Men are tired!

Yall are the same people pulling your hair out and writing essays in this thread in response to a dude who is clearly trolling. :mjlol:
He isn’t trolling. It’s his real view hence why he wrote essays in another thread in which he made the same remarks.

But LOL don’t try it. You’re another one that white knights for men. When guys write something ‘ItS oLnY TrOlLinG’

Love the way y’all booty clap for each other. It’s soo cute isn’t it? Attash here always rides out for his boys. That’s true love right there!


teetering in-between realities

What an arrogant post. Your opinion doesn’t weigh more than a woman nor are you as intelligent as many women.

You’re another one with terrible views. You came into my mentions when I was insulting the low IQ takes of Dark NN members to defend Somali Bantus but attacked me instead amid posts that were dehumanizing and genocidal.

Also, it’s very funny seeing some Western Abdis talking about hardship. Tell us, what hardship have you lot gone through separate to women? The day of wars and men having to be tough is over, that’s why you lot need to come up with sexist remarks because women are not only equal to you but are surpassing you when it comes to things traditionally meant to be a man’s domain.
it's such a troll post... how are you taking this seriously
:mjlol: :drakelaugh:

He is trying to shut down conversations that matter.
Yep and look at all of his bootyclappers coming in to defend him LOL.

Look at @attash and the other silly fellow twerking for his master. Our friend will always join late to be a defender.

Dance Dancing GIF by CuriosityStream
You’re another one with terrible views. You came into my mentions when I was insulting the low IQ takes of Dark NN members to defend Somali Bantus but attacked me instead amid posts that were dehumanizing and genocidal.

Also, it’s very funny seeing some Western Abdis talking about hardship. Tell us, what hardship have you lot gone through separate to women? The day of wars and men having to be tough is over, that’s why you lot need to come up with sexist remarks because women are not only equal to you but are surpassing you when it comes to things traditionally meant to be a man’s domain.
Chill, I was agreeing with you, why’d you have smoke for me?

I don’t think Western Abdis have any hardship at all, we’re strong and capable, we dominate in everything we do and we’re usually the kingpins of every location we reside in, while Xalimos are perpetually victims in every way, they have to deal with being a women and dealing with the abuse of men and on top of that have to deal with being a Somali female which means they suffer from dads who left them behind, the misogyny of the community which believes in traditional gender roles, lack of freedom, being shamed for acting out in any way etc every day of their lives for every second.

But also these Xalimos are surpassing the western abdis and are doing great in life even in traditional male gender role stuff, while all these abdis are being left behind. I agree wholeheartedly and there’s no contradiction in my statements what so ever.
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Chill, I was agreeing with you, why’d you have smoke for me?

I don’t think Western Abdis have any hardship at all, we’re strong and capable, we dominate in everything we do and we’re usually the kingpins of every location we reside in, while Xalimos are perpetually victims in every way, they have to deal with being a women and dealing with the abuse of men and on top of that have to deal with being a Somali female which means they suffer from dads who left them behind, the misogyny of the community which believes in traditional gender roles, lack of freedom, being shamed for acting out in any way etc every day of their lives for ever second.

But also these Xalimos are surpassing the western abdis and are doing great in life even in traditional male gender role stuff, while all these abdis are being left behind. I agree wholeheartedly and there’s no contradiction in my statements what so ever.
Aww resorting to sarcasm to cope? So when women say some men are this or that, you lie and twist things to make it seem like we think it’s all men or all women going through certain things?

When you can’t cope with truth or have a mature discussion, you need to act like the victims and act like Somali girls think ALL Somali men are a certain way.

Continue with you victim fueled sarcasm indeed!
Aww resorting to sarcasm to cope? So when women say some men are this or that, you lie and twist things to make it seem like we think it’s all men or all women going through certain things?

When you can’t cope with truth or have a mature discussion, you need to act like the victims and act like Somali girls think ALL Somali men are a certain way.

Continue with you victim fueled sarcasm indeed!
If I’m being serious I really couldn’t care less about being a victim or having a victim complex, but I also don’t really care for those that go on about how much of a victim they’re regardless of gender.

I’m not really emotionally invested in this the same way you are tbh. I’m merely looking at this post and laughing at the irony of these arguments both ways. In the end of the day who cares about who has it worse? All you can do as a person is support the people around you and do what’s within your power rather than complaining online about who has it worse.

