BREAKING NEWS OFFICIAL: KENYA withdraws from maritime dispute case with SOMALIA.

Kenyans are acc stupid. if the ruling goes Somalia's way then the waters are internationally recognised as part of Somalia. no amount of 'we will take it by force' can stop this


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Kenyans are acc stupid. if the ruling goes Somalia's way then the waters are internationally recognised as part of Somalia. no amount of 'we will take it by force' can stop this
A Kenyan professor advised the Kenyan gov to withdraw from the case citing Kenya's thin legal argument but he said the verdict of the court loses legitimacy if Kenya withdraws from the case.
Somebody check on Sheikh Kulkuli he’s not doing too good


MT Foxtrot

The FGS resisted Kenya's diplomatic pressure for years to deliver us this verdict. I hope people recognise this and give them the praise they deserve. Well done to Hassan Sheikh for initiating the proceedings and Farmaajo for taking us to the finishing line. Somalia hanoolaato!

