Proposal: Shabelleha Dhexe as the new Bantustan.

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There are paranoid fears that Somalia is being overrun by bantus or that there is an undercover bantu agenda. The reality couldn't further from these ridiculous conspiracy theories. The vast majority of bantus are peaceful people who want to be left alone for the most part and live among themselves in their own society. That is why in this incredible era of federalism the formation of an independent state for all bantus, be they Somalized bantus such as Madowweyne or relatively recent arrivals.

Making the case for a Bantu state :

It has been demonstrated scientifically from studies of gene flow that the ancestors of the modern day "Lamagodleys" (i.e the 5 major tribes in the Somali peninsula) are recent arrivals to the Somali peninsula, the earliest of which arriving a little over 6000 years ago from North Africa and as late as 800 years ago from the Arabian peninsula. This is all confirmed by the three main haplogroups found among these tribes: e3b, T, and J1. Also, the same studies confirm that the original inhabitants of the Somali peninsula are e3a carriers that are very close relatives to the modern day bantus that inhabit the region. This shows the distribution of e3a and e3b 10,000 years ago in the African continent:

For more of this information, please check the award winning works of Professor Eno on this groundbreaking work.

So, with that being said, there is a historical and natural case for a bantu state in the Somali peninsula. If not to honor the original inhabitants of the region and their close kin (i.e bantus), then to at least have a state all bantus in the region can congregate and live in peace away from Lamagodley persecution. Jowhar is already a bantu haven, and the lush farmlands of this blessed town are a constant across the Shabelleha Dhexe


With the federalism agenda moving and the balkanization of the Somali peninsula proceeding in a rather a predictable manner, the carving out of a new bantu homeland for all Somali bantus and other bantus in the blessed Shabelleha is becoming more of a reality with each passing day. obamadatazz
ilahay amarkis you want us to get stuck with desert land while you take the lush green area of shabeele,
the reality is you will stay a 0.5, and your land will be occupied by lamagoodley for the foreseeable future.
actually i would suggest that a strong central government would be the best outcome for bantus, the balkanization would
probably lead to the genocide cries of bantus to fall on deaf ears, atleast an internationally recognized government might see sanctions if bantus take their claims to the ic.


Why do I have the feeling you're not actually bantu? You sound like another member here. But I'll mind my own business. :mybusiness:


Citizen of Southwest State
I completely support the proposal of a Somali Bantu state in the Middle Shabeelle. Dameeraha abgaal don't deserve to have such a lush and profitable land. It is the rightful property of our Somali Bantu brothers.

The inhabitants of the Lower Shabeelle and the citizens of Southwest State as a whole welcome the formation of a Somali Bantu state. We welcome you as neighbors as well as brothers in a common struggle.


I completely support the proposal of a Somali Bantu state in the Middle Shabeelle. Dameeraha abgaal don't deserve to have such a lush and profitable land. It is the rightful property of our Somali Bantu brothers.

The inhabitants of the Lower Shabeelle and the citizens of Southwest State as a whole welcome the formation of a Somali Bantu state. We welcome you as neighbors as well as brothers in a common struggle.

Why are you talking to yourself? Everybody knows you are jubbaman nacas foqol nacas!
ilahay amarkis you want us to get stuck with desert land while you take the lush green area of shabeele,
the reality is you will stay a 0.5, and your land will be occupied by lamagoodley for the foreseeable future.
actually i would suggest that a strong central government would be the best outcome for bantus, the balkanization would
probably lead to the genocide cries of bantus to fall on deaf ears, atleast an internationally recognized government might see sanctions if bantus take their claims to the ic.

Look at this boon. This is the boon mind for you: His hatred for a people that have done nothing to him or his kind (Boons) far surpasses his hatred for the people (HUTUs) that supplanted his illiterate and foolish leader from power and proceeded to slaughter them thereafter. The only opposition to our dreams in the formation of a bantustan in Shabellaha Dhexe are the Abgal, and no one at all will come to their aid once all out war breaks out (hopefully that won't be necessary and we can repatriate them peacefully someplace else inshallah). You also seem to forget that most tribes living in the Somali peninsula have a more favorable view towards Somali bantus than their rival tribe. We might actually find many of the other tribes (Isaac and many Darod Subs such as MJ) helping us against a hypothetical war with the Abgal invaders.

There won't ever be any genocide against Somali bantus. That's a fantasy that exists only in the minds of bitter Diaspora kids who have no inkling of what the reality is on the ground. :banderas:
Look at this boon. This is the boon mind for you: His hatred for a people that have done nothing to him or his kind (Boons) far surpasses his hatred for the people (HUTUs) that supplanted his illiterate and foolish leader from power and proceeded to slaughter them thereafter. The only opposition to our dreams in the formation of a bantustan in Shabellaha Dhexe are the Abgal, and no one at all will come to their aid once all out war breaks out (hopefully that won't be necessary and we can repatriate them peacefully someplace else inshallah). You also seem to forget that most tribes living in the Somali peninsula have a more favorable view towards Somali bantus than their rival tribe. We might actually find many of the other tribes (Isaac and many Darod Subs such as MJ) helping us against a hypothetical war with the Abgal invaders.

