Middle aged white man knocks the hell out of a teenage Shaniqua

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Ladies make a mental note of every guy who is justifying this
@Knowles why not criticise her ride or die female cowardly friends? they not only encourage her and not restrain her whilst she charges a fully grown White male (of all things a black female would run to attack) but they also left her alone once she was knocked out by the man she agitated.

You can't justify this shit. The force he used was over the top. He's double her size.

@Knowles deffo making a mental note. Bloody savages.
Her father should have done that.....Oh wait he was never there.

I remember m sister was rude to my father one day until he put a beating on her. They went out for ice cream the next few days like nothing happened but she never tried to hit a man's face ever after that. That being said if a man charges a woman then i would advocate that the female uses full force then.
If u ever need reason as to why so many Somalians are trash all u need to do is look at the comments here. Dude put all his weight into that punch....knocking out someone less than half his size and clearly not a danger to him. He could have killed her. Would u sick plucks be as supportive if she was somali?
Madows didn't seem to mind as two black jamaican females tag teamed a somali girl in canada and kicked her face in while some useless cowardly black male watched. Besides what does a few comments of ppl have to do with a white male actually punching a rowdy teen.

Most wouldn't hurt a female here but don't support female violence against males since they are only getting hurt because of other females hyping them up to think they are as strong as males.

Timo Jareer and proud

2nd Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Miskeen girl. All those Cadaans had to do was call the popo. They are just a bunch of teenage black girls doing typical dumbass teenage shit. No need to literally smash this poor females face in. Also, why did the cadaan mother dk nothing but the cadaan father does? They are a bunch of girls the mother could deal with them much better then that sociopath.


Her father should have done that.....Oh wait he was never there.

I remember m sister was rude to my father one day until he put a beating on her. They went out for ice cream the next few days like nothing happened but she never tried to hit a man's face ever after that. That being said if a man charges a woman then i would advocate that the female uses full force then.

Your dad physically beat your sister for being rude?
Beating women no matter what, is nothing to brag about but clearly shows you are weak and cowardice. This is the very reason why Ogaden men are slaughtered and sold like cattle in Africa by Somalis and non Somalis. Had your coward father taught you to fight your male counter parts who sold you for a sack of sugar, you would have had respect among your peers. This is why other Somali men have zero respect for you losers.
Go take your pills you mentally ill hag. Have we got another mama maylun on our hands? :mjlaugh:
None of you guys would be rejoicing or laughing if a vid surfaced with a grown 40+ man punched the living daylights out of a small 12 yr old boy.
Don't make this a boy-girl issue. The main issue is society today and how young AA girls are encourage by things like worldstar and twitter to act like aggressive males and then end up getting beat up.
Your dad physically beat your sister for being rude?
Oh no.....She slapped him! that was a big mistake and me and my bro left the room like a flock of jews avoiding contact. Like i said she nowadays laughs about the memory with my father and admits she was a difficult child.

Miskeen girl. All those Cadaans had to do was call the popo. They are just a bunch of teenage black girls doing typical dumbass teenage shit. No need to literally smash this poor females face in. Also, why did the cadaan mother dk nothing but the cadaan father does? They are a bunch of girls the mother could deal with them much better then that sociopath.
Who knows. He could be a abusive husband and perhaps she is scared of him.


Let’s be honest the reason this happened is because society doesn’t virw at young African American children as kids. They see them as dangerous adults or even worse animals.

Would he have sucker punched a 14 year old Becky like that? I doubt it

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
Let’s be honest the reason this happened is because society doesn’t virw at young African American children as kids. They see them as dangerous adults or even worse animals.

Would he have sucker punched a 14 year old Becky like that? I doubt it
No, its a reputation earned. Loud and agressive, very unladylike


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
A man who likes booty but is engaged to an Afghan- your lies are unraveling

Afghan females have booty, they live in the mountains. It's like taking the stairs every day. Try that instead of taking the elevator and see the changes


No, its a reputation earned. Loud and agressive, very unladylike

Boqor first of all let me congratulate you in leaving the FKD behind and welcome you to civilisation. When we took @Abdalla in it took us months to get him to call people by their names instead of clan names. Let me know if you will need same support

Regarding your post, it wasn’t an opinion I was sharing but a mere finding in scientific research, see for yourself

Black boys and girls as young as ten more likely to be seen as older and less innocent than whites
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