Official Height Thread

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I need more evidence...he's Somalian


A man who is called a sheegato by his own should not worry about Amira



:westbrookswag: I commend you for being a good sport.

@Gucci mane amira likes Somali guys so that's why he poses as a Somali girl. He is also chubby and lives in Australia. So if there are any Aussie guys who are interested, you got a shot with endriam. He seemingly has only one type and that's somali guys. :stevej:
Good sport kulaha, the whole thread was dry af. Nigga never posted anything except for "He's gay" repeatedly:sass1:
Did the mods delete the thread horta?:cosbyhmm:
Good sport kulaha, the whole thread was dry af. Nigga never posted anything except for "He's gay" repeatedly:sass1:
Did the mods delete the thread horta?:cosbyhmm:

Are you talking about the thread where he dropped screenshots of the convo you guys had together? If yes, it got deleted and Amira took a break after getting rejected :icon lol:


Are you talking about the thread where he dropped screenshots of the convo you guys had together? If yes, it got deleted and Amira took a break after getting rejected :icon lol:
Nah he never posted any screenshots, cuz he had non:mybusiness:
Man was so desperate, he claimed i slid into his DMs with dick pics.:mjlol: Waxkasta samee si ay dadku kuu believe gareyan :pachah1:Is @fardowsa still banned?


I guess you gave up on that celibate relationship shit then :icon lol:

Talk about doing a full 180 :damn:
I blame you; you redpilled me on the true nature of so called good guys :kanyeshrug:
I decided if relationships were that hopeless, it's better to be the user/abuser than the used/abused. :mjcry:
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