Marriage age?

Age of your partner

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23 is still incredibly young. No 23 yr old is going to feel insecure about her age. Only a pedo man would behave as though that’s old.
23 is no spring chicken either way and in fact it's in the 'mid-twenties' category not in the 'early twenties' category like 21 is, even at 21 that is the age you are more than a fully grown women and imo the official 'fully grown' status is 19 for a woman she can do whatever she wants it's 'her body', her choice' in a western liberal society.

You don't understand women always lie about their age online like how men lie about their height online.
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More and more zoomer women are going for older men. In a few years time there’ll be none left for us zoomer cels

The Simpsons Depression GIF
I'm not getting criptic. I'm just sorry that you cannot think abstractly. There is a difference in stating a general opinion of a certain demographic and a personal one. My personal opinion isn't what is currently needed in this convo.
But that whole time you are not stating a general opinion of ladies that age Yaraye you are not a teen you can't speak for them.
You are stating your personal opinion because no decent guy hollas at you at all, you did admit you are average looking, fat, dark skin, jrrer hair and on top of that you're a androphobe and misandrist and probably socially awkward in real life so no guy is checking for you at all at any age Yaraye you need to stop deceiving teenage chicks like @Xoxoxo she is slim, sexxy, above average looking so she has a lot of options and she can easily bag a mid-twenties faarax who has his sht together like his 1. graduate job 2. Nice car 3. Bachelor pad... You on the hand Yaraye are a mid-twenties trainee nurse with hundreds-of-thousands dollers of student debt, stop trying to act like you a catch every single gender war thread you're hella annoying.
It’s not happening
Your preference is your preference but always remember young ladies like you are in their prime so yall have the most options so just you speak for yourself go after your own self-interest and if that is a younger guy your age then OK no sweat whatever makes you happy.
Just don't let miserable 30 year olds like @empressjamila @Angelina or fat mid-twenties like @Yaraye or bots like @JackieBurkhart and the others I didn't mention deceive you.
23 is no spring chicken either way and in fact it's in the 'mid-twenties' category not in the 'early twenties' category like 21 is, even at 21 that is the age you are more than a fully grown women and imo the official 'fully grown' status is 19 for a woman she can do whatever she wants it's 'her body', her choice' in a western liberal society.

You don't understand women always lie about their age online like how men lie about their height online.
I don’t know. I’m 29, 23 is a baby to me. It’s the height of someone’s prime. 23 is still early 20s. 24, 25 is mid 20s.

There is no reason why a 23 yr old woman needs to lie about her age. That’s the age most men who aren’t obsessed with teens prefer.
But that whole time you are not stating a general opinion of ladies that age Yaraye you are not a teen you can't speak for them.
You are stating your personal opinion because no decent guy hollas at you at all, you did admit you are average looking, fat, dark skin, jrrer hair and on top of that you're a androphobe and misandrist and probably socially awkward in real life so no guy is checking for you at all at any age Yaraye you need to stop deceiving teenage chicks like @Xoxoxo she is slim, sexxy, above average looking so she has a lot of options and she can easily bag a mid-twenties faarax who has his sht together like his 1. graduate job 2. Nice car 3. Bachelor pad... You on the hand Yaraye are a mid-twenties trainee nurse with hundreds-of-thousands dollers of student debt, stop trying to act like you a catch every single gender war thread you're hella annoying.

this is all getting far too personal in here for no reason lets all take this down a notch and why is being dark skinned or having kinky hair considered a bad thing
well do you see yourself in a position to get married any time soon?
i thought you where part of the halal gang or is lack of opportunity the only thing holding you back and keeping you halal :farmajoyaab:
You can’t tell whether you’re halal gang or not unless you’re actually tested with baddies going for you. I’ll get married as soon as it’s feasible

A Mean Guy

Minister of Ajanabi Affairs
I mean, I didn’t even insult anyone? Why are we over 25 yr olds being shitted on when it wasn’t even us arguing with these guys and their preferences?

Angry GIF

You catch strays in every gender war thread
Even if you don’t participate in them, someone will tag u :russ:


But that whole time you are not stating a general opinion of ladies that age Yaraye you are not a teen you can't speak for them.
You are stating your personal opinion because no decent guy hollas at you at all, you did admit you are average looking, fat, dark skin, jrrer hair and on top of that you're a androphobe and misandrist and probably socially awkward in real life so no guy is checking for you at all

As a fat, average looking, dark skin, Madow hair, androphobe, and misandrist, socially akward person I'm allowed to have an opinion

at any age Yaraye you need to stop deceiving teenage chicks like @Xoxoxo she is slim, sexxy, above average looking so she has a lot of options and she can easily bag a mid-twenties faarax who has his sht together like his 1. graduate job 2. Nice car 3. Bachelor pad...
Mashaallah for her :stevej:
You on the hand Yaraye are a mid-twenties trainee nurse with hundreds-of-thousands dollers of student debt, stop trying to act like you a catch every single gender war thread you're hella annoying.
I'm a hella catch. Stay triggered nigga :gaasdrink:
I mean, I didn’t even insult anyone? Why are we over 25 yr olds being shitted on when it wasn’t even us arguing with these guys and their preferences?

Angry GIF
its because your the one all the halimos call on for support or you do the fighting from the onset so everyone talks as if your gonna come swooping in sooner or later so include you in automatically :drakelaugh:

the stray bullets are unwarranted i get tagged like this from time to time aswell because some of the guys on here think im a feminist blm farax
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