Puntland Party Election Scheduled For Dec 2022



Waa Jadwalka shaqo ee dhameystirka Doorasho hal qof iyo hal cod ah oo Shacabka Degmooyinka Puntland ay kusoo dooranayaan Goleyaashooda deegaanka. Waxaa Qorshuhu yahay January 2023 in Puntland ay yeellanayso saddex Xisbi Siyaasadeed oo rasmiya, inshallah.

Shaqadan socota ee awooda loogu dhoweynayo shacabka waa mid aytahay in lagu garab istaago Dowladda iyo Guddiyada ka shaqeynaya, wax ka weyn majirto in dadku codeeyo hore weynu u sameynay inta hartayna inshallah waa ku guuleysanaynaa in la dhameystiro.



December 2022 is the day the 3 legal parties of Puntland will be decided thru one man one vote. They will have a 1 'year' to campaign before the presidential elections in Jan 8 2024. Let's ensure we keep our election day Jan 8 a public holiday, we always hold our election on the same day every 5 years, it's become a tradition and should be a public holiday. Not 1 day can be 'extended' in Puntland.


Will Deni cement his legacy as the Father of Democracy in Puntland, it will be a huge legacy. In combination with our JAN 8 tradition of election day and no extension culture, this is going to cement Puntland as the best functioning system in all Somalia.


I don't think we should have a separate 'presidential' election to our local elections. We should hold one local election across 50 districts every 5 years on Jan 8 and then adjust puntland parliament seat according to the results of the local election.

To much 'qabyalad' will happen if we hold presidential election. I think once PL parliament is 'adjusted' to party results from local election, each party then 'select' a leader of they're party behind 'closed doors' not 'public' or else it will be 'qabyalad' driven.

Who-ever wins majority of Puntland seats, will form the government. If no party can secure majority or there is a hung parliament, the third party will coalition with either the two leading parties to form the government.

Once a party is leading in the votes, if he has over 51%, of Puntland parliament, that party shall form the government. The third party will 'serve' as a 'deadlock decider' if parliament is hung with no winner.
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@DR OSMAN I don't think the president of PL should be directly elected if you want to avoid Kenya style post-election tribal tensions. Let the PL people directly vote for only the state parliament and afterwards only the 66 state MPs choose the state president


As a constitutional monarchist I think we should hand the 'constitution' to the Isimo of Puntland. Puntland must be in 'safe hands' not 'politician corruptable' hands!!! especially in areas of check n balance institutions. The Isimo will have the following powers designated;

1. To officially crown the party winner and other ceremonial duties
2. Conflict resolution between politicians
3. To support or dismantle the government in the event of an unforseeable disaster
4. The Isimo will operate as '1' Royal Chamber headed by Boqor Burhan

Remember I am constitutional monarchist, I want a blend of 'old and new' with distinct duties that do not overlap each other as it may cause the isimo to get political which I don't want. I do not support monarchist get involved in day to day running of government but only handling 'major issues' at a constitutional level.
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@DR OSMAN I don't think the president of PL should be directly elected if you want to avoid Kenya style post-election tribal tensions. Let the PL people directly vote for only the state parliament and afterwards only the 66 state MPs choose the state president

They are building a new parliament which will be modern but I think they are doing it because 66 MPs was based on 91 borders which was 21 districts and 3 mps per district. The TPEC recognizes 50 districts, so a bigger parliament is needed. 3 MPS x 50= 150 MP's hall is needed.


@InaShaqalle That's why I said we should on Jan 8 in 2024 have parties compete for 150 seats of Parliament thru local elections at each district. Then adjust the parliament seats won based on local election results for each party.

You will need 76 seats to win a majority government for any party. If no party can secure 76 seats, then the third party will be 'deadlock decider' as both parties cuts deals on how to share the government posts with the third party in return for they're seats to reach 76 and above.

I can't wait to see on PL TV. 76 SEATS tally counter. As each district results return, adjust the parliament seat for that district to the party winner.
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@InaShaqalle I also am not supporter of a 'republic model' where politicians have to much power such as head of state, supreme court, armed forces commander, and government control, parliaamentary control. The idea of division of power is good but who are u 'dividing' that power too? your dividing it to someone who is a 'politician' who by nature will only care for his political survival or interest. Do we want politicians having all the power of a state? I say NO.

They're is other suitable models for Puntland, especially placing the constitution under the 'royal chambers' so politicians are 'check n balanced' by the 'Isimo' who should have distinct 'powers' delegated.

1. Ceremonial duties and naming 'winners of elections'
2. Conflict resolution whether at clan or political level
3. The power to dissolve or to recognize a government in the event of a disaster
4. The Isimo Chamber will be at 'head of state' level not involved in day to day government, parliament, or supreme court but in an 'oversight' role of all institutions. I say 'placing' them as head of state will mean they can't be 'political' any decision they make will either recognize or dissolve the whole 'government, courts, parliament' so they can't 'cherry' pick, so the liklihood they will 'use' their powers will be 'minimized' but at the same time, when the state is in 'grave situation' they have oversight and the needed powers to 'save' Puntland.


As a puntite, I think we need to set up 'TPEC instructor' booths of how to use the 'paper ballots'. The paper ballot should have a 'party, name, picture' for those who have literacy problem, they can see the 'picture' of the person on the ballot paper.

But before all that, before anyone votes, they need to go into a 'separate booth' with a TPEC instructor that shows them how to mark and select properly the candidates.

I hope these actions will 'reduce' the number of votes that end up khasaaro.
Some of you seem to be mixing two distinctly disparate elections and systems of governance, both democratic, yet different:

a) parliamentary
b) republic.

Under (a), MPs are elected by the electorate, who then choose a Prime Minister from the winning political party. The PM is not on the ballot, and a good example is Britain.

Under (b), the President and his VP are on the ballot and are elected by the people. The US is a case in point even though in the US, the public does not directly elect the President, and is not a direct democracy, but a representative democracy. Instead, the Electoral College chooses the President and is expected to choose the Candidate who wins the Popular vote. This is not always so, as seen in 2000 in Al Gore (won the popular vote) vs Bush (chosen by the Electoral college), and in 2016 in Trump (chosen by the Electoral college) vs Clinton (won the popular vote).

The Somali model is parliamentary inherited from the colonial overlords. No presidential candidate is on ballot, but the political party.
There has to be a cutoff otherwise everyoneโ€™s uncle is gonna chew sum khat and try to form a party

This is what Somaliland pioneered in the early 2000s and IMO all countries in the Horn should have a limited number of parties.

PS I'd go further and compel every party to choose its leader from only one specific clan/juffo eg in Somalia every party leader is Rahanwein. That way nobody votes along tribal lines


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga ๐Ÿค๐Ÿฅท
This is what Somaliland pioneered in the early 2000s and IMO all countries in the Horn should have a limited number of parties.

PS I'd go further and compel every party to choose its leader from only one specific clan/juffo eg in Somalia every party leader is Rahanwein. That way nobody votes along tribal lines
U didnโ€™t pioneer shit nacas western countries had this system for decades ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