Muslim girls forced to remove their Hijab as they enter schools in France

Its a secular country it's not Saudi what else do you expect? That would be like me going to Somalia in a bikini and wondering why I would get whitch hunted. What france is doing is obviously wrong but just like yall always say its the countries law that you should respect.
Why am I not surprised you of all people here are indirectly condoning the hypocrisy committed by the French government. What you fail to notice is that this law of theirs is quite literally going against their own morals (not to mention the constitution), everything they have fought for. Freedom of religion been one of them, ironically they still proclaim to practice it. But hey “their country right”.
And it’s compulsory in places like Iran and Afghanistan. Cry me a river
Since when has Iran and Afghanistan calmed to be a democracy ? When have they every calmed to practice freedom of religion etc etc etc. how about you keep your ignorant statements to yourself, your making yourself look like an imbecile.
I've not been here long but noticed malab is vicious against Somalis, the lande4 front was kind of a tell.

She used to be a level-headed person back in the heydays in other platforms, but sadly her new Ashiest beliefs have taken her off the cliffs.

Feminism is a curse to many women whose understanding in Islam was already limited. So when they found themselves living in the West, embraced in a liberal lifestyle, they go over the cliff. They then come back to us (the community) and start dissing our beliefs.

it is sounds like they're settling score with the community. And the only explanation is they have no security in their beliefs, so they vent by constantly dissing our beliefs. It is a reflection of the sad state of affairs in their beliefs.
Why am I not surprised you of all people here are indirectly condoning the hypocrisy committed by the French government. What you fail to notice is that this law of theirs is quite literally going against their own morals (not to mention the constitution), everything they have fought for. Freedom of religion been one of them, ironically they still proclaim to practice it. But hey “their country right”.
It was more so "gotcha yah" moment towards somalis who condone the killing of innocent homosexuals and non-muslims in Somalia because "it's the law of the country". The french definition of freedom of religion unlike other western countries has always been no religion at all, they even treat their fellow Christians like that. As I said before since you all clearly cannot read I do not support what france is doing since it's taking away rights from women, but then again it's their country.
She used to be a level-headed person back in the heydays in other platforms, but sadly her new Ashiest beliefs have taken her off the cliffs.

Feminism is a curse to many women whose understanding in Islam was already limited. So when they found themselves living in the West, embraced in a liberal lifestyle, they go over the cliff. They then come back to us (the community) and start dissing our beliefs.

it is sounds like they're settling score with the community. And the only explanation is they have no security in their beliefs, so they vent by constantly dissing our beliefs. It is a reflection of the sad state of affairs in their beliefs.
Heydays? Other platforms? I have been an atheist for more than a half a decade... I've also never engaged in other platforms. Who are you confusing me for this time?
owHeydays? Other platforms? I have been an atheist for more than a half a decade... I've also never engaged in other platforms. Who are you confusing me for this time?

Yeah, I last conversed you in the other platform in 2017. You were a Muslim at that time.

Now, forget about the other platform; we need you to stop being provocative when people are having Muslim and religious discussions. If you can do that, we're good. This is not to stifle your views, but at least try to be considerate.
Yeah, I last conversed you in the other platform in 2017. You were a Muslim at that time.
I was 15 worrying about exams in 2017 😭 I didn't even have social media besides Snapchat you niggas need stop accusing me of being random girls.
Now, forget about the other platform; we need you to stop being provocative when people are having Muslim and religious discussions. If you can do that, we're good. This is not to stifle your views, but at least try to be considerate.
I have been considerate, I know somalis are conservative muslims and always try to be as respectful as possible but some of the people complaining on this thread are the same ones wishing death on me for my religious beliefs so I find hard to believe them wanting any mercy when they wouldn't do the same. People like @Dualke Are even lying about me saying things about the jilaabs to portray me as Islamophobic when I never even said anything.
It was more so "gotcha yah" moment towards somalis who condone the killing of innocent homosexuals and non-muslims in Somalia because "it's the law of the country". The french definition of freedom of religion unlike other western countries has always been no religion at all, they even treat their fellow Christians like that. As I said before since you all clearly cannot read I do not support what france is doing since it's taking away rights from women, but then again it's their country.

It is not "it's the law of the country"; French constitution doesn't allow what the French govt is doing to French Muslims. It is the government and their mainstream media who created this hysteria.

One reason that was cited is, French Muslims are 6 million strong, and their population growth is faster than the rest of the French society. So the French elites are making life difficult for the French Muslims.

