Men are tired!

What is happening lately, seems like the ladies are losing the plot with the man hating?

I honestly think the guys are exhausted and cannot be bothered to argue back and forth with them, and just let them get away with outrageous things being said.

When things start collapsing, and the world goes into war, guess who all of these angry ladies will need to protect them and build up society again.....

What is happening lately, seems like the ladies are losing the plot with the man hating?

I honestly think the guys are exhausted and cannot be bothered to argue back and forth with them, and just let them get away with outrageous things being said.

When things start collapsing, and the world goes into war, guess who all of these angry ladies will need to protect them and build up society again.....

You cheeky little gender war merchant...
Tom Hardy Bait GIF
What is happening lately, seems like the ladies are losing the plot with the man hating?

I honestly think the guys are exhausted and cannot be bothered to argue back and forth with them, and just let them get away with outrageous things being said.

When things start collapsing, and the world goes into war, guess who all of these angry ladies will need to protect them and build up society again.....

Speak to normal women irl sxb, people online are typically unhinged
The muslim somali community need to normalise friendships with the opposite sex, strictly platonic, this would solve a lot of your problems. I mean think about it, your parents speak to other somali men and women, they have good friendships within the community, try to emulate that, it's not forbidden in the culture


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Wow this aint even an atom compared to what you guys make women go through everyday. Besides the point you’ll get used to it:silanyosmile::mjdontkno:


teetering in-between realities
Wow this aint even an atom compared to what you guys make women go through everyday. Besides the point you’ll get used to it:silanyosmile::mjdontkno:
tbf tho it's not like the men on here perpetuate violence against women, I don't think its fair to generalize like that


teetering in-between realities
The muslim somali community need to normalise friendships with the opposite sex, strictly platonic, this would solve a lot of your problems. I mean think about it, your parents speak to other somali men and women, they have good friendships within the community, try to emulate that, it's not forbidden in the culture
thing is there's a fine line between being friends and catching feelings with the opposite sex, generally a lot of people are incapable of that, a lot of times it ends up with one party catching feelings. Though, I've seen some work out personally. It can be beneficial to have one in some cases
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nope we aint need no protection we only need assistance that’s all :westbrookswag:
Sure. But aren't men the majority of victims of violent crime.

The hyper aggressive men with low impulse control (aka liabilities) are a problem. One that you should not overlook in your concoted Mad max scenario.

Good luck. Gents. Hopefully you can defeat the Zoombie Moryaans with the aid of your law abiding brethren and some AK47s.
Sure. But aren't men the majority of victims of violent crime.
View attachment 324724
The hyper aggressive men with low impulse control (aka liabilities) are a problem. One that you should not overlook in your concoted Mad max scenario.

Good luck. Gents. Hopefully you can defeat the Zoombie Moryaans with the aid of your law abiding brethren and some AK47s.
But they deserve it, they are also men, hence the potential for them to also turn into "zombie Mooryaans" exists right?

Man men are soo terrible, even when they kill each other they get a pleasure form knowing that it at least was not at the hand of the lesser gender.

page front GIF


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Misandry is just jokes and harmless whereas misogyny… yikes 😟
It's baffling that I'd get downvoted for suggesting that somali men and women need to encourage friendships between each other, your parents and somalis back home have no negative perceptions to opposite sex friends, that's how you build a community and grow wealth together, but no, you guys are too afraid to break your comfort zones and get out there 😂, westerners are crazy, this unnatural energy is why you have so many gender based issues online from somali youth in the west, have a ponder, and until next time ❤️