There won't ever be any genocide against Somali bantus. That's a fantasy that exists only in the minds of bitter Diaspora kids who have no inkling of what the reality is on the ground. :banderas:
why would isaaq(wtf) and darod fight and die for bantus lol, for your own sake i suggest you don't start shit with hutus or you will end up facing the same fate as the arabids(reer xamars) and trust me no one will hear your genocide cries.the only reason hutus left you alone is because you're similar to them in appearance lol.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
why would isaaq(wtf) and darod fight and die for bantus lol, for your own sake i suggest you don't start shit with hutus or you will end up facing the same fate as the arabids(reer xamars) and trust me no one will hear your genocide cries.the only reason hutus left you alone is because you're similar to them in appearance lol.

hahahaha :banderas:

dont know what reality these arab bantu animals live in, but ever somali tribe would unite to crush these pathtic creatures, id rather destroy bantus than any somali clan

anyway it does not even matter, the abgals are doing a good job of flushing them out,

america has even given them refuge stutus, thats why they are flooding in states like maine,

thousands are also leaving for tanaziana

in the confusion of war, getting rid of them is becoming even easier

i have been to jowhar, unlike some bantu in the west, i know the reality of the situation

i dont understand this ape, im darod, and why would i support some ape than my own race of people, we may have fought but we are brothers, u must not know somalis if u think we would help bantus over our own kind, espically the northen tribes who hate bantus the most
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why would isaaq(wtf) and darod fight and die for bantus lol, for your own sake i suggest you don't start shit with hutus or you will end up facing the same fate as the arabids(reer xamars) and trust me no one will hear your genocide cries.the only reason hutus left you alone is because you're similar to them in appearance lol.

The boon brain never ceases to amaze, and then they call the Ogaden "dhoqoma". :chrisfreshhah:

"Help" doesn't mean physical support, you xoolo. Support in terms of weapons, propaganda, and financial is all we would need to completely overwhelm the Abgal invaders. Trust me, the hatred those two tribes have for Abgal for exceeds any hatred they would have for Bantus (which is practically none). Most tribes in the Somali peninsula actually have a favorable view towards Bantus, which is why any aggression against us can easily be turned into us defending ourselves against savages with some very mild propaganda.
The boon brain never ceases to amaze, and then they call the Ogaden "dhoqoma". :chrisfreshhah:

"Help" doesn't mean physical support, you xoolo. Support in terms of weapons, propaganda, and financial is all we would need to completely overwhelm the Abgal invaders. Trust me, the hatred those two tribes have for Abgal for exceeds any hatred they would have for Bantus (which is practically none). Most tribes in the Somali peninsula actually have a favorable view towards Bantus, which is why any aggression against us can easily be turned into us defending ourselves against savages with some very mild propaganda.
like i said, i advise you to stay in your lane and not get too ahead of yourselves. This reminds me when bantus use to attack ogadens when ever they got anywhere near their farms. this left og's shocked at why such a small group would provoke them?, well the bantus proceeded to get the karbaash of a life time.
i dont understand this ape, im darod, and why would i support some ape than my own race of people, we may have fought but we are brothers, u must not know somalis if u think we would help bantus over our own kind, espically the northen tribes who hate bantus the most

That's why when your adeer AY brought the Amhar to Ugandishu to massacre the HUTUs, Darods all over the country were celebrating? :chrisfreshhah:

Perhaps the only right political move the man has done in his entire life. This is not even bringing Somaliland into the equation and how Somaliland is proudly backed by its Ethiopian brethren against any dispute with Puntland in the past. You Lamagodleys are not the same people, neither do you have the same ethnic origins and heritages. This is why it is so easy to divide you. The only thing that unites you is a common language and religion. That is all.

Lol at northern tribes hating bantus. Other than a few kids raised in section 8 housing on 'cayr trolling online forums, most people in the North actually have a favorable view towards bantus. I have family living both in Hargeisa and Bosaso earning a respectable living there, while a boon or HUTU would be shot on sight if they tried to set up shop there. :banderas:

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
That's why when your adeer AY brought the Amhar to Ugandishu to massacre the HUTUs, Darods all over the country were celebrating? :chrisfreshhah:

Perhaps the only right political move the man has done in his entire life. This is not even bringing Somaliland into the equation and how Somaliland is proudly backed by its Ethiopian brethren against any dispute with Puntland in the past. You Lamagodleys are not the same people, neither do you have the same ethnic origins and heritages. This is why it is so easy to divide you. The only thing that unites you is a common language and religion. That is all.

