Proud Kenyan Farah Moallim calls Abdiwali Gaas a handicapped individual in need of care

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Farah is absolutely correct about that Ethiopian subject. Not only is gaas mentally handicapped he is also a house for the Ethiopians, how fucking embarrassing to constantly bootyclap for foreigners while at the sametime bragging about being fucking xor. Akhas. Additionally, that crossed eyed retard was humiliated by his neighbours after flexing his non existent muscles at them and was chased out of Tukaraq. Good on Farah, he has bigger balls than every fucking coward in the hell hole called Somalia. Keep booty clapping, Ethiopian subjects.
Ogaden the shithole of ethopia you guys are in no position to talk about Somalia liberate your self first
If the fat worthless ethiopian subject has courage, lets see him walk into Kenya and confront Farah geesi, but we all know the out come, his fate will only repeat just like when he was chased out of sl after he tried to flex his over weight arms. I hope Farah geesi keeps checking Ethiopian subject.
Signs of a traitor

A treacherous person is vilified both in the worldly life and the Hereafter, when Allah, The Almighty, will expose him before all creatures. Abu Sa‘eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Prophet
said: “On the Day of Judgment, there will be a banner raised for every person guilty of betrayal. It will be raised in proportion to the extent of his [or her] culpability; and there is no form of treason more serious than that committed by a ruler.” [Muslim]

Some scholars consider treachery a grave major sin. Why not, when Allah, The Almighty, Says in a Qudsi Hadeeth: “I will be the Opponent of three types of people on the Day of Resurrection: he [or she] who makes a covenant in My Name, but is unfaithful; he [or she] who sells a free person and devours his price; and the one who employs a laborer and derives his [or her] objective from him [or her], but does not compensate him [or her] for that work.” [Al-Bukhari]

Oh look at that, the hadith is describing the over weight Ethiopian subject.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Yeah brother you're right Siad Barre used to treat every Somali the same. He had love for the Isaaqs as well. Siilanyo was a product of Siad Barre's government he worked at the Mogadishu port. And Faisal Cali Waraabe's alumni was in Mogadishu where he learned his education(another product). Ciiro was a wasiir I think (product). He finished his education in Xamar. And everybody knows Muse Bixi was a Military soldier for Mohamed Siad Barre's government (product). Siad Barre even sent Muse Bixi to Italy for military training. Mostly Isaaqs history is tied to Siad Barre's generosity and saafi heart AUN Jaalle Siyaad.
Most of somaliland leaders worked for somaliland you can argue siad barre was the father of somaliland from egal the first president of somaliland to muuse bixi the current president of somaliland all worked to siad barre.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Ameen. Siad Barre AUN loved his MJ brothers. If you ask me. He used to give them wasiirs of his government. I remember a MJ wasiir named Hassan in Siad Barre's goverment he was the gudoomiye of Banaadir back then.

Hassan was the mayor that refused Abgaals to bring their donkeys to the city of Mo
Signs of a traitor

A treacherous person is vilified both in the worldly life and the Hereafter, when Allah, The Almighty, will expose him before all creatures. Abu Sa‘eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, narrates that the Prophet
said: “On the Day of Judgment, there will be a banner raised for every person guilty of betrayal. It will be raised in proportion to the extent of his [or her] culpability; and there is no form of treason more serious than that committed by a ruler.” [Muslim]

Some scholars consider treachery a grave major sin. Why not, when Allah, The Almighty, Says in a Qudsi Hadeeth: “I will be the Opponent of three types of people on the Day of Resurrection: he [or she] who makes a covenant in My Name, but is unfaithful; he [or she] who sells a free person and devours his price; and the one who employs a laborer and derives his [or her] objective from him [or her], but does not compensate him [or her] for that work.” [Al-Bukhari]

Oh look at that, the hadith is describing the over weight Ethiopian subject.

Hadeeth reaches fkd :damn:
What does the term Marfuucal Qalam mean used by tool Faarax Macalln?

The Kenyan subject said Abdiwali Gaas was marfuucal qalam someone on whom accountibiliy has been lifted and that he cannot be held accountable for anything he does.

The marfuucal qalam are three as described by our prophet peace be upon him

1. The one who sleeps until he wakes up

2. A child until he reaches puberty

3. The insane person until his sanity returns

Farah the Kenyan tool says Abdiwali Gaas belongs in the third category. But the question is is it any of his business?
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