategy like America has mastered world wide, we shouldn't only be reactionary defence, waiting for the enemy even tho it has it's advantages as they will bring all they have and centralize it in another honey pot situation. U only got 30% of ur inventory left


@Gadhwayne I am against this war, it has no real political objective for either side. As long as Somalia has member state status in UN/AU, it also enjoys full recognition of it's borders and internal sovereignty and if any state goes against that, their is an international court for breaches and violation of international law. Muse know this, but his ppl r being sent to die for something that will never happen.

U saw how Somalia defended it's sovereign waters from kenya in the HAGUE, u think they won't do that if any nation violates Somalia's UN-AU charter rights on it's border integrity/unity? do you think any nation will take such risk?


@Gadhwayne u guys should not call yourself a military, u fight with buildings, women, children, elderly u fight with everything but soldiers. Fuley xaar wayn. These ppl say MJ is fuley, U never ever hear MJ fighting with elderly, buildings, women, children or any un-armed civilian. All that fuleynimo waxaa lagu arka hawiye iyo isaaq.


Deni should take this opportunity and hold PL elections on Jan 8 2024 in Las anod. Plus this will give good international publicity to SSC government, which the SFG will be forced to accept.


How can deni hold elections in laasacaanood? Isn't laasacaanood part of ssc? Didn't they recently elect a president.

Explain this Dictoori



How can deni hold elections in laasacaanood? Isn't laasacaanood part of ssc? Didn't they recently elect a president.

Explain this Dictoori

The status of SSC in PL is unsettled as we are focusing on the military dimension first. But I made an article where I stand on Harti Political Unity untill such time Somalia is no longer a ZOO. We always had security pact tho since Futuh Al Habash, which is what is happening now.



@cow Puntland and SSC arintooda waa dad wax isku darsaday, their was no force or military pressure it was the most peaceful assembly in 98, haday kala tagayan sidi ay isku yimadeen bay ku kala tagayan. Isaaq tho is different case, Xog bay ku joggeen iyo isku dir dhulbahante, xogna ayaa looga saray iyo midnimo dhulbahante ayaa la tusiye.


@cow when PL was created it is well known the most powerful ISIM in MJ at the time was Islan Mahamed and he is quoted as saying 'shirkani lama furi karo haday sool maqan tahay', PL may have not existed if reer ssc didn't participate. So I always am 'suspicious' and against going against the founding fathers vision.


These Isims are all the same in Harti. When USC was chased from Galkacyo, Islan Mahamed said ka soo laabta beletwayne as USC fled which at the time was USC HQ and only town between Galkacyo iyo Beletwayn. They also now said don't go to OOG and their back in Gumeeys.

I wish a new security vision replaces this 'reactionary defense' with 'prevention defence' and reaching burco on the grounds of 'ka hor tag defense philosophy' like America does with bases world wide.
why would he visit he needs to stay in garowe. Khatumo is being serious and building the first ever real maamul in LA for the dhulbahante to unite. They don’t need need puntland to ruin their momentum.


why would he visit he needs to stay in garowe. Khatumo is being serious and building the first ever real maamul in LA for the dhulbahante to unite. They don’t need need puntland to ruin their momentum.

PL khasaaro uma arko if SSC becomes a state, they can keep the Isaaq at Bay, while we focus on the enemy in Hamar. But I still think we must also respect the wishes of PL founding fathers of a PL united be discussed first, rather then dismiss.

They were ahead of their time and peers and left us in a better place then Somalia or Puntland was at the time. On those grounds, we must discuss the benefits and losses of a Puntland united.
why would he visit he needs to stay in garowe. Khatumo is being serious and building the first ever real maamul in LA for the dhulbahante to unite. They don’t need need puntland to ruin their momentum.

He is Dhulbahante and his personal army fought in SSC. This is not about Puntland unless he verbalises it.
PL khasaaro uma arko if SSC becomes a state, they can keep the Isaaq at Bay, while we focus on the enemy in Hamar. But I still think we must also respect the wishes of PL founding fathers of a PL united be discussed first, rather then dismiss.

They were ahead of their time and peers and left us in a better place then Somalia or Puntland was at the time. On those grounds, we must discuss the benefits and losses of a Puntland united.

SSC- Khaatumo is its own state and we will respect that. It is in everybody's interest this is finalised.
PL khasaaro uma arko if SSC becomes a state, they can keep the Isaaq at Bay, while we focus on the enemy in Hamar. But I still think we must also respect the wishes of PL founding fathers of a PL united be discussed first, rather then dismiss.

They were ahead of their time and peers and left us in a better place then Somalia or Puntland was at the time. On those grounds, we must discuss the benefits and losses of a Puntland united.
Yup that’s the way pl can support them in state building and connecting them with intl organizations. PL doesn’t have the budget to keep all of dhulbahante happy they’re massive something like 14-15 independent sub clans. Only a dhulbahante led maamul can keep them in check and happy or else we will have sl back in no time if pl tries to take the lead in dhulbahante lands.


@Bowda-dheer mashrucan khatumo wax laysla ogga ma ahayn dhinaca Puntland, they came back with this after dhulbahante summit in jigjiga to resolve baharsame/qayad war, where 80-100 lost their lives. I am suspicious and feel this was influenced by absame for other purposes such as having PL squeezed in by different mamuls, to potentially divide harti at the federal arena.

PL even if they recognize Khatumo, u can bet ur bottom dollar we will ensure their constitution is pro federalism and anti hamar to keep any leader cutting deals over personal interest and swapping his ppl interest. We will ensure everything has to go thru parliamentary, isimo check n balance when khatumo is dealing with hamar to ensure no leader intu qol yar galo dadkisa ku ibsada dano dhow.
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@Bowda-dheer mashrucan khatumo wax laysla ogga ma ahayn dhinaca Puntland, they came back with this after dhulbahante summit in jigjiga to resolve baharsame/qayad war, where 80-100 lost their lives. I am suspicious and feel this was influenced by absame for other purposes such as having PL squeezed in by different mamuls, to potentially divide harti at the federal arena.
We have no say in dhulbahante political affairs as Absame but it makes sense for harti to have another maamul goboled if galnus can have one. Trust me giving dhulbahante the lead will put off a lot of burden from pl shoulders. You won’t be competing with somaliland anymore those budgets will go into developing deserving pl towns that need it. Khatumo will also be stable and focused on developing their lands without having to worry about their leaders running between pl/sl.
It will also be a big win for Somalia as a whole because the secessionist will be dealing with a lot more pressure that’s close to them which will have them begging for a place in the federal system.

