Mogadishu Attack Blue Sky Restaurant

Internet Nomad

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What is it with restaurants or tea houses with these filthy mongrels? May Allah wipe them out.
They canโ€™t allow people to enjoy life they need them locked down in a constant state of fear. These groups are death cults.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Coffee shops and restaurants need to start patting people down, use hand-held metal detectors, just like in Kenya.

Matter of fact, all buildings where people congregate need this.

Security or no security, itโ€™s the same
Relaxed Security GIF
Naah, they will let you slip in for 2$, even if you got a bomb.

Security or no security, itโ€™s the same
Relaxed Security GIF

What pissed me off when I went back home, was seeing a taxi driver, get upset that he was pulled over to get checked by a soldier, as if he should be exempt for whatever reason. A lot of Somalis think they're above the law and that needs to be addressed.


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