Lol at northern tribes hating bantus. Other than a few kids raised in section 8 housing on 'cayr trolling online forums, most people in the North actually have a favorable view towards bantus. I have family living both in Hargeisa and Bosaso earning a respectable living there, while a boon or HUTU would be shot on sight if they tried to set up shop there. :banderas:

:dead1:hahahahaha, i never knew selling your body in streets was respectably, but i guess thats all an exslave is uselful for,

its almost laughable they way you grasp as straws, you do realse ahmed yusuf said that all bantu should go back to tanzania, theres actually a joke amongst northerns that the only think worse than those u call hutu are low class pathetic bantus,

thats the reality, not some bulshit, that we would finance or help in any way a "half star" rebellion,

there is more hawiye in the north than some ape from congo

its almost laughable the way you operate, first you claim somalis hate bantus (which is very true) and then you clam northerns actually like you freaks, then conveintly just like arabs and fellow bantus you claim we are not the same, which is funny cause we share the same relgion and language as you freaks, yet everyone can see you are different,

ill tell you the hard cold truth, even at our lowest you apes couldnt even win, you animals are now running as fast as they can to tanzana

both arabs and bantus are the only thing holding us back, all you need is some mild propaganda, and the apes would be finshed in no time
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That's why when your adeer AY brought the Amhar to Ugandishu to massacre the HUTUs, Darods all over the country were celebrating? :chrisfreshhah:

Perhaps the only right political move the man has done in his entire life. This is not even bringing Somaliland into the equation and how Somaliland is proudly backed by its Ethiopian brethren against any dispute with Puntland in the past. You Lamagodleys are not the same people, neither do you have the same ethnic origins and heritages. This is why it is so easy to divide you. The only thing that unites you is a common language and religion. That is all.

Lol at northern tribes hating bantus. Other than a few kids raised in section 8 housing on 'cayr trolling online forums, most people in the North actually have a favorable view towards bantus. I have family living both in Hargeisa and Bosaso earning a respectable living there, while a boon or HUTU would be shot on sight if they tried to set up shop there. :banderas:
AY brought them to secure the country from icu who were multi clan, and even multi race, and it wasn't a AY decision but a decision on the part of the tfg, who hutus were also apart of.

its not isaaqs hating bantus, but rather them just not caring, they see the south all as faqash why would they sympathize with Madows?

why would sade get shot in bosaso? lol i have family there right now lol
:dead1:hahahahaha, i never knew selling your body in streets was respectably, but i guess thats all an exslave is uselful for,

Thing is, mostly your women that engage in most of the prostitution in Bosaso. There is no evidence of Bantus engaging in any form of prostitution in Puntland.
its almost laughable they way you grasp as straws, you do realse ahmed yusuf said that all bantu should go back to tanzania, theres actually a joke amongst northerns that the only think worse than those u call hutu are low class pathetic bantus,
I adequately addressed that in my other thread. The man was a great troll seeing as he himself didn't believe in the existence of a "Somali race". Let's just leave it at that.

Fabricating jokes now, are we? The fact remains that a Bantu will always feel more at home with the locals in Somaliland and Puntland than a HUTU or any other Southerner (with exception of boons in Puntland). This has been the experience of my own family as well as countless others enumerated on many blogs and websites across the web.

there is more hawiye in the north than some ape from congo
Now you're just trolling, sxb. :drakekidding:

The rest of your post is nothing more than incoherent babble that is simply not worth my time.

Land of Punt

Punt is an cushtic empire located in the horn
its obvious that you are some bantu in west that is completly detached from reality, you keep claiming how the north loves bantu, but yet refuse to admit when faced with clear evidence that there nothng in somalia more hated that bantus, which is why you have never been represented in our flag,our culture or our goverment, most people in the africa dont even know a small tribe of buntus actually live in the horn

but i guess times are changng, as this video perfectly illustrates, i hope you Madows have fun n tanzania

funny the man in the video clealy states that bantus have come from another part of afrca mmmmm....

it seems they aint native after allsiilaanyolaugh
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I believe I speak for all Somalis when I say we love our Bantu brothers and sisters, and we want to see a state that is built on justice and social and economic equality for all citizens. This is our desire, and the command of Allah SWT.
hahahaha :banderas:

dont know what reality these arab bantu animals live in, but ever somali tribe would unite to crush these pathtic creatures, id rather destroy bantus than any somali clan

anyway it does not even matter, the abgals are doing a good job of flushing them out,

america has even given them refuge stutus, thats why they are flooding in states like maine,

thousands are also leaving for tanaziana

in the confusion of war, getting rid of them is becoming even easier

i have been to jowhar, unlike some bantu in the west, i know the reality of the situation

i dont understand this ape, im darod, and why would i support some ape than my own race of people, we may have fought but we are brothers, u must not know somalis if u think we would help bantus over our own kind, espically the northen tribes who hate bantus the most

Spoken like a tru puntlander
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