meanwhile in red pill world....

Honestly, would redpill have gotten this point had it not been for western femenism, all these movements are caused by each other, no matter how much animosity is between them it seems. It's almost ironic
Redpill view goes back to ancient times. Nothing is new. All the views that these men have are views spouted by Greek philosophers when it comes to women. Nothing is original. It’s simply 1000s of years of misogyny.

Right now, redpill is gaining traction amongst fobs amongst people like Xaaliye. Somalia is a traditional society in which women have little power. Why do many men there agree with and watch redpill content with regards to their own women?

I don’t agree with Western feminism because it oversteps the laws of Allah. For instance many or most are against hijab, husband obedience and the list continues, but on a day to day basis in the West in which they don’t have Islamic values, how does feminism impact men. I’d love to know how? Because as far as I’m aware, men still have the rights they always had, are the ones in power and are the ones who have most of the wealth.
Redpill view goes back to ancient times. Nothing is new. All the views that these men have are views spouted by Greek philosophers when it comes to women. Nothing is original. It’s simply 1000s of years of misogyny.

Right now, redpill is gaining traction amongst fobs amongst people like Xaaliye. Somalia is a traditional society in which women have little power. Why do many men there agree with and watch redpill content with regards to their own women?

I don’t agree with Western feminism because it oversteps the laws of Allah. For instance many or most are against hijab, husband obedience and the list continues, but on a day to day basis in the West in which they don’t have Islamic values, how does feminism impact men. I’d love to know how? Because as far as I’m aware, men still have the rights they always had, are the ones in power and are the ones who have most of the wealth.

Some things men in the West suffer from being stripped during divorce proceedings, denied access to their children or custody as well as high rates of mental illness, lack of support for male survivors of abuse, etc.

Look up the former feminist Cassie Jaye who spent a year talking to them to produce her documentary on Red Pill and MRA.

When you add to this that this current generation is one of the most sexless and single ones in a long time then things start to get ugly.


teetering in-between realities
Redpill view goes back to ancient times. Nothing is new. All the views that these men have are views spouted by Greek philosophers when it comes to women. Nothing is original. It’s simply 1000s of years of misogyny.

Right now, redpill is gaining traction amongst fobs amongst people like Xaaliye. Somalia is a traditional society in which women have little power. Why do many men there agree with and watch redpill content with regards to their own women?

I don’t agree with Western feminism because it oversteps the laws of Allah. For instance many or most are against hijab, husband obedience and the list continues, but on a day to day basis in the West in which they don’t have Islamic values, how does feminism impact men. I’d love to know how? Because as far as I’m aware, men still have the rights they always had, are the ones in power and are the ones who have most of the wealth.
what i meant was that during the 2016s when the left was going crazy you had so many crazy movements, alot of them demonizing straight guys, after being demonized for so long there was a very strong backlash from the redpill movement which has been gaining traction since, couple that with a depressed and depraved society, this kinda shit ends up happening. I don't really feel like typing out a very long response but i've got a video which kinda explains why the redpill and the manosphere in general exists. they could explain it a lot better than i can.
4B in Korea, is a logical response to misogyny, it didn't come out of thin air.

Women are choosing to disassociate from sexist men, and now these same sexist men are acting like they are the victims. Disgusting.

Many men can’t fathom that there are consequences to actions with regards to women. It’s what happens when you’ve seen many men dog out women from the day you were born and normalized under the context of culture. You can list all the things hundreds of thousands of Korean women have to grapple with and they’re still not going to get it and blame ‘feminist propaganda’ for the reasoning.
Some things men in the West suffer from being stripped during divorce proceedings, denied access to their children or custody as well as high rates of mental illness, lack of support for male survivors of abuse, etc.

Look up the former feminist Cassie Jaye who spent a year talking to them to produce her documentary on Red Pill and MRA.

When you add to this that this current generation is one of the most sexless and single ones in a long time then things start to get ugly.

Men don't get locked out of custody, unless they've done something to get locked out. Such as being abusive and so forth. Plenty of men, complain about not getting access to their children, but when you dig deeper, you realise they didn't even file for joint custody.

The reason why men have little support to deal with abuse, is because the patriarchy trains boys to not cry, to not share feelings. In addition, men are the ones who don't support each other emotionally, or create safe spaces for each other. As for the abuse they suffer, most of it comes from other men.
Many men can’t fathom that there are consequences to actions with regards to women. It’s what happens when you’ve seen many men dog out women from the day you were born and normalized under the context of culture. You can list all the things hundreds of thousands of Korean women have to grapple with and they’re still not going to get it and blame ‘feminist propaganda’ for the reasoning.

Men are like privileged Cadaan people when it comes to gender issues, they can't fathom a world in which another group wants equal rights. And then they have the audacity, to compare themselves, to women who are treated like slaves, and cry victim, when the only thing happening to them, is being ignored. That's it. Korean women are choosing to disengage, that's it, just disengaging, which is very peaceful and passive. Yet these men are wailing about it. They are even going to Vietnam to find 'traditional wives' to abuse.

