Nigerian professor Opeyemi Enoch cracks 156-year-old maths problem

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The mathematician is the first to solve the connudrum since it was first proposed by Bernhard Riemann in 1859
Caroline Mortimer @cjmortimer 12 hours ago
Dr Opeyemi Enoch could be the first person to solve one of the seven millennium problems since the prize fund was set up in 2000 Getty Images

problem that has been confounding mathematicians for more than 150 years may have been solved by a Nigerian university professor.

Dr Opeyemi Enoch, from the Federal University in the city of Oye Ekiti, is thought to have solved the Riemann Hypothesis - which has left mathematicians scratching their heads since it was first proposed by German Bernhard Riemann in 1859.

He presented his proof at the International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science and, if he is proved correct, could win $1m (£657,000) for his troubles.

The Riemann Hypothesis is known as one of the seven millennium problems in mathematics.

In 2000, the Clay Mathematics Institute in the US launched a prize fund for anyone who solved seven mathematical problems that have been puzzled over for years.

Dr Enoch may have solved the problem first proposed by Bernhard Riemann (pictured) 156 years ago
If Dr Enoch’s Proof is accepted, he will be the first person to solve a problem since the prize was founded.

The problem concerns the distribution of prime numbers and is arguably the most famous problem in mathematics since the Fermat’s Last Theorem was solved by Dr Andrew Wiles in 1994.

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Dr Enoch told the BBC World Service that he had been motivated to solve the problem by his students.

He said: “The motivation was because my students trusted that the solution could come from me - not because the financial reward and that was why I started trying to solve the problem in the first place.”

In a statement, the university said: “Dr Enoch first investigated and then established the claims of Riemann. He went on to consider and to correct the misconceptions that were communicated by mathematicians in the past generations, thus paving way for his solutions and proofs to be established.”



Suldaanka Gobyare
Nigerians are known to have a epic brain.

It is of course the biggest economy of Africa.

Indeed the Bantus have out-shadowed the Somalis.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nigerians are known to have a epic brain.

It is of course the biggest economy of Africa.

Indeed they have out-numbered the Somalis.

In political correctness, Nigerians are not Bantu. There is no such thing as a group of people being more cognitively inclined. In order to determine this, you would actually have to make all variable equal in people's lives. And that is impossible. Good for the man. He did something that others were unable to do that belonged to other ethnic groups as well. Not just Somalis.

This topic brought up the subject of achievement. I should mention that it has nothing to do with aptitude (alone) and more to do with a cultural value that focuses on hard work and discipline. Someone that chooses the path of least resistance will get nowhere. If a group of children once erroneously considered "developmentally disabled" by school officials could learn to read and analyze Shakespeare in 1st grade, because of an exceptional teacher that treats them like proteges, then I'm sure anything is possible. You can't put a cap on human potential. People have a way of placing a cap on their potential based on the feedback they get from others, that is if they internalize it. I don't think there is anything wrong with Somalis "cognitively". Some of them sadly have a fixed mindset whereby they think you are either gifted or you aren't, so they don't apply themselves consistently and methodically. I'm only talking about a certain cross-section so don't take offense or (generalize).
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it's not Nigerians, it is one ethnic group in Nigeria out of hundreds that are so sucssessful they are called Igbos.
It's mainly due to culture and socio economic status that the Igbos do so well. This one ethnic group btw


Suldaanka Gobyare
it's not Nigerians, it is one ethnic group in Nigeria out of hundreds that are so sucssessful they are called Igbos.
It's mainly due to culture and socio economic status that the Igbos do so well. This one ethnic group btw
Were those impressive children from the UK also Igbo and the man who built that African drone?


Suldaanka Gobyare
In political correctness, Nigerians are not Bantu. There is no such thing as a group of people being more cognitively inclined. In order to determine this, you would actually have to make all variable equal in people's lives. And that is impossible. Good for the man. He did something that others were unable to do that belonged to other ethnic groups as well. Not just Somalis.

This topic brought up the subject of achievement. I should mention that it has nothing to do with aptitude (alone) and more to do with a cultural value that focuses on hard work and discipline. Someone that chooses the path of least resistance will get nowhere. If a group of children once erroneously considered "developmentally disabled" by school officials could learn to read and analyze Shakespeare in 1st grade, because of an exceptional teacher that treats them like proteges, then I'm sure anything is possible. You can't put a cap on human potential. People have a way of placing a cap on their potential based on the feedback they get from others, that is if they internalize it. I don't think there is anything wrong with Somalis "cognitively". Some of them sadly have a fixed mindset whereby they think you are either gifted or you aren't, so they don't apply themselves consistently and methodically. I'm only talking about a certain cross-section so don't take offense or (generalize).

