moral relativism

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
OP I have to be very quick because my phone has low battery.... and later I have to go work on some stuff.

Ok. I think the issue here is you are very young (if I'm not mistaken... but I do think you're very young) and you want to get into this philosophy stuff. and I think this is causing all kinds of problems. it's very serious even if you don't realize how serious it actually is.

what you need to do is this- you need to avoid philosophy with a 1,000 foot pole and focus on getting a solid foundation in Islamic knowledge. when you really get deep into learning the Islamic knowledge, once you've really got a deep understanding.... at a certain point maybe you'll be able to read the books of the philosophers and refute them but I doubt you'll even be interested in them at that point.

but the issue is... if you go into dealing with philosophy and you don't have the really deep grounding in Islamic knowledge first, this is really really dangerous.

you wouldn't go onto the frontline in the Russia-Ukraine war armed with a bow and arrow.

another thing is this whole methodology of the philosophers is wrong, it is fundamentally wrong. and I'm glad you pointed out the methodology:

i wanted to see if you can use only pure reason to figure out what is moral/immoral

this approach, which is the philosophy approach- it is completely and inherently wrong.

we don't need to and we shouldn't try to translate everything in Islam into terms of "pure reason" and place everything on the basis of "pure reason".

Kant was wrong to even promote this in ethics and it's a wrong approach in general.

Allah ta'sla knows way more than we need do. Allah has knowledge and wisdom that is way beyond our limited comprehension. If Allah tells us something, we need to trust what He says. It doesn't matter if we understand the reason. We need to follow it regardless.

There are all sorts of things that Allah grasps in his infinite knowledge and wisdom that we are simply not going to understand.

It is useless, it is pointless and it is undermining to religion to take Kant's approach and try to put everything in "pure reason" terms.

The "enlightenment ideology" that people like Kant promoted is something like this "in pre-modern times, people were stupid. they were like children and they needed revelation to guide them. now, MAN HAS COME OF AGE and we can guide ourselves through reason alone".

this is complete garbage. at no point have we "come of age" and now our puny human intellects are on par with divine wisdom. that is completely false.

there is no secular basis for morality, there never has been and there never will be. studying Kant and people like him is not going to help you in terms of your religion and if anything it is very likely going to weaken you in terms of your religion.

these people are figureheads of liberal secularism. thanks to these impious people, there has emerged such filth as Communism, Naziism and homo propaganda in children's schools. all of this directly traces back to the Masonic so-called "Enlightenment" that people like Kant and basically all big names in modern philosophy shilled for.

if you're hungry and you want some food, do you want the best, the finest food or do you want to go looking in the garbage dumpster?

the Islamic knowledge is the height of knowledge. it is the very best and highest knowledge that we can attain. philosophy, and degenerate modern western philosophy in particular, is a garbage dumpster. don't go digging through there.

Moving on, even if you bring God into it, some hints of relativism still persist.

maybe for some people but in my case, if you read my posts you can see I have no relativist bone in my body.

a lot of my stuff is attacking deviants and false ideologies. that would make no sense if I was a relativist. for relativism, there are no heretics and deviants and there is certainly no quest to go and combat them in defense of the true faith.

anyways, to address something you brought up ....

yes, many claim "Islam". and how do we know what interpretation of Islam is correct?

The right way is follow Islam upon the proper Salafi minhaj. I can go into more detail about the minhaj later insha'Allah. but this issue is basically part of why Salafiyyah is so important. the stronger you get in terms of your understanding of aqeedah and minhaj, the more you are able to recognize and reject the various deviant tendencies.

also even when it comes to fiqh differences in terms of madhabs... this isn't relativism. if two people hold a different fiqh opinion and they both think they are right then this is not relativism. relativism would be thinking the correct answer is subjective, not having differences of opinion as to what the objectively correct answer is.


general of ciidamada sida raha ubooda
I already explained the topic at hand quite comprehensively.

This particular reply of yours was not the initial contention point. I suggest you seek learned people about it that got a real depth of Islamic background if you're sincere instead of a thread on this forum because thinking different madhabs don't worship the same God is misguided rhetoric and needs to be explained to you responsibly.