My advice to people in this forum is to look outside yourself and have empathy for all people regard of who or what they’re. Don’t let your personal hang ups and identity not allow you to see how others might have it bad even if you can’t relate.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
This is the issue. He’s not even engaging with women that diminish men. He believes that any critique of the culture of misogyny we have in this world is an attack on all men. No one believe that all men are monsters but he’ll gaslight us into saying that what we believe in order to shut down any discussions.

World wide, women between the ages of 15-44 are much more likely to be killed by a man rather than cancer, accidents and the list goes on.

In the UK alone 3 women are killed by their partners. Are men killed by their wives on this level?!

As for men being more likely to be killed, the question is by who? It’s by other men and not women. Men are incredibly violent towards each other and even more so to women who can’t even defend themselves since we’re weaker and don’t get me started on sexual crimes.

Women hardly harm men, but you lot harm women and that’s the crux of the issue
If I’m being serious I really couldn’t care less about being a victim or having a victim complex, but I also don’t really care for those that go on about how much of a victim they’re regardless of gender.

I’m not really emotionally invested in this the same way you are tbh. I’m merely looking at this post and laughing at the irony of these arguments both ways. In the end of the day who cares about who has it worse? All you can do as a person is support the people around you and do what’s within your power rather than complaining online about who has it worse.

My advice to people in this forum is to look outside yourself and have empathy for all people regard of who or what they’re. Don’t let your personal hang ups and identity not allow you to see how others might have it bad even if you can’t relate.
When we talk about misogyny, this isn’t about pointIng the finger at all individual men but about the culture and laws that fuel it. The initial conversation was about India, a society in which women are gang raped every day and how many men were protesting about marital rape laws. As you can see, this is beyond individuality but about cultural sanctioned misogyny and for some reason some men believe we believe all men are sexist when we have this conversation and they victimize themselves. Example, until recently and due to government pressure, it was very common for Somalis who r-word and kill women to be let off due to Xeer laws and only up until 2018 in SL a man that r-words a woman could be freed if he just married her. This is an example of cultural and state sanctioned misogyny hence when we talk about it, this ain’t about pointing the finger at individual Faraxs and we are fully aware that many Somali men are indeed upright moral men who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

But how does one create a safe society for women in which they’re treated with respect when even the so called normal guys want to victimize themselves and deny reality?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
This is the issue. He’s not even engaging with women that diminish men. He believes that any critique of the culture of misogyny we have in this world is an attack on all men. No one believe that all men are monsters but he’ll gaslight us into saying that what we believe in order to shut down any discussions.

World wide, women between the ages of 15-44 are much more likely to be killed by a man rather than cancer, accidents and the list goes on.

In the UK alone 3 women are killed by their partners. Are men killed by their wives on this level?!

As for men being more likely to be killed, the question is by who? It’s by other men and not women. Men are incredibly violent towards each other and even more so to women who can’t even defend themselves since we’re weaker and don’t get me started on sexual crimes.

Women hardly harm men, but you lot harm women and that’s the crux of the issue

Apparently his thread does not reflect his views. It is a copy paste of what is merely circulating in the cyber ether. 🤔 However, why joke and be permissive of men with misogynistic attitudes. What woman here holds radical views? I have not seen any misandrists. Have you?
Apparently his thread does not reflect his views. It is a copy paste of what is merely circulating in the cyber ether. 🤔 However, why joke and be permissive of men with misogynistic attitudes. What woman here holds radical views? I have not seen any misandrists. Have you?
According to them, I’m the biggest misandrist but this thread of his is a reply to the thread about India and martial R-word laws. OP had a melt down about how we blame all men in the other thread. It isn’t a troll thread lol, it’s his real views. These lot think they can insult our intelligence.

Despite my passionate pro-women stance, I literally go out of my way to say ‘some’ men. Also, a lot of my critique is about misogyny with regards to culture and laws rather than pointing the finger at all individual men. I don’t ever remember just insulting men for no reason or being disrespectful towards all men. This is why I truly believe that some men have a victim complex and believe women discussing cultural issues that impact them is a threat against them.
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When we talk about misogyny, this isn’t about pointIng the finger at all individual men but about the culture and laws that fuel it. The initial conversation was about India, a society in which women are gang raped every day and how many men were protesting about marital rape laws. As you can see, this is beyond individuality but about cultural sanctioned misogyny and for some reason some men believe we believe all men are sexist when we have this conversation and they victimize themselves. Example, until recently and due to government pressure, it was very common for Somalis who r-word and kill women to be let off due to Xeer laws and only up until 2018 in SL a man that r-words a woman could be freed if he just married her. This is an example of cultural and state sanctioned misogyny hence when we talk about it, this ain’t about pointing the finger at individual Faraxs and we are fully aware that many Somali men are indeed upright moral men who wouldn’t hurt a fly.

