Puntland Information Minister Slams Muse Bihi


" Somaliland 30 sano ayay digsi madaxa kula jiraan oo dhinacna u dhaqaaqi la' yihiin " sidaas waxa yiri wasiirka warfaafinta Puntland Maxamuud Caydiid Dirir oo warbaahinta kula hadlay Garoowe.



Somaliland thugs crying for colonial borders, Go to the UK and ask to be enslaved again like your ancestors were. U didn't even have self-rule like the Sultanate of MJ/Warsan, your elders were all under queen elizabeth loooooooool. Here is one of your sons embracing his 'servitude' to the queen like your elders did.



Even your biggests ally HG wants to keep his distance from you, cuz they learned how embarassing your history is.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
It is true. Dhulbahante never signed any agreement with the British.
The British had no legal claim over the territory inhabited by Dhulbahante, other than that which was asserted by force after the defeat of Sayidka.

The clans that signed agreement with the British were:
  • Issa
  • Gadabursi
  • HA
  • HJ
  • Garhajis
  • Warsangeli​
The Dhulbahante were conquered by the British. They were never legally part of the protectorate.
While the Isaaq, Dir and Warsangeli were under the protectorate, the Dhulbhanate are actually a colonized people. This is a fact most Somalis do not know. It is also a powerful argument against the claims Isaaq are making to representing British Somaliland.

This is in part why the British had no qualms about dispossessing entire subclans of Dhulbahante of their livestock, they had no legal obligation to them. Even after 1920, the British did not bother to get the two Garaads to sign an agreement.

This is the only person I have ever seen make this interesting argument:


@Thegoodshepherd the monarchy in england signed a 'protection treaty' with warsangeli sultanates, they self-ruled their people, similar to majerten kingdom. The colonials had no local presence in either kingdom. The Isaaq treaty was different, they didn't have a kingdom and even if they did it would be eliminated like what happened to warsangeli sultan, becuz their can only be one king or queen of the land and that was Elizabeth.

Australia has a protection treaty with America, however Australia still has it's own self-rule. Protection treaty don't mean 'gumaysi'. MJ/Warsan are similar to Australia with it's own self rule and foreign protection treaty.


I prefer my ppl having it's own sultanate and protection from foreign powers, nothing wrong with that. I prefer being knighted by Boqor Burhan then Elizabeth looooooool


@Thegoodshepherd the monarchy in england signed a 'protection treaty' with warsangeli sultanates, they self-ruled their people, similar to majerten kingdom. The colonials had no local presence in either kingdom. The Isaaq treaty was different, they didn't have a kingdom and even if they did it would be eliminated like what happened to warsangeli sultan, becuz their can only be one king or queen of the land and that was Elizabeth.

Australia has a protection treaty with America, however Australia still has it's own self-rule. Protection treaty don't mean 'gumaysi'. MJ/Warsan are similar to Australia with it's own self rule and foreign protection treaty.
When it was time to draw the borders of British SL Warsangeli drew it on their own, the British consulted the Suldaan.


This is a fact most Somalis do not know. It is also a powerful argument against the claims Isaaq are making to representing British Somaliland.
The British Somaliland- Italian Somalia border ceased to exist after the unification of Somalia in 1960. If Isaaqs want succession for their clan they have to draw new borders. Their aggression is unacceptable.


@Laagite MJ/Warsan have a historical claim to Italy and Britain, that our sultanate was 'forcebly' destroyed by the colonialist and we want our original agreements restored. SL willingly joined Somalia, we mj/warsan were 'forced' to by destruction(mj kingdom) and jailing of sultan of warsangeli.


@Laagite MJ/Warsan have a historical claim to Italy and Britain, that our sultanate was 'forcebly' destroyed by the colonialist and we want our original agreements restored. SL willingly joined Somalia, we mj/warsan were 'forced' to by destruction(mj kingdom) and jailing of sultan of warsangeli.
Both clans have historical claim to independence as they were active at the time colonialists came in.


@Laagite I know the MJ population refused to move to the south after our kingdom was destroyed, only some of our elites moved to mogadishu after 1927 bombardment of the sultanate and created the SYL LIBERATION movement immediately.

The south was seen as a play-ground of italians and ppl feared living there would mean they would be 'gaalo'.

large scale people movement to the south happened at independence only in 1960 in large waves due to colonial infrastructure being located there and somali rule installed.


