Norwegian government funds research to find out if white paint is racist


East Africa UNUKA LEH
George Floyd GIF by GIPHY News

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Ny post is all I needed to see to dismiss the article. Murdoch owned newspaper meant to distribute propaganda to the gullible.

well obviously your methodology is wrong then.

How Norway Made the World Whiter (NorWhite)

Funded by the Research Council of Norway (Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal 2023 - 2028)

Principal Investigator: Associate Professor Ingrid Halland

Host institution: The University of Bergen

The research project ʻHow Norway Made the World Whiterʼ (NorWhite) studies a Norwegian innovation; the white pigment titanium dioxide in a historical, aesthetic, and critical lens—focusing on how the pigment transformed surfaces in art, architecture, and design. The primary research question is: What are the cultural and aesthetic changes instigated by titanium white and TiO2 surfaces – and how can both the material in itself and these changes be conceptualized and made visible? NorWhite connects challenging topics - whiteness, technological innovation, and mass-exploitation of natural resources - in a single case study. The project will do this through an interdisciplinary research design grounded in an original and creative humanities approach that merges art history and artistic research.

"Whiteness is one of today’s key societal and political concerns. Within and beyond academia worldwide, actions of revolt and regret seek to cope with our racial past. In the pivotal works in whiteness studies within art and architecture history, whiteness is understood as cultural and visual structures of privilege. The new research project ‘How Norway Made the World Whiter’ (NorWhite) funded by the Research Council of Norway (12 million NOK), addresses a distinctively different battleground for politics of whiteness in art and architecture. Two core premises underpin the project: Whiteness is not only a cultural and societal condition tied to skin colour, privileges, and systematic exclusion, but materialise everywhere around us. Second, one cannot understand this materialisation without understanding the societal, technological and aesthetic conditions of the colour itself."

This is part of Ingrid Halland 's article

This is the article she writes


Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Ingrid Halland

art and architecture historian
Current & Upcoming Projects
Editor-in-chief of Metode, an online publishing platform by ROM for kunst og arkitketur that publishes experimental essays in the fields of art and architecture, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Research Grant (12 million NOK) for the project “How Norway Made the World Whiter” from The Research Council of Norway (Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal, 2023 – 2028)

this is from her website.... there's no question this is a real thing

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Blacks taking over Norweigian Academia
Salt Bae Cooking GIF by Demic

there is no way any blacks are involved with this... I hope not... for some reason this kind of extreme sjw thing is almost always coming from white people... but then there is a small minority of extreme sjw blacks out there.... it's very common that blacks support things like blm, for example.... but "study to find out if white paint is racist"... it's got to be white people behind this


Roots in Somaliland + Somali Region ✝️
there is no way any blacks are involved with this... I hope not... for some reason this kind of extreme sjw thing is almost always coming from white people... but then there is a small minority of extreme sjw blacks out there.... it's very common that blacks support things like blm, for example.... but "study to find out if white paint is racist"... it's got to be white people behind this
ya’ll are absolutely retarded. ‘the white man’ mentally and physically colonizing you for hundreds of years = ok, - but someone researching how ‘the white man’ did it = woke librul madness

Ny post is all I needed to see to dismiss the article. Murdoch owned newspaper meant to distribute propaganda to the gullible.
gucci thinking. bravo.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
ya’ll are absolutely retarded. ‘the white man’ mentally and physically colonizing you for hundreds of years = ok, - but someone researching how ‘the white man’ did it = woke librul madness


gucci thinking. bravo.

umm this is the resistance to mental colonization. it's white people pushing this kind of retarded garbage and I'm resisting it. and I was openly cheering on here when the imperialists lost in Afghanistan so what you're saying here does not apply to me at all.

anyways, it's you people who jump to the defence of white people liberalism who are the ones who are on the side of the imperialists/colonialists. it's the white people pushing this kind of garbage ideology.

