My girl is pregnant and she not Somali or Muslim.


Plotting world domination
Lol what advice would you give a pregnant female Zani?


I would suddenly become an abortion advocate


Plotting world domination
What do you mean "suddenly"? Aren't you already pro-choice?

As an irreligious dude, what's stopping you from being in favour of abortion?
I'm pro choice lool.

Have advocated for abortion in a minute though. It's been years honestly. Last time I went on an abortion rant was when I was confronted by some pro life cadaans at uni.
Nigga better order the double 23&me bogo sale this fall cuz this some wassi shit if true. Man’s really greased a Hispanic ting wallahi it’s moshup
The fact that I've picked up enough T-Dotnimo on this forum to have understood this immediately 😂
You're not married to this girl, and since you probably live in a Western country, let's see what you could do.

First, ask yourself what you want, what the girl wants, and what the nature of the relationship is. Was it for a long-term commitment, or just a sinful fornication?

Now, this is clear: "The child is to be attributed to the bed (i.e., to the husband in marriage) and the adulterer deserves nothing."

A child from fornication isn't attributed to you, but in the story of Jurayj, the child attributed his paternity to the shepherd despite the sinful relationship. Because of the child being bestowed with the ability to speak. This shows paternity can be attributed to the father without marriage.

Admitting the child is yours makes them yours. You did this in this thread and to your mother, "I'm 19 and I got my girl pregnant."

The only way to undo this is with a DNA test. If it's negative, it's not your problem anymore.

I strongly advise taking a DNA test.

Likely, it'll show you're the father, cementing the case for paternity.

At this point, you have two options:

  1. Convince her to convert to Islam or raise the child Muslim. Marry her and seek support from both families until you're able to provide.
  2. It's unclear if she wants an abortion or to keep the child. You could advocate for abortion with her consent, but know it's a sin.

"...Under Islamic law, the person that has caused the abortion has to pay diyyah (blood money) if the foetus is born alive and dies subsequently. But if the foetus is not completely formed, then a lesser fine is to be paid by the wrong doer.The position is the same even if it is the mother that is responsible for the abortion without the father’s consent. The penalty for unlawful abortion in Islamic law is a ghurra, which is five camels or its monetary equivalent (50 dinars or 500 dirhams)."

We shouldn't knowingly commit sins. However, if you must take that path, make sure to at least attempt to atone and donate an equivalent amount to children in need.

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
How about you be a bit honest instead of screaming feminism. At this point the word feminism is meaningless.
This guy and @Macawisley are determined trolls.
They do it to get a reaction out the people and you fall for it every time by giving them paragraphs of texts.
Look at all the ajanabi women appreciation and troll threads. Those weirdos have not stopped even after years of advice.
They will never learn.



teetering in-between realities
Lay off the gender war? Are you okay? Guys here were insinuating a girl that used to wear trousers is some sort of *****.

What type of behavior is this? At this point it’s evident many of the men on this forum have 0 morals and use the deen as beating stick against women. Mind you these are the fools who yap on about the degeneracy of the west due to this or that whilst they clap for male Zaanis or have sympathy for a man that impregnated a gaal and admits this.

Absolute animals of the biggest order and @HIBAQ123 is right.
look, I think what this guy did was absolutely stupid i'm not trying to justify his mistake or "bootyclap" for him, i'm just voicing by exasperation about this thread likely devolving into a 13+ page gender war thread about things that have been established already, especially when there was no provocation in the first place. I didn't say those things about women who wear trousers and I always call out guys who are moving mad. Just cause im tired of seeing redundant topics doesn't mean you need to write out a whole essay about how crazy some guys on here are(especially when it's common knowledge already, plus i've seen dudes here call out the men too). It's pointless to point out double standards in an instance when someone is asking for help especially when this guy (to my knowledge) never badmouthed women, it's detracting from the central issue of the fact that he has a bastard child with a gaal (COLOSSOL f*ck up btw) and needs help. You can't tell me pointing out this double standard was in good faith, regardless of how true it is, it was more of a gotcha moment than anything else, especially if you see the way she normally addresses things. It also seems like he's taking accountability.
look, I think what this guy did was absolutely stupid i'm not trying to justify his mistake or "bootyclap" for him, i'm just voicing by exasperation about this thread likely devolving into a 13+ page gender war thread about things that have been established already, especially when there was no provocation in the first place. I didn't say those things about women who wear trousers and I always call out guys who are moving mad. Just cause im tired of seeing redundant topics doesn't mean you need to write out a whole essay about how crazy some guys on here are(especially when it's common knowledge already, plus i've seen dudes here call out the men too). It's pointless to point out double standards in an instance when someone is asking for help especially when this guy (to my knowledge) never badmouthed women, it's detracting from the central issue of the fact that he has a bastard child with a gaal (COLOSSOL f*ck up btw) and needs help. You can't tell me pointing out this double standard was in good faith, regardless of how true it is, it was more of a gotcha moment than anything else, especially if you see the way she normally addresses things. It also seems like he's taking accountability.
He’s trolling. Also, no matter how much women take accountability even within a halal union, boys of sspot will spit on them, these lot spit on single mothers who had halal marriages but will have more sympathy for a Zani.

You can’t expect any women here to join these conversations in good faith. I know I never will, especially when innocent chast women are insulted like ferals by these lot.
This guy and @Macawisley are determined trolls.
They do it to get a reaction out the people and you fall for it every time by giving them paragraphs of texts.
Look at all the ajanabi women appreciation and troll threads. Those weirdos have not stopped even after years of advice.
They will never learn.

View attachment 325157
Which is why I choose to take it easy and just laugh at their transparent ragebait attempts in the comments like:


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