Puntland Govt Needs To Set UP Public Yet Private Boundaries


Puntland is my homeland so advice I render is first for my people not other people. Puntland must protect and encourage freedom, I do not say this lightly as freedom however U want to define it was given by god to humans, you have no right to interfere in people private choices or sins in life whether it's religion, gay, drugs, alcohol because if people want to do this they will irrespective of how tough or lenient any law is, if their is a will, they shall find a way whether it's public or underground is decided by the govt.

Freedom was ordained on Adam to make his own choices, whether their good or bad isn't for a govt to regulate, freedom also means making bad choices not just good. Good and bad is all relative and cultural and isn't a science which all humans agree on anyways.

Yes the Somali languag and culture must be the working culture of the govt or any public facilities because the people who pay the taxes the most are Somalis. But areas of private ownership such as businesses and homes isn't the govt responsibility to dictate what they can or cannot do.That's private hanti, I'm now playing devil advocate, if I want to set up a drug or alcohol business, I'm not forcing anyone to come, but I have the right to do what I want, that's my private business. The govt should not interfere in private ownership areas, irrespective what activities is carried out, by banning drugs and alcohol you actually fuel ppl curiosity to seek it out.

Free will to do good or bad must not be restricted just like noone restricted Adam to make his choices. Now yes their is boundaries like your freedom doesn't translate to your right to Harm or force others and infringe on their free will. The govt needs to play a juggling act. If you think evil can be stopped or banned your an absolute fuckin lunatic, evil can only be controlled and regulated to allow it to express itself freely.

You can't force ppl who are not interested in religion or heaven and are happy to go to hell. Diintu qasab ma aha, but this life is a shared reality between good and evil and both need to be unrestricted. It doesn't matter if you pray everyday and do all the good U sell yourself but upon death you may die a kaffir, yet some one who was a kaffir and evil all his life may die a Muslim and go to Jannah.

It's a damn lottery this life and the next and you can't pave your road to Jannah thru the 5 pillars, you can try but you cannot guarantee your life result when you face god, all U can do is appeal to mercy and forgiveness and we know mercy and forgiveness is rare in this earth, go and starve yourself of food and begg for god to send down food for U, let's see how often his mercy happens, or try to pray and do your duas and tell me how often it's answered. If you are smart and see the trend that mercy and forgiveness is rare in this world you can concluded it's even rarer in the next world.
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