It was a mess, but you're welcome.
i was just rereading this post and i realized i messed up big time. i Was conflating many things and didn't have a clear understanding of what even moral relativism was. So, i'd like to apologize fr this time. I will do more research and make sure i really understand anything i post from now on. Thanks for writing those long messages trying to convince me lol. idk why i was soo defensive


general of ciidamada sida raha ubooda
OP I have to be very quick because my phone has low battery.... and later I have to go work on some stuff.

Ok. I think the issue here is you are very young (if I'm not mistaken... but I do think you're very young) and you want to get into this philosophy stuff. and I think this is causing all kinds of problems. it's very serious even if you don't realize how serious it actually is.

what you need to do is this- you need to avoid philosophy with a 1,000 foot pole and focus on getting a solid foundation in Islamic knowledge. when you really get deep into learning the Islamic knowledge, once you've really got a deep understanding.... at a certain point maybe you'll be able to read the books of the philosophers and refute them but I doubt you'll even be interested in them at that point.

but the issue is... if you go into dealing with philosophy and you don't have the really deep grounding in Islamic knowledge first, this is really really dangerous.

you wouldn't go onto the frontline in the Russia-Ukraine war armed with a bow and arrow.

another thing is this whole methodology of the philosophers is wrong, it is fundamentally wrong. and I'm glad you pointed out the methodology:

this approach, which is the philosophy approach- it is completely and inherently wrong.

we don't need to and we shouldn't try to translate everything in Islam into terms of "pure reason" and place everything on the basis of "pure reason".

Kant was wrong to even promote this in ethics and it's a wrong approach in general.

Allah ta'sla knows way more than we need do. Allah has knowledge and wisdom that is way beyond our limited comprehension. If Allah tells us something, we need to trust what He says. It doesn't matter if we understand the reason. We need to follow it regardless.

There are all sorts of things that Allah grasps in his infinite knowledge and wisdom that we are simply not going to understand.

It is useless, it is pointless and it is undermining to religion to take Kant's approach and try to put everything in "pure reason" terms.

The "enlightenment ideology" that people like Kant promoted is something like this "in pre-modern times, people were stupid. they were like children and they needed revelation to guide them. now, MAN HAS COME OF AGE and we can guide ourselves through reason alone".

this is complete garbage. at no point have we "come of age" and now our puny human intellects are on par with divine wisdom. that is completely false.

there is no secular basis for morality, there never has been and there never will be. studying Kant and people like him is not going to help you in terms of your religion and if anything it is very likely going to weaken you in terms of your religion.

these people are figureheads of liberal secularism. thanks to these impious people, there has emerged such filth as Communism, Naziism and homo propaganda in children's schools. all of this directly traces back to the Masonic so-called "Enlightenment" that people like Kant and basically all big names in modern philosophy shilled for.

if you're hungry and you want some food, do you want the best, the finest food or do you want to go looking in the garbage dumpster?

the Islamic knowledge is the height of knowledge. it is the very best and highest knowledge that we can attain. philosophy, and degenerate modern western philosophy in particular, is a garbage dumpster. don't go digging through there.

maybe for some people but in my case, if you read my posts you can see I have no relativist bone in my body.

a lot of my stuff is attacking deviants and false ideologies. that would make no sense if I was a relativist. for relativism, there are no heretics and deviants and there is certainly no quest to go and combat them in defense of the true faith.

anyways, to address something you brought up ....

yes, many claim "Islam". and how do we know what interpretation of Islam is correct?

The right way is follow Islam upon the proper Salafi minhaj. I can go into more detail about the minhaj later insha'Allah. but this issue is basically part of why Salafiyyah is so important. the stronger you get in terms of your understanding of aqeedah and minhaj, the more you are able to recognize and reject the various deviant tendencies.

also even when it comes to fiqh differences in terms of madhabs... this isn't relativism. if two people hold a different fiqh opinion and they both think they are right then this is not relativism. relativism would be thinking the correct answer is subjective, not having differences of opinion as to what the objectively correct answer is.
I usually don't agree with you, but what you spoke here is facts. Thank you, next time i'll be careful. it's kinda hard tho since the philosophical system is soo attractive
i was just rereading this post and i realized i messed up big time. i Was conflating many things and didn't have a clear understanding of what even moral relativism was. So, i'd like to apologize fr this time. I will do more research and make sure i really understand anything i post from now on. Thanks for writing those long messages trying to convince me lol. idk why i was soo defensive
I appreciate this thoughtful response showing the value of reflection and honesty.