LOL I know I'm just trolling, but to most Somalis anyone with a wide nose and nappy hair is. :ftw9nwa:

""a cultural value that focuses on hard work and discipline""
:vanlf9a: This right here. You hit the nail on the head.


:comeon: Yall gnna turn this into a bantu thread. If he did indeed solve this problem that's really impressive. This has been one of the hardest mathematical conjectures of all time. Proving mathematical conjectures you have to show that it works or the converse that it doesn't work. There's probably way more now but I remember back in 2012 in my freshman year there were a lot of examples that fit into the proof but sadly it doesn't mean the proof has been solved. Which is why I'm skeptical about this. There's actually a really good Numberphile video on the reimman hypothesis. If you like math or this interests you i highly suggest u watch it. I'd link it but my phone is being gay I can't copy and paste


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
  • West Africans and Southern Africans (Bantu) are both Niger-Congo AKA Bantuoids who share the same genetics, physical phenotype and even linguistic lines. So yes they are similar, actually very similar! XD
Bantu are more recent, and they branched off from other Niger-Congo groups. The genetic link between them and Nigerians is obvious. That is why I was being politically correct. It's no different from me saying you are Afar, even though you are Somali.
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Your superior
Somalis are dumb animals and this thread proofs it. They turned it into Bantu bashing. Bantu have higher IQ then somalis


@metamorphosis Would like this or will he Bantu bash too? :ohdamn:jk bro

I swear if cadaan did this the sick kid @Waranle would be booty clapping for him. This dude has major obsession with Bantus. Kulaha the guy is Igbo not a Nigerian :snoop: it's like a cadaan saying a succesful Samosa isn't a Somali but just a Samosa :lebronwtf:
I swear if cadaan did this the sick kid @Waranle would be booty clapping for him. This dude has major obsession with Bantus. Kulaha the guy is Igbo not a Nigerian :snoop: it's like a cadaan saying a succesful Samosa isn't a Somali but just a Samosa :lebronwtf:

Futaada u sheeg!! There is nothing called Ethnic Nigerian thats a nationality. For simply stating the Ethnicity of this sucssesful group in Africa i am cadaan bootyclapper? how does that make sense? :drakewtf: Its called differentiation.

Samosa is an arab dish dhoqon yahow :snoop:

I dont get it with you guys i talk about many topics many topics , suddenly i am obssesed. because i choose to speak in detail about one specific topic you have a problem with and then its i am suddenly obssessed.

Waleee waa yab! :O27GWRK:

Tomorrow i speak about basketball , someone is going to label me NBA obssessed, because they dont like what im saying. :uCkf6mf:
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This Geeljire kid wants to have his cake and eat it, too.:heh:

There is more of a genetic and ethnic difference between the different tribes in the Somali peninsula than there are between Nigerians of different ethnic groups. This is an absolutely indisputable fact. Nigerians share the same macro-cultural habits and the same macro-language (many of the languages spoken by the different ethnic groups are merely different dialects of one another). If you want to push the nonsensical propaganda of a "Somali ethnicity", you also must accept the idea of a "Nigerian ethnicity" which makes even more sense than a "Somali ethnicity". The different ethnic groups of Nigeria are much more closely related and share a common descent than do the different and unrelated tribes living in the Somali peninsula.
Props to Nigerians. This is just another nail in the coffin for the bantu haters and their sick and twisted smear campaign they like to propagate on this forum. I have a great deal of respect for bantus, as do most of my kin, and they will always be welcomed in Jubbaland and their contributions to our economy and general welfare will be appreciated.
This Geeljire kid wants to have his cake and eat it, too.:heh:

There is more of a genetic and ethnic difference between the different tribes in the Somali peninsula than there are between Nigerians of different ethnic groups. This is an absolutely indisputable fact. Nigerians share the same macro-cultural habits and the same macro-language (many of the languages spoken by the different ethnic groups are merely different dialects of one another). If you want to push the nonsensical propaganda of a "Somali ethnicity", you also must accept the idea of a "Nigerian ethnicity" which makes even more sense than a "Somali ethnicity". The different ethnic groups of Nigeria are much more closely related and share a common descent than do the different and unrelated tribes living in the Somali peninsula.
Awoowe I missed you. :friendhug: Where have you been?
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