Most Beautiful Somali Girl

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Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Hey, as long as its kept in the family! She knew a thing or two about keeping bloodlines pure. You seem a little over enthusiastic something to share??:mugshotman:

I resent the implication


live and let die.
And I'm sorry to wreck your dreams but Cersei is only about that incest life...:pachah1:it's either Jamie or nothing!
:cryinglaughsmiley:As one of the only black guys in the show said:
Salladhor: I'm not going to rape her, I'm going to f*ck her.
Mathos: As if she would just let you.
Salladhor: You don't know how persuasive I am. I never tried to f*ck you.

I was hoping that Arya would kill her with that whole valar morghulis schtick tbh:kodaksmiley:
I only sympathized with her when I saw flashbacks to her childhood and her sexist father:frdfvsb:...
But then she went back to her ways and made me hate her again. :ivers:

Cersei is the one true Queen. f*ck the queen in the North, f*ck the queen across the narrow sea and f*ck the King beyond the wall. May she prevail and her enemies perish. :fittytousand:
there are censored versions floating on the internet with the sex and nudity edited out. I dl'd them when I watched it with my family :pachah1:

I didn't know there was a sex & nudity free one. I could use a break from all the serial forwarding. They shag every 5 minutes, how pathetic.

My mom said 'showgan korka un ba la iska saran yahai authubilah'. :chrisfreshhah:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
:cryinglaughsmiley:As one of the only black guys in the show said:
Salladhor: I'm not going to rape her, I'm going to f*ck her.
Mathos: As if she would just let you.
Salladhor: You don't know how persuasive I am. I never tried to f*ck you.

Cersei is the one true Queen. f*ck the queen in the North, f*ck the queen across the narrow sea and f*ck the King beyond the wall. May she prevail and her enemies perish. :fittytousand:
Salladhor being black killed me, that shit was so random :dead:


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
I didn't know there was a sex & nudity free one. I could use a break from all the serial forwarding. They shag every 5 minutes, how pathetic.

My mom said 'showgan korka un ba la iska saran yahai authubilah'. :chrisfreshhah:
it's an HBO thing, I swear it's like they have a titty quota per scene. even if there's no sex in that scene there needs to be someone topless in the background :chrisfreshhah:
You can be honest with us...we may judge but the leftists say its ok as long as its consensual and between adults.

f*ck off. Naayaa maxaad ka hadli
I'm conservative by nature and since i dont share the same values as western conservatives, i usually vote centre

Balo ku qaadaye hana waalin

I dont allow such filth :susp:
Banu Israel, Went around the World and the Israel we see today is not Banu Israel at all, they were mainly Yemenite, Kazakh Jews, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Sudanese and More. Banu Israel are now Mixed with these Ethnic Groups. Banu Israel is now dead.

Bro we agree the whites are not Banu Israel and there was no such thing as Ethiopia as a country, the term didn't even refer to them neither did our Prophet whom called that whole area and it's inhabitants the land of "Habesh" (The romans called it Abysinnia)

"Ethiopia" was a term coined by the Romans meaning "those with burnt faces", this was the Western Roman empire (not Byzantium that was around during the time of our Prophet) we are talking about 2000 years ago here around the time of Isa, they used to refer to anyone that was very dark as "Ethiopian" mainly the "Egyptians" of that time.

"Sudanese" or "Sudan" also never existed those days, that whole area was collectively called "Egypt" Neither the Western/Eastern Roman Empire or our Prophet nor the righteous rulers that followed ever used those terms.

Both Ethiopia/Jews were very recent identity thefts, one was adopted by the Abyssinian Habesha people as a country, the other by the fake Khazar European Jews as an identity.

Now that I have cleared up those confusions for you, we are left with Egypt/Yemenite that you identified, the question then becomes which groups of people lived in those areas from 3000-1500 ?

When the Israelite as we know in Surah Israh (also called Israel) were kicked out of Jursalem as punishment first by the Babylonians, then the Assyrians, then the Romans (most recent) they scattered with all of them pretty much heading towards Africa (Egypt at first before going mostly West) they had a stop over enroute to Africa via the middle east. I can show you maps of this migration.

If we look at the hadith were our Prophet described Moses (very dark man with curly hair) the Prophet even said he looked like this particular tribe in Arabia at the time (whom were known to resemble Bantu in features if you do your research), this is indisputable facts! and since moses is described as such every other Prophet that followed him would have looked like him (common sense)

Hence the curse of Dawud/Isa makes perfect sense we know this from the Quran but if you look at the book of Deuteronomy it details what those curses will be (enslavement, made to forget about themselves, thrown across all 4 corners of the earth, iron collars placed on their necks) and in Surah A'raf ayah 167 the curse will last until the day of judgement (until they return to the correct path)

The question then becomes whom does this attributes fit particularly? which group of people is this talking about today? we know much of the Quran talks about israelite, they can't have vanished from the face of the earth through assimilation as you suggest.

See the below colonial map of the Portuguese were they renamed Kingdom of Judah to "Slave coast" forgetting to erase the traces (which they later did in the following map) 90% of the slaves were taken from here (hence slave coast). If you read Islamic sources we know the Islamic ruler of the Kingdom of Ghana (black Israelite whom converted to Islam) ruled over this area and later the other Islamic kingdom of Mali (again another Israelite convert to Islam)


But most of you only care when you hear this from a white man due to your conditioning, here is such a historian explaining this (again forbidden from mainstream)

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The last suugo bender
Yall both some arab half breeds, Theres no way a full somali can be lightskin bro

Quit claiming Cushite blood you arab :mjlol:

But i'm naturally lighter and somali and like any other somali i can count back to my great great great great great great grandpa. Somali's come in all colours lets not be ignorant , and no i don't use Diana , my siblings are proof of how varied Somali's come be we all have different ranges of skin tone in just ONE family so.....:axvmm9o:

Also we used to be nomads and just recently moved to the city , my grandmothers family were nomads, they lived in the outskirts of hargeisa and moved into hargeisa in the recent decades , my grandmother married my grandpa they stayed together until my grandpa passed away of old age my mum married my father who was shades darker than her and we were born, so no , no arabs here mate.
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Queen of the light
Actions can and do have consequences. If she's brave enough to post this on her public instagram, she deserves to suffer the consequences of not being considered good marriage material in my opinion. It wouldn't be fair to the self respecting, modest and pious Somali sisters out there who stay true to the deen.
What is considered pious ? being a mans donkey, well most certainly not in the 21st century, I say well done girl don't be submissive to these W****,


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@crudetruth making platinum threads after platinum threads like its nothing.

Whats the deal with the pic of her kissing that dude :umwhat:
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