Noordin Hajji appointed as Director of National intelligence Service-Kenya

Mashallah Beesha has the top Security dockets in Kenya
1.Minister of defense
2.Director of National Intelligence
3.Director of Criminal investigations
4.Kenya’s Police deputy Commissioner
5.Kenya Navy Deputy Commander



Mashallah Beesha has the top Security dockets in Kenya
1.Minister of defense
2.Director of National Intelligence
3.Director of Criminal investigations
4.Kenya’s Police deputy Commissioner
5.Kenya Navy Deputy Commander

Why don't u Guys get active in Ethiopia where u have larger stake and use it as a vehicle to empower JL into Somalia. Plus ur so lucky u diversified not centralized in one area, so u have place to 'flee ur civilians' while ur warriors battle warriors.

I am impressed with Ogaden strategical diversity becuz we learned about centralizing in 91. U have 3 countries to operate in and grow and not only that 'steal ideas' and 'tactics'


U can economically choke hold Somalia while u diversify not tied to any but make them compete and 'submissive' becuz their 'stuck' with the port only not 'movable' like the clientele.

U can do it thru kenya-ethiopia opening the gateways u r the 'real inland' port. Plus u got Kista as 'back up'. I predicted this in 2007 in zomnet to MJS in PL to get our alliance with them the MOST not Hawiye.

But u need PL cuz we got the 'ATM' route established thru Dubai if we combine our strategical strength we can put this beast to sleep in the south.
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We must help Saudi-UAE to resolve mid-east especially Qatar who is hosting all terrorists leaders in operational sunni countries their vested in. Hags went to bed with the terrorist asylum, scary turkey even 'protects' qatar with military base to ensure their not invaded and it has similar plans for HAGS.

Turkey is pro hawiye cuz egypt told them plus their govt operations are in hamar only, thats where that duli ina salad is also and where sal-balaar was done showing where 'egypt' hand is and its the holy land of muslim brotherhood.

I told Puntites to kick turkey business out, why u giving ur port money to the monster who backs HAG-QATAR-EGYPT where the Muslim BROTHERHOOD is.

PL and the brotherhood dont have a pretty past and these silly puntites still welcome their supporters in different 'costumes' be it the jihadi one or political party suits or economic companies and even their 'charities', I want to put bullet in some in qardho who run schools setting 'trojans' in the future plus qatar charities do the same with orphans its scary. I told them ages ago not now but around 2015. These clowns will regret it when the future or someone in PL remembers Dr osman wisdom.
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@Neero read what I just posted, u wont see it play out immediately but slowly but I investigated the brotherhood in egypt n turkey n qatar back in 2015. Even hamar education n telecoms are brotherhood, their training future trojans to enter parties politics to fight from political front, while jihadis do the jihad front, charities brainwash and establish future trojans. PL n brotherhood are enemies sxb since alitihaad n dahir aways day.

I will shot the fuckers between the eyes if i could, u aint destroying my awoowe ppl land. Meeshay bantu iyo wax an cadow ku ahayn bay ku maqan yihin reer puntland talk about maskax gumaysan

Stare Down Floyd Mayweather GIF


Saudi-UAE We share common enemy the brotherhood who will just remove us from political scene as they slowly establish the brotherhood across 57 islamic countries thru political parties, penetrating education to create new loyal trojans, charities for children to grow up brotherhood, even economic domination to ensure the money supply plus the jihadis all read brotherhood scholars so thats another front its multi polar weerar waa dagaal dhowr geesood leh.

Once they do this then its slow merge into caliphate and then march to europe n america once they develop their capacities, but u my friend 'ina gumeed' baad ka noqon u were considered an obstacle in their horn theater.


The scary thing is Turkey will attempt the caliphate not now but in slow increments in different theaters but the holy land is egypt muslim brotherhood birth place.

It already knows pakistan will knowledge transfer nuke tech to provide nuke protection to the caliphate, then it's slowly break the west bit by bit either direct posture or indirect and Russia is key factor.

I haven't seen China posture from Turkey but I assume he know their 'only economical first nation' not interested in global dominations using the colony method or indirect colony method. Turkey will then focus on the build up of it's different theater and what role they will play. We most likely will be front line soldiers cuz we are kept hungry n poor for reason and a player on the 'red sea' to do turkey bidding on economic war and ensure no enemy of caliphate can pass thru. Turks will be the human capital I suspect or brains, the arabs the money, and pakistan the nuke protection. Then it will create monster militaries in different theaters before it makes it move theater to theater

