Oral sex and Islam.

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Nevermind oral I get wiswis from kissing alone. Whenever I kissed girls that I dated on the lips
I use to rush to the toilet privately later to wash my lips immediately Lol. Oral, lip kissing etc
are all new concepts in Somali society.

so how would u go about getting intimate with ur wife, u just gon start humping her out of nowhere :deadrose:
Wallahi it always made me laugh how on every question time w sheikh u had ppl going straight to sex questions
Bunch of horny repressed fucks:chrisfreshhah:

Lolololol at dudes who want head and don't qant to reciprocate, the door is that way :drakelaugh:

But surely the fact that they are allowed the platform to ask such questions in a religious setting proves they are not repressed? Surely repression would be if the sheikhs refused to even talk about such topics.

I think it's pretty neat that when it comes to seeking knowledge in the deen, nothing is taboo. Not sure if it's the same in other religions.
Isnt foreplay a prescribed Sunnah by the prophet? :hmm:

“When you intend to have sex with your wife, do not rush because the woman (also) has needs (which should be fulfilled).”

“The best woman among you is the one who discards the armor of shyness when she undresses for her husband, and puts on the armor of shyness when she dresses up again.”

It is narrated from the Prophet (s): “Do not engage in sexual intercourse with your wife like hens; rather, firstly engage in foreplay with your wife and flirt with her and then make love to her.”

Moe knew how to get down

But surely the fact that they are allowed the platform to ask such questions in a religious setting proves they are not repressed? Surely repression would be if the sheikhs refused to even talk about such topics.

I think it's pretty neat that when it comes to seeking knowledge in the deen, nothing is taboo. Not sure if it's the same in other religions.

No it just made me giggle like after a long sermon ppl would be asking "is it halal to do oral" lmao :dead:
The responses kills me too cuz u could tell the sheikh was always flustered. :deadmanny: Nvm me I'm just immature kkkk
It's about appreciating and respecting your other half and not being selfish and only thinking about your own pleasure.

Islam recognises that women also have sexual desires and needs and encourages men to be considerate.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
No it just made me giggle like after a long sermon ppl would be asking "is it halal to do oral" lmao :dead:
The responses kills me too cuz u could tell the sheikh was always flustered. :deadmanny: Nvm me I'm just immature kkkk
ever heard that question asked in somali at a conference, with the response in somali? weirdest shit ever

Just be humans. If you like giving head give head. If you like recieving head recieve head. Dont ask what some 70 year old man whos only done missionary his whole life tell you how to enjoy your self
A shaikh was once asked if one can go down on his wife and the shaikh responded with "adeer bahalka khadhaadhkiisa maxaad ku fali" Meaning shaikh tried it himself already.:heh:
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