Muse Bixi comes out from hiding

After almost two months in hiding, you would think he'd become more reserved and watch what he says, but alas, his mind is still stuck on the war and the defeat of Somaliland forces on 25th August 2023.

Deranged Muse spent most of time talking about war and "enemies" at the so called economic forum. Muse ironically said this at the Somaliland economic forum: "Puntland waxay doonaysa inay dhul balaadhsi qaab qabiilaysan kaga qaado Somaliland waanan is huranahay"



Muse and his supporters should move to England, who does he think that lives in Somalia? it's not english and italians, TRIBES live in Somalia and in 91 a tribal civil war happened and as all Somalis we agreed each tribe stays in their territory and fix their own lands/territory FIRST.

This guy is in the wrong country, we should ship him to his motherland in england. Somalia is inhabitated by TRIBES with defined Territories, if he doesn't like that, tell him to leave.
Muse and his supporters should move to England, who does he think that lives in Somalia? it's not english and italians, TRIBES live in Somalia and in 91 a tribal civil war happened and as all Somalis we agreed each tribe stays in their territory and fix their own lands/territory FIRST.

This guy is in the wrong country, we should ship him to his motherland in england. Somalia is inhabitated by TRIBES with defined Territories, if he doesn't like that, tell him to leave.
Diktoor, this man has PTSD since 91. His personal policies and interests are rooted in past events. You can see how he enlarges his eyes and appears agitated whenever he talks about war.
HJ and HY know how to defend their territories from Daaroods they don't need to hear from him about so called PL territorial clan ambitions that already happened after pushing warsangelis in east of Sanaag to Bunlan and recently his mismanagement of Laascanood that caused SL state to completely lose it as he should have resigned by now as xuudhudi 60ki maba jiraan

Ximan iyo Xadeed

After almost two months in hiding, you would think he'd become more reserved and watch what he says, but alas, his mind is still stuck on the war and the defeat of Somaliland forces on 25th August 2023.

Deranged Muse spent most of time talking about war and "enemies" at the so called economic forum. Muse ironically said this at the Somaliland economic forum: "Puntland waxay doonaysa inay dhul balaadhsi qaab qabiilaysan kaga qaado Somaliland waanan is huranahay"

This is what happens when you put 1991 survivors as madaxa , the nigga can't move on from Faqash


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Somalis don't understand that things can change. They are a people who have been living as nomads since forever, so they always think that there is rain after every drought. Barwaaqo is always around the corner.

Somaliland, as a secession project for all of British Somaliland, ended on Feb 6 of this year. Most in Somaliland don't understand how bad it looks for them to have lost a conventional, head-to-head war to the Dhulbahante. There was no irregular/guerilla warfare. Muuse Biixi brought the army of Somaliland to Sool and they were defeated. A Dhulbahante conventional army defeated the Isaaq conventional army.

Muuse Biix is too embarrassed to admit to Isaaq that they were defeated by a subclan of Harti in a conventional war. This is why he is reaching for Puntland. "We were not defeated by a subclan that is inside the British borders, we were defeated by a federal member state of Somalia." He is covering his ass.

What does this tell the US, EU and UK? It tells them this: the Isaaq do not have the capacity to hold and police all the territories of British Somaliland. Recognition would create a failed state.

Somalia entered a new political phase on Feb 6. Aug 25 was not the beginning of this new phase.

