People who only have 1 or 2 kids might as well be single and give their kids up for gay adoption

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People who only have 1 or 2 kids and dont plan on having anymore (especially 1 kid) only reproduced because of pressure from friends and family and I dont think they wanted to start a family of their own. Or they did it just as a practice and to test the waters.

I think they're better off giving their kids up for adoption. I don't think they're serious.


Wasn't expecting you to be holding a view like that. Colour me surprised:ehh:
Of course, that's some asinine bullshit though. Personally, I'm aiming for a football team, reserves included.
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People with 1 or 2 kids are the ones who get divorced most often so there is truth to what I'm saying.

You barely ever see large families suffering from divorce except Somalis (who have the highest divorce rates in the world) so let's not include them.
Me and my man will raise 4-5 kids. We will put shame on the heterosexual couples who bring only 1 child into this world like their child is some handbag
I'm out here tryna have 2. Means I can provide for them above and beyond, while having a life with the wife
I'm debating whether i should even have 1. its easy for the guys to say they want a football team cos ya'll ain't the ones who go through it.

hopefully i meet a guy who doent see me as a baby factory, maybe 1 or 2 insha Allah.
I dont think most parents would want to give their children up for adoption AJ lol :deadrose:

1 seems perfect, maybe 2 so they other one doesn't get lonely.


Accomplished Saaxir
Having 1 child is pointless if many people had one child this would lead to a population decline which isn't good as you need a ever growing workforce to cater to the needs of a growing ageing population which is what you see in the West today.


break the rules I'm an innocent fool
I think this thread should be adopted by the trash because the person who created it is not serious at all.
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