Madow more likely to be qanis


teetering in-between realities
But white live in a 2 parent household in middle class communities, but black people live in a single house hold in poverty communities where they are vulnerable sexual abuse from boyfriends that mommy brought over
yeah its definitely possible but generally whites commit more sexual assault than blacks, most people like to bring up how blacks generally commit more crime due to economic factors, but when you look into the crimes committed, violent and drug crime tend to be at the very top while sexual assault isn't. Blacks are economically disadvantaged which might increase the rate of sexual crimes as low income communities tend to commit more crimes but I'm pretty sure that low income white communities commit a lot more rape than their white counterparts
Why trust a study done by white people to be unbiased? Anyway during college everyone knew white guys would try anything once meaning gay activities. So why would these white people come out with this racist study because they want to stain the name of black people yet again. How can they say black people are prone to criminality at the same time homosexuality the two don’t go together.
Why trust a study done by white people to be unbiased? Anyway during college everyone knew white guys would try anything once meaning gay activities. So why would these white people come out with this racist study because they want to stain the name of black people yet again. How can they say black people are prone to criminality at the same time homosexuality the two don’t go together.
The two actually go together, white men will commit homosexual activities in their sports club or Greek fraternity as hazing they don’t see it as homosexual and but as male exerting his dominance therefore he’s not gay therefore criminal activities such as joining gangs are basically the same as fraternities and they have hazing, as well as prison homosexual actitivities are not regarded as gay

