Massive Suicide Attack in Bosaaso claimed by ISIS

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Cotton Eyed Joe

More law, less justice.
It happened outside the city and it was not massive. they targeted a checkpoint 2 soldiers died yesterday not today. This xoolo was jerking off to this news and couldn't wait to post it on sspot .This is the first time the moryan @Inquisitive_ has steered away from his conspiracy threads which is a sight to behold.

The city is safe and we will continue.

Those of you confused, here is the thread I made at the time about Godane tribalistic leanings exposed by a white Jihadist that was killed for it in his famous twitter account also regularly quoted by the press

When members of al-shabab tried to bomb the so called 'apostates in Somaliland' Godane refused, this lead to a split with Abu Amerika being killed, Godane regular travel to and from Hargaisa were very well known, the apostates according to him were only in Koonfur.

African Intelligence also produced a report connecting Dahabshiil and Hirsi Gaab to al-shabab financing, all of this is in the open, this is why you don't see bombings in Somaliland/Ethiopia

Dhay Geel

"Aar kow Dheh"
Hargeisa got bombed in 2008,
Burco also once.
However there has been hundreds of attempts to commit terror in Somaliland by al shabab.
The SL authorities and public have played a huge role in stopping these attacks.
Godane was still in charge back then.
1 tweet is the only evidence you got.


The reason why those groups don't have a foothold in Somaliland could be no community is harboring them. If any
community was harboring though like what happens in the south then we would see multiple deadly suicide attacks in
Sland. ISIS and Al shabab lack public support in Sland that is the main reason.


Bellum omnium contra omnes
I always knew it was not coincidental that Somaliland and Ethiopia never get attacked.

Where are the Somaliland 'nationalists' and Ethiopia booty clappers when their countries get exposed?
Hargeisa got bombed in 2008,
Burco also once.

2007/2008 was the height of the ICU (shabab was a foot-note) if you had any grasp of time-line or history you would know this, equating those 2 bombings to al-shabab shows utter ignorance which is a entity in cahoots with top officials in Somaliland as exposed even by African intelligence and CIA documents.

The bombing 2008 was directed at the President and it was done by ICU whom were being wrongfully arrested just as they swarmed much of Koonfur taking out criminals, once the Ethiopian troops took over, al-shabab was really born catapulted to stardom and the nefarious trio entity of America-Ethiopia-Somaliland took over.

There has not been single bombing since that take over took place, the tweet of the famous White Jihadist Abu America reinforces all we know, your talks about foiled attacks is just propaganda, we hear the same daily in Xamar.
The reason why those groups don't have a foothold in Somaliland could be no community is harboring them. If any
community was harboring though like what happens in the south then we would see multiple deadly suicide attacks in
Sland. ISIS and Al shabab lack public support in Sland that is the main reason.

What's with the U turn sxb? hiding from the truth now? didn't you make the below post correctly linking Heri Gaab/Dhabshiil to shabab? the whole community crap is bogus and you know it, I been to Hargaisa several times and it's no different from Xamar.

The evidence is stupendously overwhelming the officials in Somaliland are in cahoot with shabab since the Ethiopian's removed ICU, that's the reason why no attack happens, we both know Godane travelled regularly to Hargaisa.

We have African intelligence, CIA documents and the famous white Jihadist all collaborating the same evidence, the operation head quarters is in Hargaisa run from the Ethiopian embassy by Brigadier General Berhe Tesfaye

We know who the dude that bombed the airline was or the politician that blew himself up at the airport, we know the depth these scums go through for ictiraaf, we seen the recent threat of civil war if there is no ictiraaf
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What's with the U turn sxb? hiding from the truth now? didn't you make the below post correctly linking Heri Gaab/Dhabshiil to shabab? the whole community crap is bogus and you know it, I been to Hargaisa several times and it's no different from Xamar.

The evidence is stupendously overwhelming the officials in Somaliland are in cahoot with shabab since the Ethiopian's removed ICU, that's the reason why no attack happens, we both know Godane travelled regularly to Hargaisa.

We have African intelligence, CIA documents and the famous white Jihadist all collaborating the same evidence, the operation head quarters is in Hargaisa run from the Ethiopian embassy by Brigadier General Berhe Tesfaye

We know who the dude that bombed the airline was or the politician that blew himself up at the airport, we know the depth these scums go through for ictiraaf, we seen the recent threat of civil war.

I didn't say the Somaliland politicians are innocent of Al shabab activities and links. I know
many of them are involved in it, but I am talking about the average Lander civilian.


Jet life till my next life
You sound like Dahir Alasow. You make of Somaliland something it ain't, we're getting by and we're not that sophisticated to plan/finance terror attacks in Somalia but anything that takes the blame away from Reer Konfuur and their wahabi/khawarij ideologies :heh:
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Ibnu Suxuufi Ibnu Al Dhoobe
The reason why those groups don't have a foothold in Somaliland could be no community is harboring them. If any
community was harboring though like what happens in the south then we would see multiple deadly suicide attacks in
Sland. ISIS and Al shabab lack public support in Sland that is the main reason.

One of my close Marexaan friends said the same thing. He said xamar has so many marginalised groups such as, digil midhifle , bantu, dir who have nothing to lose so they join and harbor shabab
I met Godane's son I'm Hargeisa and one of my friends is related to godane (he is not faithful) :lol:

I wouldn't tell their names and their clan but I remember asking them where is your father he told me he died and he was a big shiekh in somalia lol.

Matter of fact the the worst thing was that his sons were spoiled with videogames , villa house and the family was rich.

They also had latest phones and videogames :lol:


One of my close Marexaan friends said the same thing. He said xamar has so many marginalised groups such as, digil midhifle , bantu, dir who have nothing to lose so they join and harbor shabab

It makes sense from their point of view. If you have nothing to lose why not take out 30 of your rivals. :manny:
Most of the Al shabab attacks are not religious related but vengeance.
I met Godane's son I'm Hargeisa and one of my friends is related to godane (he is not faithful) :lol:

I wouldn't tell their names and their clan but I remember asking them where is your father he told me he died and he was a big shiekh in somalia lol.

Matter of fact the the worst thing was that his sons were spoiled with videogames , villa house and the family was rich.

They also had latest phones and videogames :lol:

It is sad all these warlords, terrorists and corrupted leaders' families are enjoying good life and they are sending the poor people to death.
It is sad all these warlords, terrorists and corrupted leaders' families are enjoying good life and they are sending the poor people to death.

They are holding back the development and progress of Somalia but if you visit their home you will think you are in Paradise.

Its very ignorant and greedy
It is sad all these warlords, terrorists and corrupted leaders' families are enjoying good life and they are sending the poor people to death.

Now that we at it, will you on the same righteous tone condemn Abo Siyaad for sending thousands to akhiro when his family were living lavishly in the west :lolbron: hypocritical much? :drakelaugh:
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