PUNTLAND Puntland Airports: News & Development.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
I bet they overcharge nacalada. Bring KLM there so I can fly there comfortably
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It was about leelkase rape case she's wasirka haweenka in puntland.

She's Majeerteen, Siwaaqroon, same as Gambar

It's amazing how the 600KW AKSA diesel gen can power that whole rig.

@ 12:12 it looks like it's powering a remote jobsite in the middle of nowhere.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@Abdalla how do you think the gov got the land for this airport? As far as I know, that land east of the road is all boos owned privately by a Reer Mahad guy and the people he sold to.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@Abdalla how do you think the gov got the land for this airport? As far as I know, that land east of the road is all boos owned privately by a Reer Mahad guy and the people he sold to.

Not sure, I doubt they will pay compensation since its an empty land. My brother owns quite some land in Galkayo and the government was building a road on that land in 2015. They just told his caretakers that they will build a road there, but did not offer any compensation. On a positive note, his land has a road now on all four angles. Any smart landowner would welcome that kind of development. You might lose a large chunk of land but the rest will be worth more.

