Node JS or PHP?


Forza Somalia!
I think nodejs is better, never used it, but I think it goes well with front end applications. Why learn JavaScript for front end and then php for backend when you could just use nodejs

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
PHP is such a terrible language, I hope I never touch it.
There is a benefit in using the same language for both frontend and backend.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I think nodejs is better, never used it, but I think it goes well with front end applications. Why learn JavaScript for front end and then php for backend when you could just use nodejs

this times a million! this is what I don't understand... why should I go and learn PHP if you can just use what you already know from JavaScript???

but apparently... according to what I've read, you can somehow use PHP and node JS both so insha'Allah I'm going to just learn both

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
PHP is such a terrible language, I hope I never touch it.
There is a benefit in using the same language for both frontend and backend.

I'm trying to do this certain course and for some reason the person who does it insists on teaching PHP instead of Node JS... I am really baffled.... if I was just doing my own thing independently, I would assume it would make way more sense to go with Node JS but... I like the teacher's style and I want to do the course so... insha'Allah I'm going to learn both... PHP through the course and Node JS through another route
There will always be a place for PHP when it comes to web dev. I haven't ever had to learn it but I know that it still is used at a ton of companies so you wouldn't lose anything. Yeah there are better languages, but there will always be demand for jobs requiring it.


Forza Somalia!
PHP is such a terrible language, I hope I never touch it.
There is a benefit in using the same language for both frontend and backend.
Php is very good, and still in use in many places, especially in places where you don’t want to use Javascript


Forza Somalia!
this times a million! this is what I don't understand... why should I go and learn PHP if you can just use what you already know from JavaScript???

but apparently... according to what I've read, you can somehow use PHP and node JS both so insha'Allah I'm going to just learn both
If you already know php then using it is alright, but going to learn JavaScript and php at same time to use both is not a great idea

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
If you already know php then using it is alright, but going to learn JavaScript and php at same time to use both is not a great idea

I was trying to learn PHP just to follow this particular course I want to do... but I switched over to working on learning Node instead... it seems inefficient to me to learn a whole other language when I can just use javascript in the backend

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I do want to mention for the sake of respecting PHP.... I did switch to a node course and even the node instructor himself straight up said that there are certain projects where node is not appropriate to use and in which it would be better to use Ruby on Rails, PHP or Python