But how does one create a safe society for women in which they’re treated with respect when even the so called normal guys want to victimize themselves and deny reality?
I’ll be honest, I don’t know how everything you wrote has anything to do with this thread but I’ll take it at face value.

If you’re actually so serious about all the stuff you wrote here and are willing to think big, have lofty ambitions and try to change the world then you have to make that your life’s work, talking about what’s going on in India with gang grapes, laws changing etc plus stuff in Somaliland isn’t going to do anything if it’s just for venting on a Somali forum where the majority of people are Somalis who reside in western countries.

Also I think you’re doing too much talking for other women and their issues without giving them a voice for themselves. Why don’t you go to Somaliland/india etc and do interviews and post what the women really think there rather than taking up their issues and holding the mantle as if it’s yours? You could try becoming a global feminist reporter or something.
I’m gonna have to agree with Angelina here, a man with a victim complex is kinda gross ngl, that kinda stuff is for women. Also idk why you’re taking the opinions of women seriously as if they have the same weight as a man’s opinion, that’s the mistake you’re making lightshow.

You’re treating women and men as equals when that’s just not how people see things, men are tougher and able to deal with hardship in ways women aren’t, so a few women chirpin at you shouldn’t bother you at all, they’re delicate creatures that a more susceptible to the harsh realities of life, you’re better than that no need for the victim complex especially when it comes to women.

Stand proud as a strong man who's able to wash suffering down his back, and don’t let women take this away from you and make you think you’re weak and they’re strong cause that clearly isn’t true. It’s generally not a man thing to take the opinions of strangers online seriously anyway tbh.
It does not matter to me, but it will matter to the future generation of young boys who will internalise these vile opinions.

Wake up saxiib, life is not all about you!
It does not matter to me, but it will matter to the future generation of young boys who will internalise these vile opinions.

Wake up saxiib, life is not all about you!
Brother, it doesn’t matter how vile or misandrist a comment is, that young boy better internalize it and xaar it out like it never bothered him, leave the internalizing and emotions stuff to the girls.
Brother, it doesn’t matter how vile or misandrist a comment is, that young boy better internalize it and xaar it out like it never bothered him, leave the internalizing and emotions stuff to the girls.
View attachment 324848
That is a retarded opinion, and will create a toxic relationship between the genders.

You know that emotions are a normal part of being a living breathing human being. Being a male does not mean you should ignore your emotions and opt for abuse and then sudden outbursts of rage as a reponse.

Real men experience their emotions and deal with them accordingly. You seem like these toxic misandrists who complain about male coldness and then shit on men who do actually voice their emotions. That my friend is dangerous for young boys and men for that matter.


Amaan Duule
He isn’t trolling. It’s his real view hence why he wrote essays in another thread in which he made the same remarks.

But LOL don’t try it. You’re another one that white knights for men. When guys write something ‘ItS oLnY TrOlLinG’

Love the way y’all booty clap for each other. It’s soo cute isn’t it? Attash here always rides out for his boys. That’s true love right there!
Yep and look at all of his bootyclappers coming in to defend him LOL.

Look at @attash and the other silly fellow twerking for his master. Our friend will always join late to be a defender.

Dance Dancing GIF by CuriosityStream

You are a 30 yro married woman who spends her time on an internet forum writing PhD theses every two hours in response to a dude who says shit like this:

May you be born as a misogynist dwarf named Abdi Buttafuoco in your next life.


It's definitely been amusing watching you run yourself ragged with this clown. I feel sorry for your husband though. :lolbron:
That is a retarded opinion, and will create a toxic relationship between the genders.

You know that emotions are a normal part of being a living breathing human being. Being a male does not mean you should ignore your emotions and opt for abuse and then sudden outbursts of rage as a reponse.

Real men experience their emotions and deal with them accordingly. You seem like these toxic misandrists who complain about male coldness and then shit on men who do actually voice their emotions. That my friend is dangerous for young boys and men for that matter.
Walaalo emotions aren’t meant for boys and men, they’re meant for girls and women. I don’t understand why you’re taking boys/mens emotions seriously, they tend to suffer less and the world isn’t as harsh to them anyway.

Stop forcing fragility on men and boys, no man should call themselves a man if a few words can hurt him. Leave that for the female species where they actually have to go through stuff and deal with real abuse while generally being more emotionally volatile and susceptible to feelings of societal rejection.


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