@Laagite that's why we keep telling HAGS we knew government way before your people, your ppl were ruled by italians, we had our own government when they didn't. They refuse to accept this reality. If MJ didn't lose our sultanates, the south would'nt create a SYL, the italians would've settled and ruled like south african whites do to blacks.

This reality, but they refuse the reality the HAG. Now Turkey N Amisom is taking over, they will always be CUCKS HAGS.


True Puntlander
Its funny each time when you discuss with jeegaan kids, they bring up FAKE document that they became country before Union.

On same day blue flag raise in hargisa they became country.

PL today as SYL represent Somalia unity. We will defend Sool and Sanaag.


@FBIsomalia the dhulbahante people need to uprise against their leaders and say either join hargeisa or garowe, no more eating two ways. They think their smart by eating both-ways, this only makes their district suffer becuz nothing will be allocated to them becuz it will be said 'it's disputed territory' and development partners will stay out.

So their leader might win and enjoy eating two ways but their locals and district suffer the 'disputed' status where no development partner will go. I know I would prefer my district develop rather then politicians pockets. The only way SSC will get development is to end the 'disputed' territory and join one region completely.


Muse Bihi couldn't enter Las anod, he went 'around' sneaking away and did a 'igu sawir' with a few low level workers and shit.



Muse Bihi would be Gaal if it wasn't for Darawish.

HAGS pay attention, if it wasn't 4 Majerten losing their kingdom and being forced into Hamar, their would be no SYL either, u wud be under the south african model of minority italian rule.
It is true. Dhulbahante never signed any agreement with the British.
The British had no legal claim over the territory inhabited by Dhulbahante, other than that which was asserted by force after the defeat of Sayidka.

The clans that signed agreement with the British were:
  • Issa
  • Gadabursi
  • HA
  • HJ
  • Garhajis
  • Warsangeli​
The Dhulbahante were conquered by the British. They were never legally part of the protectorate.
While the Isaaq, Dir and Warsangeli were under the protectorate, the Dhulbhanate are actually a colonized people. This is a fact most Somalis do not know. It is also a powerful argument against the claims Isaaq are making to representing British Somaliland.

This is in part why the British had no qualms about dispossessing entire subclans of Dhulbahante of their livestock, they had no legal obligation to them. Even after 1920, the British did not bother to get the two Garaads to sign an agreement.

This is the only person I have ever seen make this interesting argument:

Damn, my respect for DH just rose to a whole new level, they might be the only clan who never dealt with Colonialists in any capacity, kudos.


True Puntlander
@FBIsomalia the dhulbahante people need to uprise against their leaders and say either join hargeisa or garowe, no more eating two ways. They think their smart by eating both-ways, this only makes their district suffer becuz nothing will be allocated to them becuz it will be said 'it's disputed territory' and development partners will stay out.

So their leader might win and enjoy eating two ways but their locals and district suffer the 'disputed' status where no development partner will go. I know I would prefer my district develop rather then politicians pockets. The only way SSC will get development is to end the 'disputed' territory and join one region completely.
That is main problem we facing in Sool. Sanaag in 2019 said no more jeegaan and today they feel development in every aspect.

PL army are in south tukraaq, they waiting orders to advance to Lasscanood.

Now south Somalia start to clean up Alkabab. Will let us focus to Sool.
A grown man is holding back tears. I love it. Action speak loader than words rather than crying please attempt to capture back Lasanod.

Muse visited Tukaraq which is few stones away from Garowe a future town of Somaliland.

We was Darawiish, we where kings. buttt today I am a Isaac slave.

Free my nigga Harti who have been reduced to being keyboard warriors.
I am going to call your girl Ayaan Hirsi Ali to pray for you.


Bernie Madoff

Afhayeenka SL
A grown man is holding back tears. I love it. Action speak loader than words rather than crying please attempt to capture back Lasanod.

Muse visited Tukaraq which is few stones away from Garowe a future town of Somaliland.

We was Darawiish, we where kings. buttt today I am a Isaac slave.

Free my nigga Harti who have been reduced to being keyboard warriors.
I am going to call your girl Ayaan Hirsi Ali to pray for you.

They are called punaniland for a reason all they can do so talk and calacaal. Abunch of pussies I swear. :cryinglaughsmiley: