Marrying out and Somali self-hate.

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Our people are facing a big problem. Marrying out and self-hating Somalis. This is an epidemic in our community and its growing larger and larger by the day. Whether it's males or females, our people need a desperate change.

Somalis hate each other and these problems come from back home. Fast forward and we reach the west, where parents pass down more Somali self-hate to their children and it leads to marrying out and the SJW/BLM warriors.

Somalis wouldn't let their son or daughter marry the "enemy qabiil" but are perfectly fine with their daughter or son marrying a ajnabi who was only a Muslim for a short period of time. This leads to more problems as the ajnabi leaves the Somali they're with and goes on to start a new family with his own people. It leads to confused half-Somali kids who think they're "Somali" just because "Muh Mum and Dad are Somali, therefore I'm Somali". Let me put it this way, if a coffee bean has tobacco in it, is it still a coffee bean? No! It's a biracial/mixed bean that has been tainted with. That exactly is what a half-Somali is. They're not one of us.

But the self-hating doesn't stop there. It continues with the SJW/BLM Somalis. These idiots are literally marching and creating posters about ajnabi injustices and those ajnabis don't give a f*ck about Somalia in return. Somali SJW/BLM idiots hate being Somali and would rather help ajnabis then they're own people back home. As the saying goes, charity starts at home.

These are the biggest issues facing Somalis today. By 2025, the average Somali will be mixed with some sort of ajnabi genes and will be an SJW/BLM dirtbag.
" if a coffee bean has tobacco in it, is it still a coffee bean? No! It's a biracial/mixed bean that has been tainted with" nearly choked on my shaah:drakelaugh:
Its somali women who are marrying out more than farahs. You know why? Because Farahs bring nothing to the table. NADA.
Not all such as myself. generally as a people we are shitty ngl. Horta you've been shitting on somali men excessively. Can you tell me what you bring to the table apart from your siil? :hmm:
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A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Its somali women who are marrying out more than farahs. You know why? Because Farahs bring nothing to the table. NADA.
I concur masha Allah Somali sisters marry out a lot more than faraxs for example most of my ajnabi friends are married to xalimos masha Allah


Hey @Boqol

I understand ur frustration sxb about the qabiil issues. but try to look it from a different perspective. There will never be shortage of Somalis marrying Somalis, however we are all individuals and not a collective group who may or may not share the same outlook in life. If someone wants to marry ajnabi, that is perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with their children choosing to identify with their Somali side. I and many others will welcome them with open arms while those who believe in the outdated concept of racial supremacy will reject them. I also agree with you on the plethora of misguided youth on social media fighting for questionable causes or ejecting themselves into issues far more complicated than meets the naked eye. But that shouldn't be a reason to lose hope, everything will work itself out in the end :)
Not all such as myself. generally as a people we are shitty ngl. Horta you've been shitting on somali men excessively. Can you tell me what you bring to the table apart from your siil? :hmm:

Its too late sxb. This is the future. who cares what other somalis in the west do. Focus on improving Somalia.

Your a self-hater for that comment. Somalis in the west directly affect the images of Somalis worldwide. Of course I care about these neefs ruining our great ethnicity. I focus on Somalia too but when you have Somalis acting like fools in the west, it grinds your gears.
Its somali women who are marrying out more than farahs. You know why? Because Farahs bring nothing to the table. NADA.

We do bring something to the table. We bring education, money, and love.

We just don't put it on a self-hating like yourself table.

There's levels to this naaya. Just because succesful Somali brothers don't want you, don't get mad, change your ways instead.
Hey @Boqol

I understand ur frustration sxb about the qabiil issues. but try to look it from a different perspective. There will never be shortage of Somalis marrying Somalis, however we are all individuals and not a collective group who may or may not share the same outlook in life. If someone wants to marry ajnabi, that is perfectly fine and there's nothing wrong with their children choosing to identify with their Somali side. I and many others will welcome them with open arms while those who believe in the outdated concept of racial supremacy will reject them. I also agree with you on the plethora of misguided youth on social media fighting for questionable causes or ejecting themselves into issues far more complicated than meets the naked eye. But that shouldn't be a reason to lose hope, everything will work itself out in the end :)

I agree with everything you said except your "welcoming marrying out and half-Somalis with open arms".


Not your typical Farah
Our people are facing a big problem. Marrying out and self-hating Somalis. This is an epidemic in our community and its growing larger and larger by the day. Whether it's males or females, our people need a desperate change.

How many people are you seeing doing this exactly? For every 10 marriages, how many are interracial?

Somalis hate each other and these problems come from back home. Fast forward and we reach the west, where parents pass down more Somali self-hate to their children and it leads to marrying out and the SJW/BLM warriors.

Are the parents passing down "Somali self-hate" or just tribal hate? It's rare that I see anti-Somaliness in my family/community. Where do you live and where do you see this mostly? I agree about the SJW stuff. But, what did you expect? Somalis are "black" and Muslim? Did you expected them to be moderate or conservative?

Somalis wouldn't let their son or daughter marry the "enemy qabiil" but are perfectly fine with their daughter or son marrying a ajnabi who was only a Muslim for a short period of time. This leads to more problems as the ajnabi leaves the Somali they're with and goes on to start a new family with his own people. It leads to confused half-Somali kids who think they're "Somali" just because "Muh Mum and Dad are Somali, therefore I'm Somali". Let me put it this way, if a coffee bean has tobacco in it, is it still a coffee bean? No! It's a biracial/mixed bean that has been tainted with. That exactly is what a half-Somali is. They're not one of us.

But again, what kind of Somalis are okay with interracial? Are they more Liberal on this issue or just doing the whole Ummah thing?

But the self-hating doesn't stop there. It continues with the SJW/BLM Somalis. These idiots are literally marching and creating posters about ajnabi injustices and those ajnabis don't give a f*ck about Somalia in return. Somali SJW/BLM idiots hate being Somali and would rather help ajnabis then they're own people back home. As the saying goes, charity starts at home.

But if you're talking about BLM, SJW Somalis would argue that since Somalis are "black", they will face "systemic racism". This wouldn't make this an ajnabi injustice from their perspective.

These are the biggest issues facing Somalis today. By 2025, the average Somali will be mixed with some sort of ajnabi genes and will be an SJW/BLM dirtbag.

I honestly doubt, lol. I think some will, but not the majority. Also, 2025 is too soon to see these future half-breeds :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:


I agree with everything you said except your "welcoming marrying out and half-Somalis with open arms".

We are all human beings, everything else is secondary. Try to remember that languages, cultures, identities, borders etc are social construct and nothing is ever permanent. Half Somalis are not better or lesser than full Somalis, thus deserve to be loved and welcomed just like u would family members :)
I am very pleased that you are
calacal-ing. It means that y'all are not dismissing this anymore. You know this is a big and fast cultural change.

I call it the Qeylo Revolution. It symbolizes Somali girls who are very loud and attention seeking people in general. The Somali girls are at the front leading this.

I ask that they call me if they need any resources or assistance while they do this revolution. I am loyal to this cause as f*ck


We are all human beings, everything else is secondary. Try to remember that languages, cultures, identities, borders etc are social construct and nothing is ever permanent. Half Somalis are not better or lesser than full Somalis, thus deserve to be loved and welcomed just like u would family members :)

Hell to the fucking muqmaad no :camby:
I am very pleased that you are
calacal-ing. It means that y'all are not dismissing this anymore. You know this is a big and fast cultural change.

I call it the Qeylo Revolution. It symbolizes Somali girls who are very loud and attention seeking people in general. The Somali girls are at the front leading this.

I ask that they call me if they need any resources or assistance while they do this revolution. I am loyal to this cause as f*ck



Its time we addressed it.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Speaking of selfhate I got s scenario say if s Guy/girl bring home someone they want to marry But the parents refuse to allow the marriage due to qabiil

So the kid brings an ajnaabi snd the parents approve

Whose the selfhater the kid or the parents?
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