Viva Korean women, I hope the movement spreads and only normal men get a chance to have children.
Some things men in the West suffer from being stripped during divorce proceedings, denied access to their children or custody as well as high rates of mental illness, lack of support for male survivors of abuse, etc.
1.Look up the statistics of men who actually ask for custody and get it. You’d be very surprised. There is no denying that there are indeed evil women who use and abuse the system but surprisingly, men who actually file for custody are able to gain access. The real elephant in the room is that most men simply don’t and that’s obviously more to do with the fact mum’s are usually the primary caregivers anyway.

2. Less than 5% of men actually pay alimony. Statistically women are actually left poorer after a divorce. The average child support in America is less than $500

3. Lack of male survivors of abuse is a huge issue, but how is that the fault of feminism? It originates with patriarchy since men who get abused by women are seen as less of a man by men themselves who will mock such men. Men think of women as being ‘weak’. Are there narcissistic sneaky women who take advantage of these stereotypes? 100% and that’s a huge issue. A lot of women aren’t innocent either and perpetuate that stereotype to hide against accountability.
Look up the former feminist Cassie Jaye who spent a year talking to them to produce her documentary on Red Pill and MRA.
I’ll look into that.
When you add to this that this current generation is one of the most sexless and single ones in a long time then things start to get ugly.
I fail to see how less than 5% of women getting alimony and most women only getting less $500 in child support impacts 95% of men? Women are the ones who become poorer when divorced especially working class women.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe women are angels and many do bully, manipulate and abuse men with just shitty personalities. But the points of child custody, divorce and the like is less than 5% of the population supposedly according to statistics.
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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Regarding actual threat level - anti-women sentiments and behaviour are more dangerous and can fuel violence against women. The same cannot be said about the converse.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Ancient Greeks were the most misogynistic civilizations ever and what’s also interesting is that they celebrated male brotherhood and ‘Eros’ and believed the highest form of love a man can have is one of that of his male companion.

Bearing in mind, this was a time in which marriage was encouraged for fertility purposes and every man over 30 who could was expected to be married, but loving a woman was seen as degrading. Therefore the question that this raises is this, if you can’t love your spouse, who do you reserve your love for?

My point when it comes to this mini history lesson is that we’ve already had a time in history in which extreme misogyny bred rampant normalizing of homosexuality between men.

Men even when married, cannot love a partner that they look down on with contempt and disrespect. You cannot as a human truly love what you deem to be menial. Human nature naturally scorns those that they regard as ‘inferior’ and of low quality so I can’t for the life of me see how very misogynistic men can ever form a heart felt connection with a woman. Ancient Greeks were honest about this and thus admitted that since women were lower humans, a man should love another man. This generation of redpillers aren’t so forthcoming, but history repeats itself.

As always serving that gurl cus you are that gurl💁‍♀️


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Honestly, would feminism and 4b movements have gotten this point had it not been for misogyny and redpill movement, all these movements are caused by each other, no matter how much animosity is between them it seems. It's almost ironic
What a nuanced take.
Regarding actual threat level - anti-women sentiments and behaviour are more dangerous and can fuel violence against women. The same cannot be said about the converse.
Yep, three women a week are murdered in the UK by their partners, every single week. The same can never be said for the reverse, and let’s not even get into the horrors of other parts of the world like the subcontinent in which killing of sisters, wives and daughters is incredibly common. At this point, it’s comparing apples and oranges.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Redpill view goes back to ancient times. Nothing is new. All the views that these men have are views spouted by Greek philosophers when it comes to women. Nothing is original. It’s simply 1000s of years of misogyny.

Right now, redpill is gaining traction amongst fobs amongst people like Xaaliye. Somalia is a traditional society in which women have little power. Why do many men there agree with and watch redpill content with regards to their own women?

I don’t agree with Western feminism because it oversteps the laws of Allah. For instance many or most are against hijab, husband obedience and the list continues, but on a day to day basis in the West in which they don’t have Islamic values, how does feminism impact men. I’d love to know how? Because as far as I’m aware, men still have the rights they always had, are the ones in power and are the ones who have most of the wealth.
Offtopic but when the mother is domestically abused the some of the sons tend to victim blame the mother for getting beat up and they tend to idolise the dad even though he left. I saw this discussion on tiktok. Does the hate for women run that deep or are they stupid?


teetering in-between realities
What a nuanced take.
i didnt say anything about the 4b movement (which is valid), im talking specifically about the redpill moreso the manosphere. The redpill and manosphere weren't always such a bad thing it started out as more of a safe space for men, I remember when it was first coming up before it devolved into lashing out and being toxic. check this vid out @Mudug_gyal itll give you context on it's existence
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Offtopic but when the mother is domestically abused the some of the sons tend to victim blame the mother for getting beat up and they tend to idolise the dad even though he left. I saw this discussion on tiktok. Does the hate for women run that deep or are they stupid?
Kids are innocent, but they internalize what they see. Even some girls victim blame and grow up to believe they deserve to be beat.

A study was done in Pakistan and more than 50% of the young women there believed that men have the right to beat women. Humans, particularly kids are simply a product of their environment and they’ll continue to mimic and agree with what’s normalized.

Hence it isn’t just men. I suppose humans in general can be stupid, regardless of gender. Think about how FGM harms women but women have been culturally conditioned to continue the practice? Isn’t that also an example of what we can easily call ‘stupidity’?


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