Today, the Muslims are 10% of the French population (Source: 10% of the,to the report published Thursday.). In 2050, it is expected Muslims to make-up roughly 18% of the population. So this population growth is what driving this hysteria and Islamophobia in France.
I was 15 worrying about exams in 2017 😭 I didn't even have social media besides Snapchat you niggas need stop accusing me of being random girls.

You were not 17 years of age in 2017. You were present in cyberspace at least years before that. But your age is not the issue here; your repeated provocative takes on religious issues are.

I have been considerate, I know somalis are conservative muslims and always try to be as respectful as possible but some of the people complaining on this thread are the same ones wishing death on me for my religious beliefs so I find hard to believe them wanting any mercy when they wouldn't do the same. People like @Dualke Are even lying about me saying things about the jilaabs to portray me as Islamophobic when I never even said anything.

Nobody is asking for your mercy. You've been very provocative lately on religious matters. I've made that observation. It is disheartening someone from Muslim upbringing with Muslim dad, Muslim mom, and Muslim siblings is disparaging the Muslim faith and Muslims lately.

The irony is, you were wearing the hejab very recently. It seems if you became gaalo qurunley 5 years ago, you didn't disclose that to your family as you've been wearing the hejab at least a year and half ago. This lady is bashing us but was wearing the hejab very recently. What? To hide it from her family? :dead: :nahgirl::jcoleno:
You were not 17 years of age in 2017. You were present in cyberspace at least years before that. But your age is not the issue here; your repeated provocative takes on religious issues are.

Nobody is asking for your mercy. You've been very provocative lately on religious matters. I've made that observation. It is disheartening someone from Muslim upbringing with Muslim dad, Muslim mom, and Muslim siblings is disparaging the Muslim faith and Muslims lately.

The irony is, you were wearing the hejab very recently. It seems if you became gaalo qurunley 5 years ago, you didn't disclose that to your family as you've been wearing the hejab at least a year and half ago. This lady is bashing us but was wearing the hejab very recently. What? To hide it from her family? :dead: :nahgirl::jcoleno:
Not my mercy but FRANCE (as in making france open up to islam) I can't even have normal conversation with you. You're literally the worst person to argue with 💀I was not 17 in 2017, I am genuinely confused for who you're mistaking me for. I never was a hijabi I only wore hijabs during ramadan when I was much younger, who is this girl you're mistaking me for and what did she do to make you this pissed? Actually message me instead I don't want to derail this threads.
Not my mercy but FRANCE (as in making france open up to islam) I can't even have normal conversation with you. You're literally the worst person to argue with 💀I was not 17 in 2017, I am genuinely confused for who you're mistaking me for. I never was a hijabi I only wore hijabs during ramadan when I was much younger, who is this girl you're mistaking me for and what did she do to make you this pissed? Actually message me instead I don't want to derail this threads.

I think you should get over the anti-Islam views that you've subtly and overtly been sharing lately. You can express your views without being provocative. I honestly don't care about your other views. You stay away from anti-Islam and Muslim view, we're cool. FYI, I can't send new dms. MODs and/or @Admin restricted my account.


Jokes aside, this isn’t funny at all wallahi.

Imagine still living in the 21st century where women & young girls are controlled and are told what they can or can’t wear.

Those Muslims living in France aren’t recent immigrants, similar to the North Africans here they came in the 60s and have been there ever since, their children aren’t born there, nor are the parents themselves. You can’t force people to get back to a place they haven’t ever grown up in.

The Paris attack only plays a small part in this, France has always disliked Islam ever since it entered the Iberian peninsula and they were made aware of the moors, the Paris attack is a mere excuse for them to discriminate against Muslims, especially Muslim women.

For gods sake the Netherlands is even more secular and we have a sort off ban on the niqab (which is understandable, identifying the face of a woman who refuses to show it isn’t really smart), how can France ban it when a huge chunk off their population is Islamic?


And can’t you guys for once stop arguing about stupid shit and actually be concerned about the fact they are literally oppressing a minority group & are also low-key showcasing their hatred against them.

Just because Somalis don’t live there doesn’t mean shit, I have friends in Belgium who also aren’t allowed to enter school when they are covered up it’s truly a sad world we are living in where you are judged & hated on simply because of your own beliefs
They're abusing the sisters with hejab in Germany as well. Perhaps it is time to consider hijra from Europe. With the exception of Mongols, this is the continent where all of the wars against Muslims were initiated from.


